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Show ' t-nmmmm ..: - - ,.... ! MOTHER AMD DAUGHTER Cured by Po-ru-na of Systemic Catarrh. AnlntcrcM.no Letter from ' i; I Mrs. Al. K. Bousch, of $r Richmond. and Her Little C 1 ; : Daughter. Pe.rl. TjA i j i Mrs. M. K. H"'f , Richmond, Vs., writes: I I had catarrh J through my ayt- i tern for two years , . . t oi;y jrrr no llel. iMVi, try I'eruna. and hate taken fc of It and am , J mr.. and better.,, ,han I hart been tor yean. I cMU mlilse any on wio J catarrh ol my part ol the body to lake I'eruna- fny mn, ,irl, who It eleven yeafj old had catarrh, but was cured by Peruna. Before I began to take Peruna I wat tick all tha time, but no),, i mm entirely cured and all praise la due I'eruna. Mr, M. K. Uou-xlu Ma Vearl Tlouarh writ: "When I r I ft baby I contracted catarrh, ftilil waa doctored by several good phvl-clans, phvl-clans, but liulir ilil inn any gm.l. My mot her inking lVruna at the tlmo I ami gave aome i. It to me. atnl I warn bcian to Improve, ami am now well ami fnt a ft little pig. I mn tvtelrc x.enrs old. Tho doctors told mother I hn'dthr consumption, hut it was only ciiturrli. ' I Mix Pearl llousch. t It in no lonicr aipo-ation an to whether Pcruoacnn lie relied on to cur all auch peases. During tin ninny vrnrnln which I'eriina haa lrn put to test in all forma and alngcsof aculeand chroniocntiirrh no one year has put thla remedy to greater tct than the. pnat year. I'erima ia the, acknowledged catarrh remedy of the aire. lr. lUrtmnn, th compounder of I'eruna. haa written a liook on the plmacsof eatnrrh nectilinrto women, entitled. "Health and ll. auty.'' It will Ik aent ftro to any address by The I'eruna Medielnu Co., I oluinhua. ). If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory satis-factory rrHtilta from the use of lYrnna, write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giving a full statement of yonr case and he will he pleated to give' you hl raluable advice ad-vice gratia. Adilrcsa Dr. Ilartman, President of The Ilartmun hatiilariuiu, Columba. Ohio. 9000O000O0O0000O00OO00)0)00 j MUSTANG LINIMENT ) FOR MAN OR. DEAST 1 d Js nof B Ltalmanl for th 8tm.bU and tow tha HoutMholcV Th hm I 2 vmdy oMlbl for Rtoumfttlsm. Lak.mmMa, Sprtvlruw vn4 Brut, fi . rj I SP.-T0RT0KED I BABIES Slnop for nkin-tortiirrd Babies and rer.t for Yt,C2 rl tired, frt'tti-d Motlii'i'S in warm baths with JJ1 LTf CuTit'i'itA Soai, and gt'iitlo unointins with f!' , rJ Cutk:uua Uintmknt, piireHt of 'inolli'nta jjj hC.i and gruutttitof skin ciu-oh, to lio followed in iii Bovere cases by mild doses of CUTlt'l'lU Hk- fc jjit HOLVKKT I'll .1 A This is llio purest, BWeeteht, tj 'fjt most speedy, permaiutnt, und et'oiiomiral of f' r'g: troatnieiitg for torturing, distipii iii";, itch- yl JT,:. ing, burning, bleeding, sculy, crusted, und jil pimply skin and sealp liumours, with loss of Jjl Iuiir,of infants and childi t'ii.tts well asadults. - t.; $d MILLIONS OF MOTHERS Tj Vm CtTtfVHA SOAP. KMlttfd hf t'nrH I'14 