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Show Answered In Parable. Aa an Inetance of President llant-ley'a llant-ley'a aplness In meeting every situation situa-tion or replying to every pertinent or impertinent question, the following atory Is told. At a reception given for him by an old friend aome OOO miles from New Haven, one Individual with a better nu-mory than tact asked hitn what be thought of the recent baaeuall game. As Ysle bad met with a disastrous defeat, de-feat, the subject might be called unpleasant. un-pleasant. Without hesitation President Presi-dent Hadley aald: "There was a boy living In a villa whose uncle died. Tho next day a man driving along the road was surprised sur-prised to Hod the hoy working In a Held, Thinking this did not show proper respect to tho dead uncle, ho called tho lad to him and said: 'Johnny, dldu't you know your untie wss dead?' "Johnny slowly approached and drawled out: " 'Yes, I ki.ow It I have cried.' " |