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Show I WtUUlMJ UILI.S. M-U.. of llummit rid. Dutlng J Ihe Pan W !- I 0"j'li...!,.y M,., ti.ace E. Puck Ot Ktit ..1.1 - I, ,, ,., . (,,! villi re j,,i:ii-. in ,,,v fl1Nt,iini)t . tbe r- - l.jkp rci.,p ... The couiraclng purl. i:r two of Sum. nit conn: ) moat popll inJ pioiii-ut m.iiih peuple;' each ,,a ,, ,1,1c ei.itit.d and hiving the w re ui the c.iinm unity deeply at ' heart The bride la the a.-cotnplhlied I d.iug i yf '.Var.l F. mid Laura Pack, I and I t!l kiu.wn ;.o..nf a lame circle I olfrbk, l,0, p,k of her In the high-' eat tr I The an.et llir-pnotl-iD ahe haa l L i,j,.,.t ,, cooHiiaiit tlnona her initio-fe a.-oci.tea. She haa Iwea a anccCM 1 atg.limt In tbe I'nlveraily ol U'ah,. (,t aeverul yenrapovt hat been I pronii,. 1 ,. a iet,-l cr '. the piinlip jaeloKiU ir c.uillv. Mr, (jcilu y.oing man of ability' who h.,a. 0 hit inc. t nn.'er dillicnl-4 dillicnl-4 It tell made and poatea-eel U.o.e t'tl t-K ebairtcteriatii-t , which are alwatt j ,11 1 in ll.l. cla.a ol uien. That the e4 ai-prrcta.e hit abiltllealtj In. ven bj il.e Mi.n.ora lliey hive e-j jrn.led h ,. lUtaa terved in tliemty fouocii (l I,,, uu'tlve tovin; la an ei lemlleKa l.'lub'a Hecond Ktllle Igl-U-Ul.re, aid .aiii g Ikuii ii Indited lo the iup'eine 1,-r .,( il.i,iate lu lk '. he bat rce In, r. l ice elected prtihccu'ing at-I at-I far try of ri-n not no-v. Ilelll the'-i.ilga and hi i lejr.K In are ardanl wot yr" in 4hu eluiu-b. The (oroa'r h.11 i.-l f .:,y v. urd nr..- -a, and 1 it no lirwi j. ret ol Hie Y. .. M. I. A. ol ' Sno-mit Stake.. Mr ( 'allla baa held nu ni'iita ii.iiio. p l t: ... in ' lb. .rlakwi km fllle.1 u i-e.-liil .iiii-ii.ii In llrelil llrilain, and It cow ).rei b ol ol tbe Y. M. M. 1. A.I if. r-uiiii'l; Muke. That' hoik pcrt.ee V.-I'eve ill Mj'oix. Improve- . mei it n-n-1 . n.aiiitent V li-l. (. ' U A t ia.a.a-lalloi... Ii, aeier, we' have noobjctloii to ll.i. Hep, .r,.vi,lel, that eat h agree to hold no "regular -mutual 01 j din ecaaioi,.," lor lhaee are Oi.iitiary to Mutual Improvement Unlet. . lecii'lon will he tendered the ha-X ha-X couple tonight at tha home ol the ryle't partnla in Kntima. I uxaiv-WAiiiUHroN. r, Jureph W'arburion and Miaa F.ouje Uv.ev, ihiOi of inia pluie, were ma if.l in 111., Salt Lake Temple 011 Weu.dy of lint week. Iln'h of the oonkcting parlietare welland favorably k uon here and have a boat of frienda win, -III Join in wiablng them hap,ine.a and jreaierliy during their married I ile. riiey will vlut frienda In Salt Uke aud tpect to return borne the flrat of Ihextck. waaT-ci.iaa, Alvi I Itrkof I'pmii and Mitt Annie W'a.t ot lit place were married at PptoD on Murii 1 by ei-llmln.p John Clark. A rCei'. .Q wat lelldcred Ibeiu, ending with a I edance at nlabt. The young roup'enll known aad their frienda will wiah Ibr.n hnppineaa III their ll' W venture. ven-ture. Ttieywill make their limne in Coalville. CI.AMK-r-TKKla. Alexander Sire.-ta, Jr., of lloyt.ville and Mi" Karah Clark of 'nto(i were un.t..l in lu-.ti itiiouy Veliieduy at Cl-Iini I'vu. I;,. I,,,,, .,, c'iak. The voting ei'llplo are among Ihe llcat p . ulur ti.1 ed ri..pe.oe. vn.ni people in the aiiv lo.ua, and haw a boat of fnend', all ol whom wilfjido in wiahing Iben-a'tipie ain.M.lh toiling during their m-rriel f. j MLil'lniea iKa.,.,,.l lleneler waa uiairiel to K. s l.,pkioa ,i "lair, Neb , l tlgdrll n'e.lhe..,v. I'lio l,. le . III! el.l. al J'Hllner ol Mr. and Mra. M. Iuwm i lle..rr I, ,,- friend" whoalbti.i r 'j',,,, ,,. ., r,ilriilii. |