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Show bLAIN IN BAT I LE. Two Hundred Heltels Killed and Hnnnileil la fire Moors' ri.hi ,r (iu. Adrlceaof an olllclnl nature from Tuiacaoare lu the effect that scrrre fighting occurred I'ridny lietucen Ihe gorrrnmrut forces ami the adrance guard of the rerolulioiiary army under General Malo. The reroluti-mitl. were cotnmandril by (icueials Zelio and VI lal. They nimle an attempt to occupy Ihe town of t.usva. but. sfl.-r fighting Hre hours, they surrendered Ihe Held to Ihe gorcr rat force Two hundred of the revolutionist, wer Klllrd or wounded. I'realdenl Castro ia now al Cna, liveuty-Hre miles from Caracna. |