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Show -.: 1 fTiT! r ' . ...I. i , , 'a. -Hi i 1 i i . 1 l i, I l. 'J Honors Former Enemies i ; ; i i i ' . i i . , . , . , i j ! i rei-; a To Ihe memory of the Confederals loldiern burled In Camp Chase Confederate Con-federate cemetery, near Columbua. Ohio, a monument haa Just been unveiled un-veiled which was created through the horia of a man who fought agalnat Oiem on the t'nloti side. Thla man In of a Confederate soldier In full uniform. uni-form. The memorial stands In tha renter of the cemetery. Immediately In Ihe rear la tbe mil flngpoat upon which Old (llory floats. Col. Knausa. Ill rough bis efforts of other years, haa become well known 1 mZd- held by the United States government during the war under a lease. April 23. 1H79. It waa bought by the United Htatei government and described at "The Confederate Cemetery, formerly former-ly occupied by the Camp Chase Itebel Prison." etEjWRIAL ARCH AND) STATU IE. i jol William K. Knausa of Oilumnus. and he was aaalaU'd flnanrlally In tha work by William P. Harrison of the seme city. The monument consist of a solid granite arch, standing twelve, tent high, built over Ihe huge boulder which mark the resting place of Hie dead Confederates. On It la chiseled In bold lettors the word' "Amnirlrana." At the top of Uio arch. 1 tbe statue Witt the Confederate rampa- In Uio setntUand this year, for tho unveiling; of If i monument, he Invited them to sen.ibwera. Muxes of bloaaoma and plauuwero received Irotn nearly ovary ov-ary gti In the south, and there war many sntrlbntors from both northern-era northern-era ntjl southerners who lira- In the Berth.' The sfmetery plot contains about two aiW iie half acres. The laud waa In the Inrloattre aro burled' 2349 Confederate soldiers. From Virginia, 8X7; from Kentucky, 158 : Tennessee. . 239; Alabama. 431; Texas. 22; Hear-gla. Hear-gla. tiit: Houth Carolina. 85; Arkan- saa. B5; Mississippi. 9(13: Vlorlda. 3; j Maryland. ; Mlasourl. ft: Ioiilsiana, 51. and anknown ahout 280. . Of Uxaaia IH! were buried at City cemetery, southeast of Columbua. aad: adtar wards removed to thla Inrloaurre i |