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Show I "" Wlf. Win f-et llnM tun afx,n with rar They glide alnn Ihe aire,!. A seared kn.S I" tha erca n,u atara Into It. eva they meet, Aa If th-r would l.l"lf Tor hrlnsln In the earth The rilm-nrd of their eot.a and algha That mill th soj of inlrlh. Th.iw llll t"" lined llh rare; Thoae I'llle nhoetena feet That ahlvrr In '' treaty air; Th'inc wlalful Vce I Itirpl - They haunt me Ihrnuah the tuay day And rome ! me at Light Whm h..n. I oatrh my own at play. So slad i( heart and htlahl. Thou, rather nf the rnlherleaa Wnli-h nr them all the Kay. . Thrnugh all HI'- a p-rlla iuMf and blai The IIMIr on-a, wa iriiy. Who early fa--e the orittetn a win) Anil want ahlle nthera wanle. Tlir wind I" alnil at hcnrt-li.it oh! Ho thouatiUenn In Ita hnnle. Mr need, are amall. I aak nut wealth, Am .are I fur fi.me. The one rl.h boon I crave la health And ati"'S'h of mind and frame. Hint I iih il"da nf love may gem The rhlMho'Ml nf my nun, And aland helweni the world and them 1111 lin y ran aland alone W. U Han ford In Hallaa Newt. Won Hli Wty to Fortune Onr there was boy of the nam. of Hunt! MrOowan, who went to K-i-ana ('Mr In search of work. Hit found Ihla HI th atablot of th street rar company, ml the work consisted Argely In currying mil. The rurry-In! rurry-In! of mules la not n attractive vocation, vo-cation, hut Hugh nover grumbled, ami ha sent them nut to work looking mora fit than Ihcy ever had In all Hi 11 history of ranld tranalt In Kanaaa City, llii rurrlii) I hum mules au lalthfnlly hamt now ha ilora not have to curry mule anjf mure. M.tlowan la now a lira man, wlih mllllona of dollara under lita ronlrot. Ho had cached the age of 40 lieforo he had earned ao nmrli aa II (HI a month. No man ran rise lo fame by thn mere process of curry Itiai mulct, but If tlila duty fall lo hla lot ho ran do It ao arnll aa to ahow what la In him Thua did Mrtiowan: he attracted thn attention of hla auporlort and waa promoted lo thn driving of a rar. Then ha ant on th police form; all alallona hum hie enough. After a , while the agent of a tile; concern tailed Kanaaa City anil while there sought to find a aultahle man In represent rep-resent hla ronrorn. MrOowan waa chosen, net merely because he had turrled nulea well, hut that hn had Kuiie Inln every fluid Inspired alwaya lr the niollia to do the heat he could. He la now 43 yeare of age, a aolld I (III jen, wltb a Ion bank account, and a reputation that la of far greater value than any great aura of money, pldera That Boa th Compass. If you discover you are loat during th holiday! on noma lonely roiintry road. Drat atop and pull yonrtolf to-gel to-gel her. Th next atep la to da the mi. Mlnta of eomnaa- When that ' "V - m ai .fr-SM ve able Mr o tn tn ncneral dta-aSiun yuli wlah. ...a-" Kind a mature tree which atandi apart from Ita fellow; ven If It I inly allahlly aeparated It will do. Th bark of tlila Im will be hardier, drier, and lluliler In color on the ninth aide, tin the north It will be darker, and often at tl'n ronta It will have a rltiuip of mould or moaa. i Ud the anulh idle of all oiTKrorn- trtwa gum which ooxea frmn wuunda - or knotholna will be hard and amber culiired; on the north tlila auin la aull or. Ki'ta covered with dual, and la of a dirty itn'y. Hard wood treca - tho oak, aah, I'liua, hlikorloa, and ao forth have moaa and mould on the north. l.cavea are amnller, tuiiyticr. HkIiIit In color, and with darker relna on the anulh; mi the north they are lumter.of darker iiiwp, and wltb IlKliler velna. Hiilderj build on the eonta aide. Cedara bend their tlpa lo the aouth. Any lawod or cut aliimp will live you th eoutti aide. The heart of the etuinp la thua nearer to the north aid. tttonea are bar on the aouth aide, and. If they have moaa at all. It will ' he on thn north aide. Filipino Soy a Kltaa. Jnat now aa wa came In off the atreet we law a Filipino boy, about a year old, Hit a feather for a kite, write a lourlat In th Manila Juatlila, The feather waa not in on. than two luchea lona, and an Inch wide at the Carina; eud. He bad 1 thread Hud lo It In two place, tlf j ronrae the feather did not fly much, J but tba boy nmuied bltnaelf with It ,1 tor morn than fl nilnulea that we watched bliti. There were no other chllilron alMiut, and he never aald a 1 word. Never complained when It did ! uot fly. or eapreaaed any rx lainatlon i i of Joy when It did. j Theao Klllplno bo) a will fly m.Mit anything. A leaf out of a book, a i tear of a tree, a piece of newapapcr, ? a lu-etle or a bee-a locuat or a bird. 1 Kor making and firing giaieful, arlla . Ilu and bird like kite our home boy ' are aim ply not In It with the r'HIilnoa buy. Their beat llylng kliea teach a V gn-at height, and the way they ami ' j ahoiit In the air. one would have to i oo.TVe clnaely lo lint lulalake them k for a Inige bird. It (h not unuMtial ' to ace aoverill "f tlnae lillea In the , aunoi lui iilltv. and Itiev reaenilile lour j Ir.a hak lookltiK for prey. Myaterloua Wiltn. III Ilia preaelice of your roinpnny ' plH'-e on etch fl(!e of a tntile knife thnti wufera. Take in.. knir by Mm I haudlo and turn II over axveral tlinca ! I i Hhnw that the