OINTHRMT, ItM gTU lJZ lfi ektarurcfui BtMnrflnf, purtfflof . and bfautifylnir the skin, mod f VVi tor all th pur)wtvi of Ui Ui, blh, ami nurtvtjr. Mlltloaa of Trin WMa iMtHrri ii Soap In the rnnaof balha for annnvlnv Irrt. y2 f"' :i UUana, InRamNialloB. ulii.U wtikuNivi, and fur man i-' hiiUii, anutrf orMfMa. ItJZl I'f-rl COMPLETE TREATMENT FOR EVEPY HUMOUR I-'1'! Onutitlii of rrtri a aor. to rlv.nM Ihn kin: I'Tlrtra fj'''2 L' oiNiMaar. to hMl U vilBi nl :tirli-lMA NKOLVt.iT fll-L. lo h L?& oool aod Mux ft" inI. A aiLaal to(ieiilrlonib.rupi tVr- L-lM nuH. .oa lrrloilo. alia I"" -t lr. l.., ll l l.ll.. k,? tiJl rtneis ri4 rllal lH " .VTJ fcrtii . t"iliiel"ri'i," MllUu f'5l C...r,l.r-eH Kjfj a.k-o-. SALT LAKE CANDY CO.'S MOLASSES DAINTIES ALL FIRST CLASS DIALERS SILL THEM. I"5nYatm ..SALTAIR.. iiSeK!'." - BAKINO POWDER?, EXTRACTS AND SPICES. SSEZ I Ilia nroim WO'" for inai ' 'HAII- I tftl.C 1U.,U1 tl aluul ai., I" M'. loa I uth junk co.:::: $ 'r-S' 1 tor. upper, brtu 1,1 ' IWhen fltibwerlng ftrtvertlserornl Klmllu Intntlon Thla rw-W7n." rw-W7n." uV."baltTak.-No. 3fl. i ooa howard l burton, r.:iv;T.;"! Ill IK,! ruarlh H(rwr. I.mUMI. Colo. t-la.-i, nil. i..M,Ar,; tt. .M A hllv.r, 7r ; 4t...l, K.lof. Im), ! Ut4it.tillvt.raUMiiMW.ll SU. M.D- lb SUf tl'.)M Will t.rRJIjr tdilfM. LalM)iUrf VRJH Id tota, 10 to JD Ibti., W. I r w'?."2? Fr? pe n s i o n I I" II ( HriHCI', VVa.hln(ln. II. .. thar I wl I . r. rlo. .Irk rfillf. II Mn N II. V..U taff uia Co, ,k rivkciuiiaf Claiaik uata IS 7ft MKI I till K AXNAVK. ogdenassay 10. ,v.::.vri;;.i nun ri.pm it.... K.-I yniironn nrlrtit'nrhil. 'n,6 t,r!eio. i BUSINESS COLLEGE. fall n'ninl! September I ,. eon. ,r"l the Klli. I'ahinet ninteiu of l-Hlk-k-.-l.it.ir nd the tin v-t.-m ..tnlu.rl. '"nd. They ate the l-.t. vi.it u. at k Templeton and niuke Inquiries ahniit u. (nun the bu.i , profo.ional M educational n-.en of the city. Wo other follow. Suit Lake liuslncM 'n.'i:e. Jo Rfol to fss, sudden attacks of cholera In r.n,,.,,, ,,, ,,ri i.mrrho-a nntuiiier "'Plslul of any sort it ton have lr fo.i,,-, rxunet of Mild MmoUrrr In tln.di,lii,he.l t doftot Mtsvs Pise's rasa far Coesumptlot BBS sgusl for euuifUs aud itikla-JoHR P VotavlnsiirMp- ivsi. tad., Feb. a. imm atop the f-tntirh snil Work. lrr llii-I'ol.l Lmxalivsbruiuotjuiutuo'l'aiaou. rrlca2&a Terrll.l- plagnra. tbinw Itching postering, dlBosMi- of tlio k m I'ul an end to mifcory lloau s OwiuMMit cures. At any urn store tea. Wlnstnw's fWllhli,g Hrmp. Pnf rht lrn Irnt.lns. ...Iiri ,111,.. r, .l..e Is- BiUUiMJwl..llst eaLu.cuiu ih.uu. XM.buUlS. MRS, J, LO'OUKNEU Wntt Sitk KIrIiI Vonnt wilb Frninlt Trottlilo ami Kliiullj ('tired h) l.ytlla K. I'luklium i VoKeluble Conipountl. "Dkar Mni. I'iM.iiAii : I hare never In my life given a testimonial liefore, but you have done so much fot me that I feel called tiimn to rlvr yon this unsolicited sckuonlrdgeuirut ol Mita. .iKssiK K. oiKivNrt.l, Pmltlesl of Osklind Womsn's HUllna Hns. the wonderful curative value of I.VflliA l' I'iiikliuiii'a