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Show FEARFUL LOBS OF LIFE. tlhleea Vessels llrlren Aahnre IHrlef (late al fuel KIKslplh, H-.HIk Alrlrs. Kightran reasela, njoslly salllnif ' (raft, hare lieen drlreo aahora In m gale at Tort Kllxaballi, Houth Africa. Klra of tbtro were Hashed to piece and all the membere of the crewa wer loL Two tug are also rrMrled lo hsre futimlered and a score o' lighten are asltore. It 1 faVred that there will lie a great In of life. Hir John (lorilon Nprlgge, lha premier, pre-mier, aald In the house of assembly that ha feared the loaa of life from the gale would be enormotia. The atorra broke shortly before midnight and ws accompanied by a dcltirre of rain and brilliant lightning The night waa rery dark. Nereral tuga went out to the aid of the endangered resarls, but nnthlryr waa risible on shore al Nrt north end of Algoa I.., ,r,wn "? rewl lying high and dry. while inhere inh-ere were In the surf and being .wept by lha huge breaker 1 |