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Show Undisputed for Half a Csntury. I I It It a remartabl fact, which for V JL half a renlury bu not one been dla- f puled, thai 8L Jicoh e Oil never falls a, f to cure- thootlni pain la th arms. Tk I laaa, Ue, barter braaaa, s aurwaea 1 In any part oi txd baly. , I It hss for nfty year been gnarwa, I " " teed bf Ui ruprlelor. St. Jacob Oil. , Ltd.. Baltlmiare. MdL. to promptly ears , ' lameneaa. aclatiia. rheumatism, lam- V 4 . bugu, atjrf and swollen joLata, etlfl . y a m bark, and ail palna In the hips ami ' T f loins, strains, bruises, burnt, scalds, J toothache, chilblains, and all acbet I j and palna. I i 84 Jariabt OH costs 2S rtt and rl If eta ;aold wherever a drucglst la found I |