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Show V. IilE r.DWU" HF lltl XIVt'uM- Mi'-siusKit i f M'iiir CtH'NtV, I'TVIl. A PKii.'I.AM llli'N. W'herea., ui.M ii.t lo .. cii.,11 live hi.n Ir. . no I Ibirtcn ol l',e ltevia. il Mnltlle. ol C'h, IW'H, approved, legal-I.-.-1 ai d a l i'c,l M.ir h 2, IH.i'.l. a p. tl-tiou tl-tiou aa pioenUd to the I'.n-I-I ol trinity CommU.looert rf Huieiiiit Co io.y, I'lnh, V.lgu.l Rtl., 11X12, aigin-d by 'he ijU-tlttlrd elector of .aid county, in num'ier erj-ial lo a inaj irity of the V "tea cvt al Iho general i lc"ll"li held Noveuiler (llll, 1IKK), IMvlllg f,rtbe aiilnnl.aioll of the qnellnn ol the re-iii'ival re-iii'ival of the rnuely et-at of H.iniuiil County, Utah, frmu Coalville, Tiali, to Park City, Ctah. to tbe .jn.litlc.l elector. elect-or. o( taid c-nnly. to be 'otcdutKinai the general election lo m held Novem. her 4th, Ilr2; Now, therefore, we, Hartley Mcl , 11-otigh 11-otigh and John J. I'oweii, County C uii- ni.t10t.era inai.o nrruiev ouiny 01 -oin-mit, ai d Ntjte of dab, by virtue o( ihe ' power in iia v.ate l by tlie Sl itnica here- .iubufore mentioned, do lierofay auhmlt the que.iioo of the removal ol I he conn jtyaeatol Summit Coontv, 'CTVrri o.auj,.j;i,ii,()-nd'ion, of EmDin I ihe quar.v t and Caute Flood. IU.1I1. to iJ.fn dlroetly n-aimnallil , ,' , hlo dlaaater which o' , "'""' I- v., Hpanl.h e""' Noveinher, A. lb, 0'ie -k,"llaand nine hun lied aud to. In wiine. a whereof, we have hereunto tet onr balxW and l oerd tbe teal of P11 intuit County, I'mIi. to he nfflied al C-riU-ille City, Kiin.oiit Ci-iiiiiy, I'tah, llila wtv-'iid d..v of r. ptenila r, A D., 01. llioll-a,.,! 11 1 lo- hundred and two. lUnriVv M, I'om.i ,.1, Ctiit.rioan, ' J.H n j. Iiowi'v, . j 11, .mil o( C.ui.iy t;.ii,i.l,.i..i;era.(.u-,'in I niltflf ituitv, I'li.,. By ti t Heart ol County Cumirilonera ol Htiniiu.t County, Ck'h f .'x I ,. ' ' A . .-.. v . - " ',''-'avoit4,,)1, P.n5him-aeme4 tahient on account of ih-kue.a. |