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Show PROCLAMATION IS A WONDER. Language of President Castra la Rich, in Flowery Metaphor. ' Prealilenl C'satro of Venezuela. July 5, the Independence day of that republic, repub-lic, laaued a prtK-liiiuntlon which cir-tulnly cir-tulnly Is a wnndnr. Uuvolulton In t'louth America ahould i-nnae llitlo surprise sur-prise If this document, which reached Wua!ilr.i;ton tinlny Is a fnlr animilo or tbe Itlcr.'iry products nf t ie nilerw. The tiroclnmitilon waa puhllxln'd on the eve of rreablent Cu.itni'a ilepnr-lure ilepnr-lure from the "Yellow limine" st Cnr-acna Cnr-acna tn lend his army In the Held, ami It I a stirring ain-ul to his nuiiury-men nuiiury-men lo aupiairt him In Ma purpose to rruah tho iiiill-Canlro force, whlrli hait gmwn so fonulilable nieently. Tho Venexuelan exiH-utlve descrilMWi In flowery metapnor hla own peraonaJlly and Intentions, and declares: "Anarchy haa atruck deep Hi claws Into the bowels of our country but I will slrangl. l int anarchy In th eolla of my euergy." Annoiiuciug hla punman tn revnb llonlxe the methods nf government I Venexuela, he wrllca: "From thla moment I cnnsccrai e 9 tho rcallrallou of that denlgn all lie en err IP of my aoul, th reaoumea of tho ernment, tho hitmhlo pruatlce of nrHword, my unconquerable faith In t-V sucreaa of well doing, and thla UfeWlil.ii baa been srared by & tor-rerjof tor-rerjof bullets In ut diuils with llnd myself In the cnuilltlon to fob dtilie minnlon with which I' havn imi Invented by rrovidcn-v, and it is iJ deelre to reivler myself worthy i" it mlsnlon. lbncluK myseir will! Uio sfnrilcts of pence, and riiising my 'ifiiture If uei.d be luyond tlie llmlta-.iis llmlta-.iis of nnturo, L shall chain events slid hnrucxa thorn, tu tbu car of vlo ry in the very camp of Hi rebelliun, declare myself In rnmpatKH. 1: am fjiiliiK to trannfiiKt' rtitu tint operatlune of the wnr thu enthusiasm of my faith, aty nervotia activity, and the eltlcacy f my personal direction." Washington Washing-ton CurronpoinU'OC!) I'lltsburu Ulav patch. |