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Show ANOTHER WAR CLOUO APPEARS Colombia end Mrara.na r lb Kve of II.Mlllllle. Colombia will formally demnd of Nicaragua an xplanatlnn In regard lo the latter country', alleg'1 participation participa-tion in Ihe revolution .gainst the Columbian Col-umbian government and back tip her demand with the most formidable land and naval force she cso mualeraa aoon aa lha present rebel actlrity on the isthmus haa been crushed. Information Informa-tion lo thia effect ha been rereieed from au authoritative source lo Wellington. Well-ington. .Shortly after Minister Corea'a arrlral In Nicaragua, where he went eome weeka ago on a leave of al.aence, the Colombian minister al Washington. It la ataled, rrcelred Information lo the effect that arma and ammunition for the Colombian rebela on Ih lethmua were being ahlppeil. from Corlnto. The Colombian legalluu al Washington, Washing-ton, had been rrcelrll.g reporla ol thia character continually, and In ricw of the arrangement effected wllh the Nlcaraguau minister before he left Washington, Hener Concha tost no i tune In calling Mr.Corrn Iteullow lo I th. .,,.t.r. T.,Yize7.v.'"w,u:!1,.:;1: P'1"1 W. Inveatig. lun ; mediately ImtllutrT,, , I ascertain If th. , ,,0rU " J , ... howeter, more r- A abort time ag lo w.s.,lg,, , porta w.r. recolrr ", i" the effect that Nk ,'" ,""- ued her nt.Url.l . ' r,'- lutlunlBt. until. ""'"' "' C"-blauow. C"-blauow. Itl.st.i '' n;,''Pllen exhau.ted. and it ''J-'0 P"Ll . formal dem.nd I " "n l'lnatini.. Meanwhile. It I. ,"","","' n-l.nle n-l.nle coru.ale has n"ll letellce. , |