wafer are all on. ( Iteiueal one of tbe puny to Hike a i wafer from one aide of the blade, turn tho knife over two or tlnee tlin.a, "1 : and there will aeem to lie only two wafera on eai h ride; take oft anol'ier wafer, turn tbe knife aa before, and It will appear a If only one waier waa on each aide; take the third wafer off. and again turn the knife dexter oualy twice or thrlee, and It will ap pear a if all the wafera had (II nap pea red from each aide. Next turn the knife nine or twite more, and three wafera will appear on each aide, a at the flrat. In performing the trick uae wafera all of one a te and color, and alwaya have one aide of '.in knife uppernioat, an that the wafera may be taken one by one from that aide; three wafera will thua be left un touched on the other aide, and afier you have made It appear that there are no wafera on either able, you may. to all appearunce. ahow tlirce on each. When turning t:ie knife you muat, a you lift It up. turn II completely round wlih your II liter and thumb, ao aa alwaya to bring the aama aldo up permoat. Oon't B a Bacond-clait Man. You tan hardly Imagine a boy aav-Ing; aav-Ing; "I am going to l a ancond-claaa ancond-claaa man. I don't want to be flrat-rlaaa flrat-rlaaa and gel the good Joa, tho h.li pay. Kecoud-claaa Joba are good enough for me" Hurh a boy would be regarded aa lacking In good acme. If not In aanlty. You ran get to fx a aecond-claaa ntan, however, by not trying lo be a Drat claaa one. Thou-anda Thou-anda do that all the lime, ao thai aecond claaa men are a drug on the market, remarka Hucccaa. rJecoml claaa thlnga are only wanted when drat claaa can t ho had. You wear flrat claaa rlnthra If you can pay for them, eat flrat i lana butler, flint r'ana meat and flrat .claaa bread, or. If you ilnn l. you wlah you could. Hec cnd-claaa men are no more wanted than any other aecond-claaa coinmod Ity. They are taken and tiaed when th belter article la acarce or la tie) high priced for thn on anion. Koi work that really amounta to anything, flrat ilana men aro wanted. Interesting Experiment. A almplo experiment that many boy a hav tried la th following: Kill a nimbler with water, and on It place a aheet of paper. I'laoe one band on lb paper and then Invert tho glaaa. Itemovo the hand from the paper and the water will not tell out. Another Intereatlng experiment la thua deacribed: Heat a pine." of thick t.rowu paiwr before the lire. I'loc.i It on Ibe table and rub It wlih a rlothea bruah fur half a minute. Then aall lb piece of brown paiier over aome amall, light body, aucB a llllln aheet of blotting paper, and the light body will Jump In tha moat excited manner. If the brown paper la held over anmebod'a head tha halra will Immediately aland airtight "'jr. - Two Boya Who Will Prosper. Arthur W. Ilarker. Maryavllle. Kas., baa completed hla eleventh winter term of school, l ast year he paid bl lultlon lu the Modem Normal College, which la eight dollara for a term of ten wocka, by aweeplng and building (liea. Ho did the earn Ihla year. Arthur la right tackle In the Modern Normal College Kuothall team. r'red V. lloaton, ami a hoy friend of Wheeling, w. Va , have a ahop. Tliev call Ihcmaclvca the Junior Itoyerof-tors, Itoyerof-tors, after tho Itoyrrnf lera of Kunt Aurora. N. Y. T.io boys malio odd turiilturo, eniployliig ai roll aawlug and pyrogrnphy. They have eight dollara In their treaaury. and have an order for all dollara' worth of furniture. furni-ture. They got nine dollara (or a table lliey recently made. Willy Nllly Wolf. In the fame of willy nllly wolf. "II" Is Ibe "wolf," and reverae ttm uaual method by billing hlmaelf. Th othera then try to find him. and the auccesarul boy aeta up a ahout of "I spy!" Tbe "wolf" crle "Stand!" and the boy muat not move until he annuls "I spy willy nllly wolf!" At this the "wulf" makea after him. and when the boy la raugbt he becomes blmaelf "a wolf," and muat help to capture atlll another, until all are "wolvea." An Interesting technicality of tlila game la that, ahould the boy rry "I spy willy nllly dog." or "horae," or any other name except "wolf," th "wolf" may not allr from hla position. Run-a-MII. In run a mile the boya count out and "II" bides his eyes. Ho Is then touched by iniu boy, who Immediately conceals hlmaelf with the others. When "It" baa counted UK) or ao he starts out lo And Ihe "toucher." Kach player, when discovered, steps f mm bis biding place, but offers no Information as to thn whereabout of tho "toucher" unless, Indeed, h be thai same. In which cane n.a ... citing race to home occurs, and If ' "It" gia there flrat bo may aet anr tank be plcaaca for the "toucher" lo perform, even lo the running of a tulle. Hut It la anfe lo amnion thai this penalty la seldom exacted or paid. How Old In tha Earth? Sir Ar.nll'itld tieikle. In a recent a.lilreaa In London, mild that flKiliini; from 111., stratified rocks of tin. earth erunt iimv iuiiko front a minimum of 7:i.nnu non year op to a lutixtmum of (,Ko,mM.i!iil yearn. Ilnna on the snuei hilnin figures ttnil the curtli's cruni la 4.min. I years while Alfred lius- ael Wallace nc.uroH thut the . arth crust han Ihvh loriuji h for ;' j ju'j j.uiu c;tm |