Vcifetitlilo oin-liiillllil. oin-liiillllil. r'or eirht yeurs 1 liail female troulde, fulling of the womb and other complications. During that time I waa moreorlessof nn Invalid find not much gf.nl for anything, until one day 1 found a lnnk In inr hull telling of the cures vou could p rform. I Iteeame Interested : I Ihiiik it a bottle of 1.. Villa 10. I'liiklintu'a Verfetulilei oin-lllllllltl oin-lllllllltl and wna helM'tl; 1 ccntlnued Its iimi anil in seven mouths wna cured, and alnee that time I hure had perfect health. Thnnlia, ilesr Mm. linkham again, for the health I now enjoy." Mils. Jr.Nxm OiHiK.vri i.. ITS Cs.t list St., t'hleago, 1 1 l.6iAi sswo l.,l'.lo fa ail f..l... M'uinen Hiilfcrlnp; from any form of fi-innle Ilia run lie cured by I. yd la 10. IMiiklmm'a VcgetH-bie VcgetH-bie 4 oiimmiiiihI, Tliut'a aure. Aim. I'iiikhniii Hilvlsrsali k Wo-meu Wo-meu froo. AUdrvsa, JUyuu, Msvaa. ' THE R'OHT IMPLkeilCNTS. JU'li""!" "i" ' ' ","l'","""l' ""k'liitT. a Lea IM Three 'l7nvnl VnklliiT'i'VwUrr'tou haie Ih-i ch aiu si s itl.i.iOanl.se. Wion aiir of villi, trlen.l. tell villi Oiev hi.,,- fmnnl It te ller lliali siiv .ulier ,"U .1 c.n'.l l k.ii.i, , ,v For sle I., oil "i'era A.k r.rt-Vi ' HEWLETT B"i8 CO.. SALT LK CUT. UTAH 1GRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH, - LOCAN, UTAH. -- 1 aMIOl-p ttT AfinitTri.TTnAt. COLLROg DfllJIlNUS. Tho Afrrlciillurnl C.n"jft of Vinh irvltlt'H u LIIJKIt-Al, LIIJKIt-Al, TIIOUOI (ill hikI l'KACTICAL KDl CATION. It foniprlKesj I lui hcIiooI ol A(J KIC'l'LTl'ItlC, mIiooI f J)OM KHTK5 SCIKNIl'li, (,'O.MJI KKCIAL nebool, scliool of i:NilM:i:iCI(J, seliool of (JICM-KAL MI KNCK and JlAM'AL TKAIMNO mIiooI; also the A(rrk-iiltural i:xperlnicut Mtatlou. COURSES. EQUIPMENT. Th"-ear enuraas are offered In Th equipment comprises KIOiI-AfiKK'ULTL'IlK. KIOiI-AfiKK'ULTL'IlK. U)MKSTHJ Kl'l TKKN IIILI)INi8: MIIKAKIKS, KNCE, sod COMMKUCIC. each lead- Ml.'HKUMS. ;YMNAHIU.M, agrlcul-ng agrlcul-ng to a esrtlfliia uf graduation: four- tural, chemical, cooking, biological, year fwursna are offered in ACIIK'UI,- nilneraloirlcal and physical LAHOKA-TL'ItE. LAHOKA-TL'ItE. DO.MKSTIC ttCIKNCK, OOM- TOIUKS; I'l HK IlltKI) HTOCK; MKBCK.CIVIL, KNGIIVKKHINO, DAIRY; KKWING and MII.I.INKHY MKCHAKlCAt. K NO I N K K It I NC , nsmis; inmlcra (.'OMMKItCIAL, roomsi KI.KCTKU.'AL KNOI N KKItl SU, thoroughly equlpiied KHf)l8 for work MININC KNCJINKKUINO aod UKK- In wood and motels; KNtilNKKKING y.tL HCIKNCE, each leading to a Inslruinenis and maidilnery, eui. ONK degree. In add I Hon, there are MAN- IIUNIMtKl) KI.KVKN acns of land UAL TRAINING courses In DOM KS- used fur OAMI'l'H. ATHLETIC TIU AKT.-I, three years and ME- FIELD. KAHMS. OltCII AHDH, VINE-CIIANICAL VINE-CIIANICAL A UTS, four years, each YAKDS, (iAIIDENS. DUK.MITUKY leaillnf lea certificate of gnulualion; haa sM'comiKlat Ions for DO. an ENCI.S'EEIUNCJ Preparatory THE KAtTLTY numbers 47. NO Coupe), to ye.r,, nd a I'l-epai-atory TUITION is chained; iiunuul reglslra-Course, reglslra-Course, One yuat., ' lion fen, .'