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Show ,i NEWS SmirARY. rir of Incendiary orrtD ,B Llri too. Tex., destroyed t,enlJ bulneM houses. There will bwno soft aBMTOf u miners of Kansas th, fall( de,plt g nneral expectations. most, the aeronsiit, will , San toe-D- u f as aenel attempt the construciio vessel to carry eight persons. The beneficial rams of the past week at Simla, India, bare changed despair into hope for millions of India cultiva- in Japan makejlhe prospects of a good rice crop the main food of the people very gloomy. Jn order to aaTe the birthplace of John llrown from destruction by vandals it baa been offered, reut free, to a respectable caretaker. magnificent, crop of barley, which baa already been hui rested, together with full rice fields, will pul Koreans In an enviable position At a meeting of tbe council of the South Wales Miners Federation it was decided to forward 85,u00 to the striking miners of the United States Tbe greater part of the town of Kara flaasar, in Asia Minor, has been destroyed by fire. Kara Hassar has a population of about 12,000 people. Timely and abundant rams, the first for three yearC!Ta7Taved the southen end of the territor ft Lower Califor-- " nia from becoming barren waste The Kio Janeir correspondent of the Petit Journal n ports the massacre by Indiana of Itali settlers in a luge in the state of Calberina. Tbe body of Eng ie Care mlia, aged 22, a spectator, was ouod at liay City, Midi., under tbe fall n walls of Wood's opera house, which e g. vil-an- r Io Oklahoma City Okls., Willie grove and Otis Moi each 12 years old, were knq :ked from tbe top of a freight car he yards and run over and killed. A a has been caused iu great Lisbon by the a of several blgb officials charger!, with defrauding the state to tbeexy ntof 1400,000, and with accepting byea. At Bloemfontein, Orange River cola ony, shvuQtlng engine crashed into a train cor.nveying refugees to Johannesburg. The front cars were wrecked k01 number of women and children y, 1 ! " , 4wW " Keglevltch Mattasicb, the friend of Priopesa Louise of Coburg, who was sentenced Jo six years Imprisonment for the alleged forgery of a bill for Arehductiess LEiMJBOtf in xheJiamenl:: been has pardoned by EmMepbanie, Francis Joseph. peror In a dispatch from Paris tbe correspondent of London Times explains at great lenglb that in some quarters of Paris President Roosevelt's speech bearia ing on the Monroe doctrine regarded ns a warning to Spain not to enter a Latin alliance. isabelo Do Los Reyes, head of the Filipino Workingmens union, who was arrested August 18th charged with strikthreatening to assassinate certain returned to work, if workmen they ing has been sentenced at Manila to four months imprisonment. recent speech Pres1deuVRoosevetC on Monroeism has caused widespread attention in Vienna. Tba Neue Freie Ive see thinks it was directed chiefly and that it against Great Britain the confer to sounds like an answer Premiers. Colonial of the ence Word has been received from Everett resiMorgan and his wife, formerly missionnow dents of Plainfield, Ind., of aries at Cotovcl, Mex., that nativesun-lethat place have warned them that they leave the city by September 17th they will be put to death. fell into A heavy public automobile in Broadway, tbe rapid transit subway ss and between Forty-thirstreets. New York, falling thirty feet Edwai-and flinging the chauffeur, Morns vai trench. the Morris, into die. will and Injured internally searchThree Chicago detectives are cities ing New York and neighboring is wanted wbo Bartholin, for William the sup. in Chicago in connection with It is Mitchell. Minnie of posed murder was not woman the that their theory murdered, but ia with Bartholin. d - i Forty-fourt- well-know- SUICIDE HAS Comparative quietness has come int iron traded The coke supply has proved slightly in some spots, but jith other consumers the liability to udden stoppage is aa great as at any f time last week. t .Americana who have .been, traveling n od are now in London ex- . , Europe pertence considerable difficulty in Ob-V talk i,ng a puaaga homaA, steamers are fully bookg until tbe first week in October A man said to resemble Wlttis Bartholin was arrested at Indiana Harbor, a small town two miles southeast of Whiling, Ind. The suspect, il ie sale, wore a badge issued by a lodge of which Bartholin was a member. Vienna Neue Frle Presee