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Show A Yaar'a Food for a Menagerie. Iu 1801 the animal In the Regent' Park menagerie conaumed If ton of horaefleeh, a little over I ton of goat' flesh, 10 ton of whiting, Burly a ton of flounder, a balf-ton of rough fish. 1,260 pints ot ahrlrapa, and cloae on 10.OU0 fowl heads. From U corn merchant came 163 loada of clover, 144 loads of bay, 23) load straw, 185 quarters ot oat, S4 quarter of barley, S quarter of wheat, and I 1 ton of oilcake. The game-bird took, among other thing, 61 quartan of nialx and 7 quarta ot buckwheat, while for the seed eater wer provided pro-vided 24 quarter of canary, 11 quarters quar-ters of hemp, a quartera of rape, and I quartera ot millet. The baker furnished fur-nished 6.2G1! quartern loave and IS tons of biscuit; and from Ui dairy came 6.080 quart of milk and 83.300 gga, or nearly 100 for every day in . the year. The grorer ent 8C6 tlu of preaerved milk, 4!8 lb. of augur, S21 lb. of ralalna, 111 Hi. of currants, 169 lb. of tigs, and 39 pot of Llcblg. Th fruiterer and otliera also contributed con-tributed largely to the menu. f |