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Show 6HEEP FEEDING. " -j rial.hlaa wa.l.ra Walheea Wmw Kaalr W later Market. Aa ttatril In a n Kirt from the Iowa atntloli, 1I Idnho liimha purchaaerl Mny t, l'.'l. "ire carried over on blue grnaa pnature during Ibe .iiinnier lli.lltha lo la. 11-.1 for a fall fevlllltC ciporlnu nt. Inu ing the period of lo-ditye lo-ditye liny iiuide 1111 uverngi; go In of thirty one p..iiml. ,i l..wl. Chori-ltiiC 8 renta per vti-k iht bend for pnature. the glllna were liuole nt 11 cn-l of itlMUll 2.Yi ceota le r a,niiil. lima ahoMlng the poaall.lllty of the econoioh al production produc-tion Of lllllttoli oil gniaa lllolie llurlng the aiimmi r montha. ltealrlng lo ohlalli none ill tlnlli. In-formiitloti In-formiitloti relntUe lo the value of cm-Dier cm-Dier (commonly known 11 a apeitxi, toy beam nnd gluten feed for abeep feeding feed-ing pmpoaea. Ibe bun. Il vtna illvld. d Into aeven lota mul fill from (li t. 1 to Nov. I'o the following nttloiia: l.t No. 1, ten .beep Ted on CHinicr mid clover liny. I.t No. 2. Ion theep fed on toy l'iiut nnd clover hay. Lot No. II. ten .beep fid on corn two pnrta, gluten fii il one part and clover buy. Lot No. 4, ten abeep fed on corn and clover buy. I ..it No. ". fifteen idiia.p fed on gritaa, rupe 11 nil corn. l.t No. u, thirty abeep fed on gniat nun corn. lit No. 7, flfleeti theep fed on graat alone. I The .hecp In all of the lota were 1 atnriial on a light griiln rut Ion. about one-third of n jmhiiiiI nt hind, whlcb wtia grndtially Incretiiial until the i-m iner lot were ruling 2.4 potimla er bend a r ilny. 11 ml the toy hean lot, the corn uud gluten feed lot unit Ihv com lot were each noting two m. inula per bend per day. Itrnn wut added to nil the rollout nt the beginning 11ml con llnucd during the that fifteen dnya, after wbli li It wita ilropiaal from the rutlon. llran la a gmal regulator for the avail in of the iiiilmnl and uiny wtdl be ueitl during the ilrat few diiyt In getting miy cluaa of atia k to take rend Ily t Hug a new fia.il. The dnlH obtained from thli cxperb iiieut Indicate Kirat. 'flint when com It worth 40 renti per btiahel eiuiner It worth 2tP ceuta per bitahel of thlrty-Uvu pouudt for aheep fia-illng purlaiaea. Kecotid. That when corn la worth 40 ceuta per bllah.-l toy beillll, when they cotnHnw. t!io tolo grnln rntton, are worth but 4."ircnli ht buabel for theep fiHllug pitrpoaea. Thlrd.Tbul com alonn when fed In conjunction wllh clover hay pnaluccd larger mid muro i'ouomlcitl galna than the ration of corn, two pnrta; gluten food. 0110 part, and clover liny. Fourth. That aheep can lie fntlened wore economically 011 grata and corn or ou gniat 11 lone than on runner and clover hay. toy beitnt nud rlovur bay, conn two pnrta, gluten feed 01111 part au.rt lover hay or corn and rtteewe bay. f PiHh. That any henna, on account I t their high protein content, ehuuld 'not form the nolo gruln mtloti In con-Junction con-Junction with clover bay for abeep feeding purpoaea. Hlxlh. 'I lint pound for pound corn la mure valuable Hum emmer for abeep fcctllng purHiaea Weveiith.'lhut mutton can tie produced pro-duced economically on grata aloue during dur-ing tbv tumiuer muiitht. To Kill tha C'odllaa -Harm. Hprnyliig wltb nraeiilcitlt Is the no ccpteil meitiia of combullng tho codling worm. Two aprnyliiga are all that la het-caanry In the greater part of the con at region mid In tbo Inland uplnuda uf H10 rncillc northwcHt. In the wnnn liiluml vnlleja. however, more apruy-lug. apruy-lug. are ie.iilrtl. ltlffiTi-nt growert 01 ply Ihcae Inter kprnyiiiga nt tome-wlmt tome-wlmt ililleretit ilatea. The third airiiy-Imz airiiy-Imz la caiiiuioiily given about July It) to lfi. tho otbera nt Interval of three 1 wcokt, the hiat In rVptcmher. In addition addi-tion to apraylug tome griiwera. cape chilly lu the wanner valley t. uao the "blinding t.vatem" at an additional lueunt of protiH'tlon. Wkr AllallM llnr laailea. In nil enact of aiaintiimiua conibut-tlou conibut-tlou of nirairii bay, iioNkI lu a revort on tbla Miibjivt tiy the KniiaiiH alntbin. Hie uliulfa had been baudleil nt little at poanlhlc and turned hut Utile. Tint re kiilttal In the liuvea becoiiiliiB dry. while the ainlka coiitalncd couahlerable inoWine. Where wcuilier comlliloua were favorable Hill luolature lu the alctiia wna autllclent to promote fermentation, fer-mentation, mid In the tunes given the fermentation generated autllclent beat to atari 11 lire. 'Where Mraii la aa Advantage. One of the authorities tliida that mixing mix-ing atiuw lu Hie feed with alfalfa, ; thereby widening the rnthm, givea l,. i-' i-' Icr rcalllla III feeding ateera llinli feed-I feed-I lug exclusively on ulfiilru 11 a rotighuge. I One Tfcliie aad Awolhar. I Sinn II in nuinla ra nud In-low inedliitn In aire, the "little livvtui" ia 11 laivlne , exempllllcatloii of Hie inlage thai urll-' urll-' clea of much vuluo lire often found In I small puckagea. I Sborlborti bloial waa Hie ft rat lo be j uacd on the niitlve cattle of the plalna. uud It exi'tt'leea 11 very great lli.lueiice ' on the rniigo cuttle of Hit present time. I The resort to "cover cropa" aa u eiib- allium for clean cultivation la coming Into greater prominence In Irrigated . districts. Tankage la being experimented with In place of bntn nnd llilildllnga for 1 fia-dlug young hoga. I The pasturing of theep on ulfnlfi I (,viut to the Michigan station to be I attended with some dungert and to require re-quire more or let! precaution. I i'ue ct'inent flninc Is advunclng la ' popularity lu Ibe older Irrigation re glont. I |