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Show WHERt CRIME 13 UNKNOWN. I iljnd of Tr -.tr.in D Aeunha Boasts Unique Oiltinction. I I he recent death in his ninety flfib ', year, of Thornim U iitnon. the "gover- , nor ' of the sm.HI l-latld of TrlHtrnn d'Acuiiha. in the South Atlantic mi an. i dlrei is niti ntimi lo a Hub' community , which Is prnclhnlly severed from , lotimiuiiii iillon Willi tbe rest of tuc ; w orld Trial ran d Acnnha as dlacov f- ' red by the Porlugueao In 1f'". "rt j . .' formal possession wna taken of this ? small apeck In the ocean In 1H71 by B 1 pnny of lirlt 1.-rt artillery, the bet- ler to keep a watch on Napoleon, nt . that lime u prisoner 111 HI. Helena. I ' On the death of Napoleon the aoldiert were withdrawn, with tho esreptton ' f of Corporal tiluss and two compan- , Ions, who. with some whullHK men, were the founders of the present set- ( tlenienl. The colony fluurlshed and k numbered In IS2H Iwenty seven souls. f and In 1KS7 there was a population of ninety seven. Property Is held In common ami there la no atrong drink. and no crime, while the Inhabitants are healthy and long lived. Tho old est Inhabitant acta aa governor. A ship of war paya the Island an annual visit and brings the only mall thai . ever reaches the Inhabitants. The act- lenient la In a fertile fart of the l land, and la called New Edinburgh The population has been for aome years almost stationary, and I affect ! ed by mlgratlona to the Cap. Wat-aon, Wat-aon, the deceased governor, went to Trlstrsn d'Acnnha from the Cape sixty-five years sgn. and never after wards left tbe Island. |