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Show AN IOWA MAN IMaeovers the Rlgbt Thln at tb' lllghl Time. Mr E fnvre. nfflcinl p .vrrnment ami . mrteorologkalrepoiter. n1,11" , 'f in. 5 lowfc wa a ve'rr sick man kidncva Mr Sivre was P"'ra,",J,'' i tbe aummernf tHOeJ. sad slims d"'-11. i as sll sn.lrsvors lo rlirtk the lmub"J j arove.1 ef ao avnil: Jnt ,,,1, "";,, 5 point of kidney Iroublr he found a irmedr I that cured luui I. wat ta a IIUl "W1"1 bni and LOOKED LIKE THIS- f Vis iTniifT riwnriT-"- ir rnn hsre any kidwf or Wsilder 111! I and want to be cure,), cut mil this coupon, send tn us with your nnme and alilit, t plain))' written, we will mail you j A FREE TRIAL. J fTHIS COUPON I t I gned foe a free trial ef IMtATPf) r ) HIIINKV ril.ljn. a aoelern kldaey C V ar-ecina for llarkarhe, Khenmalle r 5 f l'alna. rnaary IMa.rders. ItlalM-lea, f S lirnpar. aad all Ula at Uia Hldaeys jFoagavi j A Cur for Hiccough, ft- la claimed that a suro core foi ht'cougha Is tit Inhale as muck air ai Ihe I mi kh will hold and retain It at long na ponalble. Lf olio lnhalatloe li t xnJIolciit. repeat the procesa. "IVnw grant dlge.tluu walU ua apnetlta and heallli oa Inilh " IX II. dum L try Burdixk Ulued llllUr niphth.rla, tor throat, croup. In.tnnl I 1 'J','iri"annt cure. Ir. Thomas' fclto I 1 trie Oil At auy drug atora. ( Hall's Catarrh Cure j Is taken Internally. Price, LVa, j |