declare that the terrible treatment of Siberian political exiles aL tbe Alexaodrowskl settlement has led to a strike of tbs convicts, wbo are refusing all nourishment until they are mors humanely ;; ' -- A treated. U Fair. the Mr. and Mrs, Fair were still breath Mr. a id Mfa. Chari r eg when lifted from the former a son of the late Senator Fa wreckage at were Instantly were almost of CalUon.Se. terribly mangled, and death Wash. e tome their p of quickly killed by the smash-uCharles Fair's head was covered Broderick, one of the tuen shot in a on tbe road from Trouville to lth bruises his head was smasher' saloon fight at Reno, Ne , last week, Paris, France, a few davs ago. tod one eye had been been llvlng had Mrs. baa since died at tbe Fair am. Mr. destroyed. Mrs county hospital in 'sirs skull was also broken. that city. Charles 1, Fair was the third of Tbe work of extinguishing tbe forest e four children of ihe late Senator rM which have been es G Fair Theresa who Is now raging on the tto wife of public lauds in Wyoming is progressHerman Oelrlchs, is the toet of the 1 airs Then came ing satisfactorily. toies G, who dnd aoout ten A cloudburst near Canon years City. Colo., to. Charles wa, let down large volumes of water which fie tilrd, and the yengesL was Vutiuia, who is how the flooded the .Street of that- city, doing "trof C K Vanderbilt considerable damage. He was born In Virginia City, Nev., Peter Nelson was shot and mortally 11 21, 1M17 In his youth he was to of the wounded at Pasco, Wash., by two unwildest lads on the Pacific known men. their object being robbery. tot and for many years his life con-'teof a manly struggle against They secured only 815. rinli habit, whuh was. cordially Heavy rsinsst Florence, Colo , caused t'eeted by las fattier. Although he a flood which invaded a oamler of b the reputation of being an dwellings, causing much incooveuieuce dissipated young man, he was and not a little damage. reiilf a total abstainer for the larger PM of his life atul that the latter The Northern Pacific and the (ireal Palt In 1S90 he first met his wife Northern will build a union depot and wh was Miss Maude Nelson make other terminal improvements at The relabel of the young man objected Seattle amounting to S2,i.00,000. to hrognllng the bride and for a Charles L. Fair. T liirty-eigli- t bales of bops, the first the Hotel Rttz in Paris, but had Ion time-t- a ere was a coolness bo-tof the new erop, were sold at EtigeDe, een spending mo8-p- f their time tourCharles and his father. After tire . last week at 35 cents per pound, ing the continent In a huge new auto- a fee months, however, there waa a hotse power rc(iti,tj0n. mobile of forty-fiv- e the highest price in twenty yeais Owlet L. Falr was one of three The supreme court has denied the named Mercedes, one of the fastest ever built, and which ia heinto the Immense estaje, estimatmachines new trial iu tlieciscof Alex. P. Vnode ed Mtotwecn 20,000,000 and 30,000,- of eighty-fivsaid to have a who is under sentence of death for the miles an hour. speed murder of Charles F. Fianklio at They had been down at Trouville Ealonville, Wash , in September of for five days attending the races, and last year. intended to go to Paris for tbe night In Whatcom, Wash., Judge Neterer and return to Trouville in the more-in, overruled a motion for a new trial for started from Trouville and They 11. St. John I)i, the bank wrecker, In safety. Here the and sentenced him to feu years in the reached Evreaux wife of M. Berton'a lodgekeeper saw penitentiary, the limit under the law the great red machine coming and of that state, stood at the gate to watch It pass. n Frank Cooley, a printer Fast automobiles are no rarity in Montana, was instantly killed by there, but Mr. Fair's machine waa so falling from a freight ear at Eckhert, ranch more rapid than most of them ' Mont. Cooley is supposed to havs bben that she stood and gazed at It. It slxty-twwas an miles hour. going beating ha way on tbe train when the When almost immediately opposite accident occurred. tho lodge gates. It suddenly swerved, Great Fails, Mont., has now a near rushed up a bank at the side of the national park. The land includes tbe road, spun around, recrossed the road section on Snake creek north of Great like a mad thing, and dashed into an MrsChaHes Fair. 000, The other two are hie two sle- Falls, and ia the site where the battle elm