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Show I rl"' Leglalalure May Mellle Coal t ' sl.l,t rumor. .,. I Mernlalloa I b Harrlahurg, !., that a special sea. 111 of lha legislature may be called bf t.'orernor Htone In tha Interes- oi Irglalatlnn looking tu the arbliratinr I J th strike In the anthracite re- j It la understood that ahould there In t popular r'emnnd fcroalllng Ihrlrgla j flat II re logrlbrr, a demand I inner tin and unmistakable, representing tin I great miis. of the people who liare I ri -directly .iifTercd by the coal atrlke, lh gorernor would be cotistialucd tu call an extra session. While tin cnnllrmatlon of these rumors ru-mors can I e seeurr.l from ail olllclal aoiirce. It la slaleii that a leglalnt'.re solution uf the grare siluullou In th rlke I piiKslblr. |