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Show PASTEUR'S WORK FOR HUMANITY Famous French Phyalolan Well Named "Beiefactor of Mankind." Suffering humanity owes to no one. , greater debt than to I-oul Pasteur. t the "benefactor fo mankind." HI" j reaearchea into the myeterle of cl- enee. as the whole world knows, r brought about result which enable the physlclana nf today to anweaaful- f ly cope with maladies which once baffled the medical practitioner aua JQ i iw ) Loula Paataur. which prevent acnurvea that befoe ! hia dlacoverlea yearly claimed thou- ; sanda of victims. Aa a tribute to hi s memory, a statue was unveiled re- rently at hla birthplace Dole, Jura, Krai.ce and Impressive exercise marked tho event. Paatcur'a death occurred In ISB5. . 1 ' Pasteur waa the first tn definitely - establish tho presence and role In th human body of the mtrro-organlslm concerning whose existence savant had diaputed for centuries. Ily cultivating cul-tivating germs, at tidying their doveb 1 npment and following out their mode of life, Pasteur created, in all It main outlines, a new scientific, bacteriology bacteriol-ogy a science which ha ainee, m I hi hand, yielded the rlcheat roaults. |