tree with a great crash. Mr. and Mrs. Fair shot high In tbe ten. with the famous Bear Paws was fought air and fell among the debris of the At the death of his mother Charles over twenty-fiv- e years ago. wrecked automobile. Chauffeur Fair received 1,000,000 aa bis share F. Swsn and E. Conroy, two bell tey was thrown into a of the estate. He owned 12,000,000 ditch, where boys employed iu a Bozeman, Moot., lay writhing in agony. at the time of bla death. hotel, last week eloped with two young girls of that town, but after an exciting chase the young couples were SHOCKED captured and returned to their homee. Information baa been received that the man arrested at New Castle, Wyo. on suspicion of being Philip D. Watkins, has been definitely learned to be the person wanted. Watkins was wanted in Seattle for paesiog spurious check Ambrose VibllT, i well known ranch er who lived near Virginia City, Most, r auto-noUi- The extraordinary weather this year wer,iftk.lled. BEFORE Enet Z1 tumor, son of Mayor E. 1. Zimmer, and bis mother, were seriously injured in a runaway at Ceclralis. tors. fire. luuuumniiuiinniiniutiiiiil.'l'Jlldi'J VICTIMS OF AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT SOUTHWEST NOTES. h vr-- fj mg. th-t-- be 2-- 5, Chief of Police Reddy, of Spokane, was a passenger on a street car that was held up by an audacious highway man. -- The car, on the Astor street -- line, had stopped for a railroad crossing, when a masked robber, with a revolver in each hand, atepped aboard and compelled thecooduetor to give np his cash. Then, brandishing bis long gun, be commanded the psssengers to contribute. Chief Reddy waa unarmed and said be was powerless. Joseph Delschneider has confessed to Chief MeLsughlio of Portland, that be saw Andrew White strike the blow which killed Peter lieauchene, a black smith, ia Goose Hollow last week, and said the participants in tbe figbt were intoxicated. The Billings, Mont., officers have a man nnder arrest believed to be the Phillip D. Watkins, who baa Jbeen promiscuously victimizing banka in Chicago, San Fraociseo, Loa Angeles, Seattle and other places throughout the west. Secretary of State Dunbar of Oregoa decided that Mrs, Wagonera claim for the reward for finding Convict David Merrill's body waa not well founded; he therefore disallowed the elalm.The reward offered by the stale for Merrill's capture was II, 500. much-want- ed i. kmm T1 aa thrown down among the traces while fttempting to climb Into tbe rack and was stamped and kicked to death. Ilia body was mangled out of recognition. Great forest fires in Fremont county, Wyo., are still raging. Speeial Land Agent M. D. Csmplin, who took a fores of fifteeo men out to fight tbe fire, baa returned. He declarea the flames are of gigantic proportions and bis men could do little toward checking their progress. Eight bell boys employed by a Butte hotpl have gone on a strike because steaks at they were refused their meals. The boys are guarding tbe hotel and other lads will not be permitted To "take" the vacant places until au sgreement is reached I management. jThe world's record for steer roping was broken by four of the large number of participants in tbe contest in connection with the Frontier day cel' bralion at Cheyenne. Tbe winner was W. E. Filch, of Eaton, Goto., wbo performed the feat in 55 seconds. Tbe former record was 1:25 made by Duncan Clark, of Iron Monntain, Wyo. Fitch ia government cattle Inspector at Eaton. NEWPORT. vN Robert R. Remington of New York committed suicide at one ot the Newport fashionable clubs last week, and has given Newport and New York society the most distinct shock It has felt in years. He Is supposed to have shot himself because of the breaking off of his engagement to marry Miss May Van Alen, daughter of James J. Yan Alen and granddaughter of Mrs. Astor. Financial troubles are also given1 as a reason, and the Viti Aien family declare Remington has been mentally unbalanced for some time,. -- Life Work of Bsnefactee ef Southern Freodmen la Ended. The Rev. Nathan H. Downing, who died a few days ago at Lake Harbot, Mich., was for twelve years at the head of the work of the Presbyterian church among the freedmen of the South. After the close of the civil war Mr. Downing and his wife were IHE PUBLIC EYE A Mi mfRISI kwrnmimffwwnnwwwnffffwwwinmru VOMEN MUST WEAR BONNETS. PASTEURS WORK FOR HUMANITY Well 3ishop Coleman