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Show r ' SUICIDE HAS SHOCKED NEWPORT. Robert R. Remington of New York rommltled aulclile at one of the Newport New-port faHliirinable cliiha la.t week, and hfifl given Newport and Now York ao-rlety ao-rlety the moat dlatliift ahork It haa felt In yenra. He la aiippoacd to have ahot hlmaelf because of tho breaking off of hla engagement to marry Mine May Van Al.-n, daughter of Jamea J. Van Alen and granddaughter of Mra. Aator. financial troutilea are alKO given a reaaon, and the Van Alen lamlly declare Remington haa been mentally unbalanced for aome time, b that th la waa the real reaaon for eilp.ig tbn engagenumt. iuliilon waa a aim of Kdward lirlnntmi of aoclal fame In Phlladcl-)bl, Phlladcl-)bl, He waa admlltml to tho bar In lit. but practiced law only a abort tlrm He entered the advertlalng bual-neaiwlth bual-neaiwlth hla brother, and under tho firm i me of Remlngtim llroa. ac-qulrfronalilerable ac-qulrfronalilerable bualueaa .landing. Two -are ago he met Mine Van Alen for If, flrat time while reluming from Ktiioi She la reported to have keenly keen-ly felthe ahork of hla death. |