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Show BTRIKtlTi rillE MINES. Awply Ihe Tnerh lu l'r,tenr of l'oehoB. la Calllery In Meet tlraln'. The great mine of the I'ocalioniat oolllcry company at llamwcll, V. Va., are on lira. Tueaday morning thf trlkera applied lha lurch to Urn ear-Ion ear-Ion piirtton of tha mine near tlia weal eiilraiioe.whlcli la on Ilia Vlrgleia aide, and the mine la now aaul lo bebtirulnf fnrloualy. The guard and atrlkara Arad roller after rolley at each other, but It li not known whether any oa waa k Iliad. Tha gureriior of Virginia will b appealed lo to aenil trola to I'ocabon-taa I'ocabon-taa ilj:- 'Ihe altuatiun la ai- r- elween lha atrlkcr f at t-a t-aasbuoVk InhHrilrn the mffirr (i,mi tTio Iscl thai la number on their aid wars aararaly Injured. |