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Show SORROW IN Y0UNQ GIRL'S LIFE i Elizabeth Crocker, Married at 17, Travela Thorny Pathway. , Klopement quarrel criminal a tlnn for nonsupuort of the wife tear v. . and reconciliation. Till I the story ' of Harlelgh Holme and Kllxahetb Crocker of Denver. The whole llttl ' drama haa been enacted since Kebru- t ary. The nonsupport rase came on j. day and Ihe next tho wife, with mlaty f eye, on the arm of her buiband, was 1 aeeklng the dlamlasal of th caae. Th $ atory began at lretto convent In Den- ver In February, when the lY-year-oW f t!urtl alreet, Denver1, where tar ( dlan, aummonod hastily from uVa - . W tha new of the aecret marriage, fouad them. They IctV tor lot soutl ' and lived In Albuquerquu, N. II., foi j a time. Their return to Denier an f quarrel were recent In reply to hli I wife' charge of nonsupport, Holme) averred that aho wa ao Indolnt tha ha did not take rare of th boui Elixabettt Holme, bold a aha ahould. Ha charted thai her Inattention to household dutle mad It Impoxll.le to live wllk br. |