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Show DEATH OF REV. N. H. DOWNING. Life Work of Benefactor of Southern Freedmen la Ended. The Rev. Nathan II. Downing, who died a few daya ago at Ijike Harbot, Mich., waa for twelve yeara at the head of the work of the Preabytcrlan church among the freedmen of the 8011th. After the cloae of the civil war Mr. Uownlug and hi wife were Rav. N. H. Downing, ent by thn board of I1011111 iiilaHlooa of that ctiitrcli to aHHiime charge of eatntillHliIng bcIuhiI. With a largo roipa of tem-hera at hla diKponal, Mr. Downing traveled, organizing a. hoola and placing them In tho liunda of In-tructura. In-tructura. His Held waa chiefly l North und Houth Carolina, hla heud-quartnra heud-quartnra being for aevernl yeara In Sumter. 8. C. When hla hoallh fulled from ovorwork he loft tha Suulli aud accept! the paatorato of aeveral 1 "mall hrchca In Iowa, bla laat charge fl g at Clarence, la. 4 . |