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Show N0UT11WKST NOTES. Knel Zlinmor, aon of Myor K. I. '..mnier. and hia mother, were aerli.u-W aerli.u-W iujiired in a runaway at Cenralla. IV1.I1, Itroilerlek. one nf the men hot In a loon flht at lleno, Nev., la.t week, ha ainee died at the county hoapltal in that city. The work of extinguishing the fore.l 9re which have been raging on the public land In Wyoming I progrea-ing progrea-ing aatiafactorily. A eloiidhiirat near Canon City. Colo., let down large volume of water which flooded the atreeta of that city, doing considerable damage. I'eter KeUon waa allot and mortally wounded at lWo, Wa.h., by two unknown un-known men. thelrol.Ject being robbery. They M-currd only II.V Heavy rain, at f lorem e, Colo . c..M-d a flood which invaded a number of dwelling., ca uing iniicl. inconvenience and not a little damage. Tha Northern Pacini- and the lirenl Northern will build a union depot and mnke other terminal Improvement at Seattle amounting to S'.'.mmi.ihhi. Tliirty elglil balra of hop., the Aral of the new crop, weie arid at f ugene. Ore., la. I week at .1.1 cent, per pound, the highe.t price in twenty yea... The mipreme court haa denied the new trial In tbeca.eof Alex. P. Van.le who la under aentence of death for the murder of Charlce f. franklin at Katonvlllc, Waah., in September of la.t year. In Whatcom, Wa.h., .lodge Nelerer overruled a motion for a new trial for II. St. John lllx, the bank wrecker, and aenleuced him to ten yenra In the penitentiary, the llu.lt under the lawa of that atale. frank Cooli-.v, a printer well-known In Montnna, waa liiatantly killed by falling from a freight car at f.ckhcrl, Mont. Cooley iaaupM.aed to have been beating I. la nay 011 the train wheu the accident occurred. Ureal fall, Mont., liaa now a new national park. The land Include, the aectlon on Snake creek north of (treat fall, and la the aite where the battle witli the famoti Hear Puwa waa fought over twenty-five yeara ago. f. Nwan and V.. Cooroy, two bell boy employed In a lloieman, Mont., hotel, lunt week eloped with two young girl of that town, but afler an exciting chaae the young couplea were captured and returned to their homea. Information haa beeu received that the man arreated at New Ca.tle, Wyo., on au.plclon nf being Philip I). Welkin, liaa been dellultely Karned to be tha per.nn wauled. Watkina waa wanted In Seattle for paaaiug apurioua cbecka. Ambrou Vahlll, a well knowo ranch er who lived near Virginia CI. v. Mamt., will a bsevtMe wM baying, lie waa thrown dowa among the trace while attempting lo climb Into the rack aud waa atamped and kicked to death. Ilia body waa mangled out o' recognition. (Ireel fore.t Area in fremont couoty, Wyo., are atlll raging. Special Land Agent M. II. Camplin, who look a force of tlfteen men out to light the Are, haa returned. llu tleclarea the llainen are of glgaulio proportion ami I.I men could do little toward checklug their progrea. Klght bell boya employed by a llutte hotel have gone on a atriko iH-cauiMi they were refuae.l 'i'-bone aleak at their meala. The boya are guarding the hotel and other lada will not be permitted 10 take the vacant placea until an agreement la reached with the uiaiingeiiieul. The world'a record for alecr roping waa broken by four of the large Dumber Dum-ber of parliuipania la the corneal In connection with the frontier day celebration cele-bration at Cheyenne. The wluner waa W. K. fitch, of Katon. Colo., who performed per-formed the feat In rS aeconda. The forme' record waa 1 made by Duiil-l': '-lark, of Iron Mountain, Wyo. filch la government oaltle lniector at Katon, Chief of Police Reddy, of Spokane, waa a paaaenger on a .treet car that waa held up by an audajloua highway man. Tha car, on the Aator aired Hoe, had atopped for a railroad croaa-ing, croaa-ing, wheu a maaked robber, wltli a re-rolver re-rolver In each baotl, alepped aboard and compelled the conductor to give up hleceah. Then, brandiahlng tile loug fun, he oommanded the paaaengera to contribute. Chief Iteddy waa unarmed aud aald lie waa powerleaa. Joacplt Iielachneider liaa coufe.ed to Chief McLaughliu of Portland, that be aaw Andrew While atrike the blow which killed Putcr lleauclieue, ablack-amllh, ablack-amllh, In (loo.e Hollow laat week, aud aid II. e partlcipaula iu the tight were Intoxicated. The Hilling, Mont,, odlcera have a mau uuder ai-re.l believed to be the much-wanted Phillip Ii. Watkinn, who bit. beeu piomir.i-.iou.ly vli-tli.illng bank iu Ctilcngo, Sun f rnnciHco, Loa I Augelea, Seattle and other place throughout the we.t. Secretary of State Dunbnrof Oregon decided thut Mra. Wugoner'a cluiin for the reward for finding Convict David Merrill a body waa not well fnuu.li-d', he therefore diaallowed the claim.' The reward offered by tl.u alula for Merrill Mer-rill a capture naa J1,.'.'J. I |