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Show WOULD HAVE ALL MEN MARRY Chancalla avnerawe Qlvsw'a.ovtr.. to Chesaoo Unfveesftw a)ijterta. . Chancelkir E. Ilepjsmln Andrews of the I nlverslty of Nebraska, in a lee tore to summer students at the University Uni-versity of fhlraco, told his hearers, most of whom were unmsrrled school teachers, that the marriage relation was tho only one In which the Individual In-dividual beeutne fully developed. He said that lu an Ideal society there was smsll plaiv for the Individual, and that history bad proved that nine tenths of the crime committed in tbe world bail been dune by be hands of the unmarried. He pointed to Wain-liigton, Wain-liigton, Lincoln and McKlnley as ei-amplea ei-amplea of men who bad accomplished a great deal, and these three men 0 411 H IP Chancellor Andrews, were married men. The lecturer pointed out the tact that most desperadoes des-peradoes are bachelors. |