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Show I VICTIMS OF AUToilODlLE ACCIDENT MP. H.id Mr. Charln L. fair, the former a ami of the lat" Senator ralr of Calllon In. were almoat Inatantly killed by tin- ania.h up of H'lr auto-nnljte auto-nnljte on ibe road from Trouvllle to Pari., fraiii-c. a few dev.: an". Mr. ln.i Mra. fair had been living Chariea L. Fair. Hi Hotel Hltx In I'arla. hut had een aprndliiK moat of their time touring tour-ing the continent In a huge new automobile auto-mobile of forty-five hm power named "Mercedea." one of the fnitteat niachlnea over built, and which la aald to have a apced of elul.ly five mllea an hour. They had ken down at Trouvlll for IH daya attending thn ra.-ea, and Intended to go tu Parle fur the night ml return to Trouville In the morning. morn-ing. They atnrled from TrotivlllB and r ached Kvreaux In aafety. Here the wife- of M. Il.-rton'a lodgckeeper aaw tho grenl red marhlne coming nnd atiKtd at thn gain to watrh it paaa. feat aiilomobllea are nn rarity there, hut Mr. fnlr'a marhlne waa ao lu'irh more rapid than nioal of them that the atood and gated at It. It na going alxty two mllea an hour. When almoat Immediately oppoalte ho lodge galea. It atlitilenly awerved. riiahi-d up a bank at the aide of the mail, apun around, recroaaed the road llko a mad thing, and daahed Into an elm tree with a great cra.h. Mr. and Mra. fair ahot high In the air and fell among the debfta of the wiecked automobile. Chauffeur Drei ley waa thrown Into ditch, where In .T-'l.1!.1-. .'!! .V"" . I.. Mr. and Mr.. Knlr weie .till br. BII. "K when lilted from l,e wreckage I..U were terribly maugl.-d. a l.-ntl. "me ipib kly. 'harlea fair'a head an. rnvere, lib brill.,... hi. Ii.-ad a. emaahfi' uid line eye had been ili .lriiyeil. Mra. lr .kuii wit. alHi. broken. t'harlea I., fair a a. the t'llr.l of four children of the late Senator " O. fair. Therca who la now wife of 11.111:111 Oelrl.-h., la the 'Meat of the HiIih. Then came "me (1.. who do, 1 aiHiul ten y.-ara to. rharlca v.im lie t Hr.l. and the in,.t Virginia, who ia now the ' of IV. K. Vanderblll. He a. I.irn In Virginia City. Nov.. A'rtl '.'I. 1 st-,7. In hi. youth lie wa. "of the wildcat lada on the Pacific r,t and for many venra In. life con- of a n.nnly airuuule ni.'iili.at ,h' rlnk hnl.lt, which wax cordially d' oted by hi. iitlier. All iuim;i he W the repiitniion of being an nn uiiiy 1 ih iiui 1 ,-,) young ninii, he wa ri''"r a total ulmtnlncr for the hirgcr of hi. lit".. n, that the lutl.T In is'ju he fli.1 met I.I. wife. 'haa Mlra Maude Nel.oll. The relajrei ,,( nu, j(n,, nian objectml to r(niilrlng tin. bride anil for a lontiimc. t icre wa. a riHitneaa be-lwe be-lwe Charl. a and hla father. After f." month. , however, there waa a recariiiation. ' rblea I.. Kalr waa one. of three helrito the lnin...ie e.lute. eallmat-ed eallmat-ed atb?tween f Jii.tititi.Onu and IIKi.Duo,- Mra.'Charlea Fair, "10. The other two are bla two latere. la-tere. At the death of hla mother Charlea Fair received ft. 000.000 aa hla ahare of tha eatate. He owned tl2.o00.U00 t the time of hla death. |