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Show BLASTING OUT STUMPS. The lee ml Dewaaalle Ita Haw riaee Ike lrtrl. In the removal of large atuiupa dynamite dyna-mite la eervlrenhle and eeonnmlcal. Wbll It will e-Mom blow the attimp out uf Ihe ground. It will naually apllt It In aeveral parte and lay bar) the roota. thua ennbllng the grublef to tnke out the etuuip plwe by plei'e. The cuit of till eiploalve will not Juatlfy Ita uae on atuiupa under all or elKht Inche In diameter. It la ti e-penalre e-penalre for general uae In clearing Innd. The coat will approalmalely vary from 10 to SO cent r aliiinp. Dyuamlte ronalata of nitroglycerin mll wllh a granular abaorlieiit, and wherever there la nitroglycerin there la danger. The lower grade of dynamite, dyna-mite, thoae containing about .TO per cent of nitroglycerin, are prefcrnble utNAHin ciMtatiKia in roarrioH. for atump blaatlng lieeauae they explode ex-plode with leaa auddi'iineaa, and their tendency la more to upheave than to abetter, ltynanille la very dainreroua If careleaaly handh-d; alo If placed by lnei.pcrtciifed handa niuch uf It la likely like-ly to be mlaiippllid. Heme It will b anfer nn.l cheaper to Ajj"J' enrl-euced enrl-euced help In Ita ue. V1 I irtui mlln cornea In cylindrical ath ka of illfTerenl alwa and lengtha. The qunnllty to nc In blowing out a atump dependa ii.iceaaurlly uon the alio of the atump. The chame. with cup and fuao attm h.-.l. el.nuld bo placed In a hot leinnl for Ihe purHto aa nearly aa imm-alhle imm-alhle miller the atump. The hole aboiild then bn tllbM with earth aad gently taniiml. Then Ihe fuae mny bo lighted light-ed and the oierntor retreat lieyond the range of Hying fragment a, It la generally concealed by thoae fnmllliir wllh dynamite that tha moat cnWtmil dealrii. tlon ol the atump la achieved by boring lato It aa low dowa aa poaalhle, thua adding ronatderal ly to Ihe force of Ike eiploalon (ee the cull. Thl memiKl, however, adda to Iho time nud alior and lienco to the eoat per attiuip. while Iho more coni-Aiion coni-Aiion in. .il -I of digging down by the Vk!r of. I'W atuuip aud huUowlng out a i5'i'e III.-' flN-re te- clinm la Jie4 elll g.'tiernlty apllt lip tlio .iiii.m aiillli-l. ntlv to iniike Ita removal no ouay mutter.-K. Wllllnma, Jr, Virginia. Vir-ginia. SMALL SEPARATORS. The. Are lir.v.1.. Terr Pepwl.e. The rreah aklaaaallk. There are great objection lo hnvlng 1 to earn for on the fur in and hnul to the fnctory a large bulk of milk when ! only the rrenui la uiiUitl, nn.l any aya- i tern which doc away wllh the aeem- i , Ingly uaelcaa Inteir of hanilllug eight or ti n pounda for the delivery of one will be moat welcome. Ileehlin the ad- , vantiige of liuvlng to liiiul only a ain.ill amount Inatcad of a hirgu.amoiiut It la . an advantage to huve crcum rcmon-d on the f ii no. fo thnt akltuuillk muy be ( fl when freali. The gnlhcrol creimi ayatem with deep act milk glvea tlieae ' rcaulta only piirtlully. IS i mi 1 1 aepuriitora on the fnruia of j patniua nru becoming tiuiucrou mid ' aro regarded aa very itdvtintiigeoiia by i many. Tho kliumllk I thua made I in I mollutely nvullable for feeding, nnd I tho crcum ulone ueeda to be coulcd, I cimsl for and linulcd. Thl Byateui U- ' I re to bo excellent In certain enae. It I iniluiiil development of tha ercnin gull. .Ting pliiu and If ulllimitcly aucccKBtuI will lei widely ndoptcd. It doca away with the return to the f.irin of the apolhHl contelita of II tlllhy akllu-milk akllu-milk luuk. ii well na the ouietlima lieuteil dlaciiHaloua aa lo how niii.li eklmmllk beloliga In the illfTerent pil-troiia. pil-troiia. Hut tha ni.mt inHirlaut udvau-tuu udvau-tuu ta Ihe uae on eucli fiiriu of It own aklminllk whllo freh and aweet. Ilcaldea thla II pnitecl the young atock from Inking a dlaeaan which may be oil dlalant fnrni. whence Ihe germ mny bo delivered to tho creamery and , carried nwuy In the akltuuillk to other farina. If Ihe milk la to be aet for crcum. It aliould lie aernted ami act when warm. Thl aliould be done aa aoon ua the milk la atrulucd. If a n.u. l.lnc I uaed. aeration take pliuo w hile It la pnaalng through tho acpuriitor. I'nleaa It la do aired to rlH'ii the cream liumcltiitcly It muat bo promptly cooled.-It. A. Tear-aoa. Tear-aoa. rler ra Kor Pall KariH. Hurley and pcaa fiirulah a autlafiic-tory autlafiic-tory green crop during tho ttrat three wtH-ka of Uctuber. They are not In Jurei' by froata. lu Mnaeuchuai'tta one and a half buehela each to the acre are eown together the tlrat of August and deeply burrowed In with u wheel ! burrow. The yield will not t na large aa In the cu of the onta nnd pcaa. eix ton to the ii .to being bIkiiiI uu liv.r age crop. The luud from which the uiita uini peita wero tuken earlier In the aenaon cuti bu ill lllr.nl. thua priMliuing 1 two crop In on jrenr, equivalent to ' four tuna of buy to Ihe n.re. Should I Ihe in. mill ,.f Annual prove uiiiuiuillj dry Ihla crop might prove a failure. ( |