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Show j COUNT! HEWS. Items of Interest .Catherel by Our' Correspin!cnts la Virions i Towns of CdDDty. j . : i Kam, T'rAii, Sept. 3, HKI2. Eiirna Tin re : ' Our Dfw church la lowing up. The! i' brick wallt are five fcet tilth all around, i Ward K. Peck m.d wife, Pearl Pack,) LiiileTlioiua., (.race K. Park and C. A. j Callla wentdoao to Sol'. Lake Monday. j Ward conference -iue held here lar a ' J Kamla. Nrarly ati"u7" the Slake a J J . ward ofllcert tpoke rtrdcringan acco nt of theinaelvei during the fatal year. j taut Improvement ia manilrat la r tMA to keuplng the war-' ledum. ' County Coininiitiui r Jtrlin C. Lam-I bert haa amj, ,., 4m, kj(in,,y trouble for anWIm( ln, hl , condition ' became eo critical iha, J'r. Vynrh, who bat been alt inSh. ., l thai he be taken t t)ie I,,,,, .1 HU Lake. Hewai taken in "nM lajr , Ida wife and two bn.tr.ert mnm.-f .. r.nj Mm. At latt account! I. ,Al6;' ,1, ,0 lw op a eratrd on. It I, xffj hoped be will tpoedily recover, i v j ' . V'v' 'uh, Sept4, 1H02. ''"'y.i irt-uii , tb .l , itograpbere, are ' uoll'ljoiiiewoi g here tl.il week. Ml a France. Wright. i now behind 'jjev-ounier lu, Marco'int' atore. mkh poet I eo tclaim : "And we itill atlve andean ice each other a The cold, iiighta and liornlngt have ' ' . -T made thei' garden Unci look rather SI - Mve. Jrt.'wP V t ... Jf tng I'" oiug a uoiue i tat more ten-1 tral p lit of tows. "TrutU crushed lo earth till rle J again," baa been proven, a trueiiin her I during tbe purl few day. Chariet V. Seymour o( Oakley wai In town tlee (1rat of the week. The gentle-1 man fun aa happy and contented at tha day II long. J. A. Merchant went tu hie ranch in Weber eanyoti yeaterday. The geulle-man geulle-man will move hie family home from the ranch thia week. A newipiiper loan hai an up bill work; it ia "be damned if yon do, and be damned il you don't." It all depeuda on whueeox la being gored. Thomiii Ihageof llolllday. Bait Uke county, la here on a yieit with aome of bla old f rienda. Tom ia the aaroe geuiitl, whole aoiiled and happy gentleman iia be hat been in the paet. The coining election will be fought to a mil. hand Iwth political f.artiei art . preparing i'r tbe bailie of hallott. The J county at rou.oval will be tha ureal lactor in Ine battle i then again, yry J iruiig effort will lw mwle to get tbe beat j J uien to arcept ol offli-e In the precinct a county; the party that will carry out! . Ibli pluu ia bound to win. ' 11. R. K. Vim. 'boi-khikt j ki.i i'"KT, I'leh, Kepi, -h I'.KiJ, Kiutoh Tim ki : J Kira Workman and w ile of Vntk City j n,.,i.. a holt vt.it here oi, M-nday. i Mr. Leak and liioiily Ir"1" Sllt , vnlb-y are vbi'intr with Iriemla here. J ! Mta.dibl.inaaii.l a n letorned Mon- ; d.y Iroina via t wiih IrUn la in llebcr. ' ! The apeukeiaat our meeiiim laaifsuu- ) d,iv n f h. Wright, Oior Wilkini' ! an I (ller (iibbona. I ! A .l a.-.:i lent ha,.pe..ed beieveai.r. d.vr.auhingiu the uVaih f Ibe four-. I ;.ol.m..n of Will mll'r.ci,,d. C....ey. The liltlo 1 ,l hoa.e bt a lew minutea ' " be ' found by Lie eldret broth. M""; j H.able l)ii o '"' '" i ' thotuht ti.al heclii.'ifd .... 'I" - tiou and ttaried to cl,u.l. uo .i. ho..u I c when tha animal moved and be fell on hia head, breaking bla neck. Nobody aaw the arcidcut, When It occurred Mra. Coaaey waa at ttie home of her mother and remarked to a friend there that abe bad eleven children, all hale and hearty, and a few ininutea latur ahe received tbe aad uewaof her aon'a denth. The juitice of the M.ace anil levenil citi lent met hut they did not think it necea. aary to hold an in)ueat. funeral will b held Thtirtday. er a NHiiir. Wa , Utah, b'ept. 3, 1(K2. Koitok T.MKa: Lorenro Anderion la down from Idaho viaiting bia parenta and (rienda. The aound of tbe reaper ii heard now-ji-daya. The grain ciop ia gootl. Miaa Killa Pendleton baa returned from Croyden after a pleaaant vialt with frienila. We had aa tnieaionariea laal S'lndrtv Jiiai.-i-.-. i. i ',rj 71 Namuel linn ton of Oakley. Mr. and Mra. K. K. Young are lu Tark City with their ton Ned, who ia aurTorlrig with an abce.a on the leg. The priealbo.id meeting held here l"t S.mitday waa well attended. The ladiea rrve-l biiuh and the brethren teemed to appreciate it very u.t.' h. Fted Ruvnolda hat been calling on tome of hit (rienda here thia week. It it nuderatond that be will apeud the winter in New York and this time be doea not so alone. ' IIOIITftVII.L. HovTavn i.x, Utah, Pept, 4, KMC. EiHTonTiMKe: Mi.t Florence lirown laalowlyiecover-i laalowlyiecover-i ing from her recent illneaa. Primary conference wai well attended aud all report an enjoyable tune. Mr. and Mri. David NefT returned j horn from Vernal the laat ol the week. The wedding dance of David and I Emma NefT waa given la.it Friday even-. even-. ing. (Julie a number of our young peoo'e jatt.-ndi d I lie wedding dance of Alex, i eitreel in I'pt'.n oh the 3id. William and Frank F.drjel and Cheater j Maliu left fi.r l'rnvo thia week wheie I they will attend the Ii. Y. Academy. I l'he Y. L. M. I. A. of iloyi.vi lu will It ive a d.un-f on die evening ol Aunu.il , day, Sept. II" b. All are coi.liully In-! In-! vited to attend. |