of Delaware Rebukes Famous French - Physician Hie Congregation. Named Benefactor of Mankind." That women should be bonneted Id Suffering humanity owes to no on" church Is the belief ot Blahop Leighgreater debt than to Louis Pasteur, ton Coleman of tbe Protestant Episcothe "benefactor fo mankind." Hie of eel pal diocese of Delaware, and the re- researches Into the myatorie mark which he recently made during ence, aa the whole , world knows, a sermon interrupted by the entrance brought about reoults which enable to successfulthe physlclana of ly cope with maladies which once baffled tho medical practitioner . an . r to-da- i i 4 t ' f 4 Blahop Coleman, ot several young women with uncov- ered heads has attracted a great deal attention. It waa at the summer resort of that the btshop delivered his rebuke, which was the mure sensational because be changed hit subject on the entrance of the women and di- of Louis Pasteur, which prevent scourges that befor his discoveries yearly claimed thourected his remarks almost directly to sands ot victims. As a tribute to hit memory, a statue was unvefled re"them. Such a practice of entering n cently at hit birthplace Dole, Jura, exercises Impressive church Is unscriptural and ungodly," France and marked death the event Pasteurs ha said, it looks worse than for men to attend divine service without their occurred In 1898. coats. establish the presence and role in the s human body of tbs RABBITS RUIN A CITY, concerning whose existence savants had disputed for centuries. By col UiuFftMoina Foundations of Embank germs studying tbelr develtlvatlng kjknt and Cause Flood. Rabbits were directly responsible opment and following out their mode for the terrible disaster which over of life, Paeteur created, la nil its main whelmed the populous Spanish city of outlines, a new scientific, bacteriolLoren some time back, according to ogy a science which has sines, in bis hand, yielded the richest results. the Detroit By burthe rowing and tunneling under IN YOUNG GtRL'B foundations of the vast embankment, which had been built high up In the hills to dam back the waters ot a Elizabeth Crocksr, Married at 17( Travels Thorny Pathway. mountain lake, they so weakened It a Elopement quarrel criminal that It gave way. The resultant tlon for nonaupport of tha wife tears deluge, wiped Lorca off the face ot the earth, drowned some 1,200 of Its and reconciliation. This la the etorj Inhabitants and Inundated the country of Harlelgh Holmes and Elisabeth Denver. Tho whole little tor more than twenty leagues. A Crocker of been enacted since Februdrama has a he which Befell"-number of Isolated towns and villages ary. Tbe nonaupport case came on in the Mississippi Valley in March, day and the next the wife, with misty eyes, on tbe arm ot her husband, waa 1890, was attributed to rats having seeking the dismissal ot thq case. The undermined the levees near Green-.vlllstory began at Loretto convent In Don-Ve- r 1!. .in February, when tho ltrear-oi- f mlcro-organislm- V I News-Tribun- similar-catastrop- AAV SSMH ut- - Conditions at Homo. " Spain lost everything but honor In the lata war superficially considered. la t ua nr dlan, summoned hastily from Aueg4 by tbo newt of the secret marriage found them. They left for the eoutfe and lived In Albuquerque, N. M, foi a time. Their return to Denv-- r and quarrel were recent In reply to hi wtfee charge of nonsupport, Eolmai averred that she waa so Indolent tha the did not take care of the houn that this was the real reason for tig the engagement was a son of Edward -- tnlngton Reifigton of social fame in Philadelphia He was admitted to tbe bar In 11$, but practiced law only a short h tlmt He entered the advertising his brother, and under the firm tame of 'Remington Bros, acquire considerable business standing. Two tan ago he met Miss Van Alen for th first timeWhlte teiarbing from Enrol She is reported tobave keen Jy. felthq shock of. hit death. . bust-nesavit- Senor Ojeda. accept! Ihe pastorate of several Yet Senor Ojeda, her minister to this small bfrehes in Iowa, his last country,, tella In an interview that charge eihg at Clarence, la. Spain really gained a great deal by losing the burden of her colonies. The Barn Genius for Advertising, Spanish nation, he declares, needed Aroui tls successive homes at all Its strength and resources to deBrldgeprt Connecticut," Mr. Barntitq velop its own