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Show The Park kerord ny that the only pearhoa In Bnmrnll county tht will I worth canning this veer will be time who W vote to keep tli ronnty eeal where It la. Wa would suggest that the UtoH start np a canning; factory lor there mil Ik a great iuau peaches toca g.rn more than tlia Uenord wn at this lime. Th Juvenile Iiiarrurtnr for September ii to hand arith the following intern Una Uble uf content: "The Miaalnn of the Angels." W. A. lly.U: "Tlie Utah frets Kicuralnn to the rerltio Slope," illustrated: "The olograph of an In- .llmlloy." W. M. W.: "Il doean'i Coatii'iney,"(P'r) ) eeleeled : "Our Minion Sunday School" The la Angela, Ang-ela, California, Sunday School, llluai-ralrd, llluai-ralrd, K. M. Pngmlre; "Kditnrlal Tin.uglita Slake Sunday Hi-hoot Union lloerda, (lpioriuiiiiiea for Young Men In Utah. The lllarkbosril in the Sundai School j" "A flood Way to Preach the tio.pel," Neytou K. Noyos; "ralililu the Utle-day Work," Ininean M. McAllister; Mc-Allister; "llnye ami Chickens." J. linden; "UBllgi.nClnaalepartuir-nl,'' 1 and "Kor Our l.iltl Folks." The Improvement Krelor Septenilier isa very Interesting nuinlier. The from -lalne la a llnriy eiocuted out ol ihe Bureau of Information building. In Ihe Tabernacle iuare. The lliatory of the l'ri vtn;t Joseph II continued ; eo ta "The I'tttlw lluildcr." The rcond part of tlia "ltcply to 'Hubert on Ib1',' " la au'llirr feature, The fourili chapter la Will in .i .. ii tliijlitmit Ihe late HlahiujaV ( I F luni.f . B- ar Wf fTtf, . ' aTjA fi'i.r.'ae on llie uiui li discussed aule- I i i eetul "Our Killhar Adam" will lonnd J ol uiTirr.il Interim. Kldor AlmaO. Tay- lor conlrimtia a pupfr on Mlow it la J Do; a lo J:n."An d lalmiMitof F.I I r j 1!. II. lloIit' llnedirtalionon"Ji'an (hrlt:TheUevrliloni)f(lol,"follimta. ! Dr. J. M. Tanuer trcnta on "Uliii l Kernta in Current Hiatory'TheKdltor'a Tablo lita ix'rlinrnt and timely eoinmciit by I'rnt. Joaeph Y, oiultli on "Huper-ailllnui "Huper-ailllnui rractiiea," and there are oilier auraciiona In pnelry and proae that hi'lp to uiakt up a iu.nl valuable number uf thit excellent uiagatiue. Unite a hitler Until li(nl laat 'k buteifii I ho Drvrnt Naand the I'atk lt onl me I iit inuuly aa'iit propoallliin. The Nri made a iiiiiiiImt of lumini-iila In their iaue ol Auguat2Sth,coiii'ernliii imelli'Klitliat were reported ae bein uaed oy tha l'4ik people in their rITorta to afi'iue the county aeat tbla (all. , The mainonea were that the hi n lna l of the camp bad combined and 'weie h doing all in their power to help the I inovcmt'iit ; that aoine id theiu had gone I to iar aa to poat uotlcoa urging their men to aupport tbecouleinplatud change, and i that IMI.cy di.ln't do It the act would I roat thrni tlivir nl," and tliat oneCoal- V villa man had tieen diacharged becauae he would not anpport the moveuient. I The Itnord denied all tbeae chnrgce, I The aauie reKrta were elrculuted in I Coalville, but an investigation waa made nd foand that they were not true. We . ' believi that "couaervatlve" element of the county are opMvid to tha propoae l ' chnugi', Iwcauae it U lo their lutwal to keep the county ecal where it ia, and the majKilty of ihnae who will vole to ' V remove Ihe county aeat are thoae who hava but Utile Intereat in ihecouuty and 1 wlio puy atarcely any taiea. i |