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Show REIGN OP TERKOR KEGINS. BLACKSMITH SHOT BT STRIKING MINERS IN WEST VIRGINIA. Noa-t'nlon Mrs WheTak sinkers' riaeel TronlMe la r.specled. A apeclal from llluefleld, W. Va. aaya: There la much excitement ot Crane creek and Hlmroon creek orei the recent ehoollnga. Thursday morn. Ing John lluble. a blacksmith employee by the Hagaroore Coal A Coke company, was ahot by striking miners aud killed, Iteporta were current during the day that a number of guarda had been killed and wonndrd by the atriker, btit Investigation In-vestigation prorr that Huble waa the only man killed. Itttble, In company with Harney Hhnmale, of thia city, who had been employed aa a guard, left tha company atore to go lo a point un tha worka lo aland guard, a the company com-pany fenred a a (wit from a mob. F.n. route titer wer tired on, and lluble fell. Hhtimale waa armed with a rifle, and opeued Hre on the minrra, who, after their Hr.l rolley, ran. None of them hare been arrrated. The nonunion non-union men who look th arliker' place are terrorised, and mauy uf them are leering, A Thurmond, W. Va., dlspalch aaya: Krarythlog i ipilct in the New rircr coat Held tonight (Thursday ) and has la-en ftiiat throughout the day, Bare a little skirmish al Caplorlou, In which twenty or more ahotawera tired hut no one Injured The eulire, tfi'Cond regiment regi-ment of atate troop rried here today and tonight are la-ing diklrlhuled about rarloua coal opcraliuiia where there waa trouble yesterday, Mir HIT Daniel Ihlnka that more serious seri-ous trouble will soon follow. Much properly lias already hero destroyed, and It I believed lha I the sending ol troop will lend to enrage the strikers mora than ever and bloodshed may aonn result. At Tammiia, l'a the Hralcla-di between be-tween the striking miners and the sol. dlera haa occurred. The striker, .toned the soldiers and for a lime it looked as If a serious riot uoiild occur. Fire of the rioters were srreslcd and sre lliider a heary guard. The chsnees for an early resumption of Ihe mines in the anthracite coal Hehla on Ihe same sole a they were operated previous to Ihe atrlke of the mine worker are not good, according to the outlook at I'lllslon, Pa. Nereral collieries hare been alarted, but not one la working at anything Ilka Ita capacity. ca-pacity. At each of these ml lira. Ill ae-milted scy-cc. e-., vy,.,, I"0 men are at work, but the claim I. made thai Ihe.r are getting more erery day. The uornial tonnage of these mine during regular working time I. 1.000 tone perday. while at present Ihcy are turning out about VHt tons. . While an arerag of j.ikmi tons of mined coal Is l-lg ,,v prep.r.,1 the district, the average for I MM), when bill 1711 dnys were nor I during the year, wa. vajisa , lrr ,v |