country. There Is, ho was fos f putting something that says, no surviving among his suggests i show. - - Quserly marked people toward ours on account of tbo cattle, 0 acred cow, or an elephant, war. Certainly there is none In Hits wefe ftt1 ently among the stock to country toward Spain, and Americans be node! 1q his fields. On one oc- will note with sincere pleasure Senor casion I ad an elephant engaged In Ojedas assurance that his country "Is plowlsi" the sloping hill where - It more prosperous than at .any - Elizabeth Holmee. hold as the should. He charged that her Inattention to household duties made It Impossible to live with her. ill-wi- .! to-di- y could jki !y beeenJbythe-passenger- s ot;i New Haven and Hartford rallroet innovation agricultural that fed v would get notice of eome sort is H T newspaper In the country. R1 even said that he received farmers far and wide asklettm ing fcfftriich hay one elephant ate, and if I M jre profitable to plow horses with u "phaot than wit nr oxea His replies were Invariably frank, FljWere of this purport: If yuu &(tt I large museum In New fork, rtt Krest railway sends tit'ci S e- of passengers within eyeshot l - performance. It will pay, but 2 Hts no such and Institsi fthen horse or oxen will rov acfeconomlcaL Rev. N. H. Downing, sent by the board of home missions of that church to assume charge of establishing schools. With a large corps of teachers at his disposal, Mr. Downing traveled, organizing schools and placing them In the hands of Instructors. His field was chiefly le North and South Carolina, his headquarters being for several years In Sumter. S. C. When his health failed from overwork he leftRhe South and OF PUBLIC atrfotlc Sentiment who is lifer of the Mr. F1 r drum tst' at Joplin, Mo., playa on a fife wfei waa used by bis grandfather tk' igbout the war of 1812. Mr. Palmer I1 'self was a aoldig- In the civil M He expresses the devout hope tid his grandson may lire to a country still united and play it imld scenes attesting tbe expand u hievemenui tbe human grandest .race feu fjtor seen or dreamed.! 1 - henccenrhTstory? Umr-duTing- Noise. An addiction for loud, harsh noises disclosure of the physical courage that has , no nerves. There is nothing In noise itself that pleases. On the contrary, those of strong nerves it shatters, In time, and those of sensitive make-u- p It kills. The eternal uproar In our cib les send many to hospitals,, to country sanitariums and to the cemetery. No good is accomplished by It, most of it is preventable and needless, and the tendency Is always to make those who make It coarse and harsh themselves. ts probably" at base Honorary Post In Demand. The post of Ueutenant of the tower of London, which has been held by Sir WUliam Stirling since 1900, is about to become vacant by the retirement of the Incumbent The duties of the position are not onerous, and the emoluments are small, but th post ia much sought after, for It it regarded as an honor to hold it since It Is usually given to an offlew of distinction. It la tenable for th rr years only. - V v ri ' a" f - A Years Food for a Monajerlo. - In 1901 the animals In the Regents Park. menagerie consumed 101 tons of horseflesh, a little over t tons of goats flesh, 10 tons of whiting, nearly of rough a ton of flounders, a half-tofish," J ,2 SO pints of shrimps, sad dlose on 10,000 From the com merchant came 153 loads of clover, 144 loads of hay, 231 loads df straw. 188 quarters of oats, 34 quarters of barley, 89 quarters of wheat, and 3 took, tons of oilcake. The game-bird- s among other things, 63 quarters of maize and 7 quarts of buckwheat, s were pro while for the Tided 24 quarters of canary, 11 quarters ot hemp, 8 quarters ot rape, and 8 quarters of millet The baker fur--" nlahed 6,262 quartern loaves .and IS tons of biscuit; and from the dairy came 8,086 quarts of milk and 33.300 eggs, or nearly 100 for every day in n fowl-head- seed-eater- the year. The grocer tent 266 Uns ot .preserved milk, 498 lb. of sugar, 821 lb. of raisins. 111 lb. of currants, 159 lb. of figs, and 39 pots of Liebig. The fruiterer and others also con tributed largely to the menu." Praises Life ef J. W. Mack- P. H. Lennon, of Salt Lake City, says J. W. Mackay, whose friend he was for nearly a lifetime, had so trait that did not go to make tbe perfect man. Hie ebariues, always modestly 0 given, amounted to more than 15.-90a year. i . |