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Show EARTHQUAKE IN MINDANAO. Iluuss. llterlnrnrd and llurned, and ant. Ulara Uiewwn lliiwu. The scanty reporu recelred regarding regard-ing the recent earthquakce lu the Island Is-land of Mindanao show that they be-gao be-gao Thuraday, August si. The damage waa widespread, but few fatalities were reported. No report., however, hare beeu received from parte of the laland " here It la feared a aerloua volcanic eruption haa occurred, Tb. most serious seri-ous .hock wa experienced the flrt day. It laatcd one minute. At Camp Vicar, the .hock, orerlurned a cannon aud rolled heary ammunition boxes I about. Home of the suldlera were un- able to stand ou I heir feci duriug the heaviest .hock.. Many mora house. eere thrown donn and burned, and Dum.ruu. landslides occurred. In some Places the appearance of lha landacap a. altered. |