. Rsnlttrotion of Student, September 10 and 17. For llluatrated iCatologuo and Full Information, adilroea - LTUBAL COLLEGE OF UTAH, - LOGAN. UTAH. ! a.,.1 i k.l-i.1 .'. ll ill i i I i sa.iasJl i .f-. The TwontlotK Century ,0 MONEY MAKER. ftlO OOO , roius pr oero. iJirg esKlsrrlrn In Amertrs. Address , St, E. BARN ARO, Houston, Mo. r , HOW TO CUI.E PILES IN ONE NIGHT Dr. arrll' f.l. On, I,M rlla Oars la Itis oslf reuieilr a.ar kie-wn ., in. m- Urol im.fal"ii I" ,. OR. HARRIS REMEOf Ca.SSJill Bend, Ind. W. L. DOUGLAS $3&$39 SHOES K SV 1 Oiaofnl la, see l lfae-arS at U o HwrfS. '. W. I.. Ihiaslsa B.SS ss4 sal siaro .s's Hy? tasr Mall iHas4 HeweA rrsea..! akoes Is lbs ra, lit siaslti. i.f linii tins ssi slfcrr asssfslsrer. S10 000 l"'"u",""lh sslAlo ssiosswko, W. 'U DO U C LA8 4Vh O ES CANNOT BE EXCLLLCD. I .H Inmwtmi siel Arlra. lertsara. Htfl fw.i.lCef.il, Mf.Mf. IO Cre Call. sl. io.earoo. t'sal Color Kjelela uae.l. ciutioat 5rs'Pvvr e"W t svni. V.ifm. Ma., f Ulaf rra. a W. L. bOUOLAS. BHOCKTON, MASS. I GOOD I I THINGS jl to eat mm PrsaaMhhy'.ramo,!. ''- VL'i'''" brBlaslokllabssa VT. j W. asi.kr a ob.l 1 V jtV. who is sa aspen is fi-tfi Btakliil ay-jgr" nL- , -ri Food I Vodurts We don't r.rseliio sennnmy hare. Masses the Vary rh'Seail mslarlela. A suidy os yonr psnlry sli.lv., anshla. you lo l,nv, alw.y. si band ll eaaaollal. tor Ilia vary Leal laeala. LiBBY, McNeill &. libby OHICAOO, u. a. A. WriU for our I.. .11.1 "Mow to kiss Good Tiiisos Tu ;t." REPORTERS WANTED S.S alas Ullllllksl'll.Mis..s a ev. ryokara U collect UM-flll ideaa ami ev rlcn, e. Iniut the health and care uf tliildn n. liiyslciana. nilrM-a, teachers, parrots, brothers, sisters, Invalids, and all oilier frieuilaof the little ones am interested in tills worlc, Kuiplovnn nt fur 1U mlii. ut, a to 10 hours a duy und free text-Insika text-Insika with a iree course .,( study by mail are given our n-Kiilnr roiKirtera. A boo uutlit, whieli la real I v worth dollars dol-lars to anyone, will be limited prepaid until (lotobvr IH. 111113, fur 25 iu silver or stamps. Address ".!;V,.r,,"' .XI I1ANIIK. Rn.m as, IO Latko Slroot. Cllll AIDI, ILLINOIS. I THE. BEST I WATERPROOF CLOTHING y IN THE WORLD itABj ini ipape mi TAMXfl3.WTITUTti fciVr'5i CfAW5ktrltt OWTtVtV "'"wiNa-rutL unsot a , mL.'i A ""nt mo HAT All Hallows College - i SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH !' - FOR BOARDERS J DAY SCHOLARS OONOUOTSO av "'. THB MARIS3T PATHgNB T rtssalrsl. CVmim.rrlat .1,4 Srlsniinr Ponrsra. ? M;:;:i;r,vi,';.in";nr:e,,"f;;"" .orb:,r.:,v,s"!;,,,:,:.,u",,;.v:,;;.r'' Pro'-' The saw eMlun. sow u ao4 .iiaiaerst.lv 10 ike ,isii, of lbs sol- I lees, ror fntlbei iisilli-ulsia, s..l lo i REV. d. QUINAN. ). M , ps.siosnt. I GORDON ACADEMY ALT LAKE C.TY A Illfh-Orsrle Homo .,,,1 ,., Brbool -for Uojs sod un Is. FALL TERM BCCINS SEPT. 9 '"JUrmltorylnrsIrl. Orsminsrsm: hrh fur His alu.lv el '.satus.; e.'TbVs'l's" Tauri"l? Uiasloa sud Music. '1'eiuik lesaiuskle. adossss Carolins Pains, r-aiscirat |