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Show ' RABBITS RUIN A CITY. Untor-rlpe Foundation of Embank-- Embank-- Ant and Cauae Flood. Ituhblcli were dlriH-tly rc.ponaihle for the ten Mile dlKler which overwhelmed over-whelmed the pi.puloue Spanlah city of I or. a aome time back, according to the Detroit Newa Tribune. Ity burrowing bur-rowing and tunneling under the foundatlona of the vaat embankment, which had been built high up In the hllla to dim back tho water nf a mountain lake, they ao weakened It that It gave way. The reeultanl deluge wiped Ixirca off the face of the earth . drowned aomo 1.200 ot Ha Inhabitant and Inundated the country for morn than twenty leaguea. A almllar rataetrophe which befell a numlier of laoiated town and village in the MlMla.lppI Valley In March, IMKI, waa attributed to rata having undermined the Juvee near flreen-Lv.lle. flreen-Lv.lle. . |