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Show BABY CRIES OVER TELEPHONE Doting Grandmother for Flrat Tim Heare Infant'e Voice. A Staten Inland boy baby now holda tho record for long dintance cryltiK. aaya the New York gun. Ho la anme-thlng anme-thlng leaa than a year old and his father nays that he aeldnm cries, Tho hahy'a grand mot her Uvea In At lanta, Oa., and alio haa never seen the baby. One evening I ant weok the fatr.er had occanlon to call np hla mother In Atlanta on the long dia-tance dia-tance telephone to give her aome Important Im-portant newa. Including the fait that bahy had cut a tooth. She expreaaed a desire to hear the baby's voiro. Any one who knows anything about young; babies knows that Hi cy eiertitte their voices chluOy In crying. Thla particular baby was brought to the telephone and by a little lit-tle proper manipulation waa Induced to cry for hla grandmother In Atlanta. "The dear little thing." replied the grandmother to her son, "I could hear him plainly. What an awfully nice cry he has." "Yes." said the son, enthiiatantlc. ally. "It's a great cry and It dont get on your nerves aa other babies' cries da. He Is the finest baby In thla town. Well, good by, mother. I'll call you up next time baby cuts a tooth," and be rang off. |