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Show I ? f f ALLEGED EMBEZZLERS SET FREE AS THE WORLD REVOLVES WHERE CRIME Strike end Lockout He tried the door with Ins kpv hut n,e lnHle the thing was Jock-,- 1 u locked and bolted i,e nag about to applv ih. ki(n kt r a voice, stern and adtn. nitor i. ached him from above. hat do Halloa' Who ar. ,(1 you want? "My dear, toe called imi t that a trifle gratuitous? 1 uaiit to ome in. D'ye see?" till this Where have you hour? Club, my darling Bmi down dis cussing the strike." ot rnn ran go Very well, then hack and discuss th. )m k out Does it still rain? jt ln In tne Spring Gardening. 1 os vaid thi aiiisii in gaidcner i aft tin nihil- - had timhiil telliliu their Mm planHd sonic spiiug seed onions last n i.hl and tint tame up this imiininji. FiUtlt piniiLil ot hi i s said the irunu al i Inn us Nopi i lin ki iii nplnii the a. g as lie Bditi he d take the aamt 1 Hewitt I A Bachelor d like to see fuels at ptaie with the entire wot Id lewitt Then a no ieaon wthy shouhtn t lit hi liasn t an) wife. Sam xland Deadliest Bullet to Thev had a dispute aud agreed it ate it 10 the military expert hat built they asked, do you dtadlleht tlie (Olisldei For stveral minutes be remained in Theu he looked up a brown stu.lt who had settled one of with tlie air tlie raatur fli alls and definitely The one that hits he said. Th The Difference. Papa what is inertia'' lari-ms- s Will if hate it, it is pure is It it. hut if your mother has nervous prostration Join K (,iMior and (apt Benjamin D Greene who are fugitives from t;a where they eere to have he tried on charges of conspiracy wiii former Capt Ober.'n M Carter to defiaud tlie I'nited States govern meat, were liberated from custody at Qutbec, Canada Gsynor and Greene were arrested tt the Chateau Frontenac In May last br detectives from Montreal and tak to that city, but were brought to Quebec on a writ of habeas tor pug t while they were confined In but were recently allowed to live kt (hotel In the custody of tnelr coun- HE WAS SO BALDHEADED. Swim American flnant n r and friend were enjoying a dip in briny. Ah, exclaimed the lauer, is it not wonderful how the buoyant) of the salt water enableh tie human body to float on it? said Nothing strange about It, If this water was on'y the Yankee. oil, I could float a company with It. An Humor in yf jungle. That game angrily ex- claimed the xeb is the elephant You dont get tailed for bis mo the coin see? e I don't!" shlek the excited that out? phant "How do that rode the 'Cause the joc !! ostrich won on a ng happened. Whereupon som f v" Mis. C, ay Quebec, eie-mak- THEN POP v Do you Know why Im starting to I suppose-- y ou want to be able to SENT HIM TO BED. ELK! raise a beard? locate your face' . Jurys e DISPLAY at Salt Lake City a Mott Suc- Contemporary Points Out Danger in CORBIN TO VISIT THE EMPEROR Use of Oil and Gas. cessful Orvt. Be Accompanied by His Wife Wearing the prison stripes and Another accident in the west' in During Trip to Germany. keejlng the lock step of the convicts, which a railroad wreck caught fire Adjutant General Corbin, accompa-the delegates from Joliet, III., to the with the result that several persons nled by Mrs. Corbin and CoL John meeting of tbs grand locfge of Elks were cremated whose lives otherwise marched in the monster street parade might have been saved calls attention of tht Elks at Salt Lake City. They anew to a condition which, as the New attracted much attention and were York. World bas repeatedly pointed awatded third prise in the contest for out, has the remedy immediately at the oddest uniform. To the Park City hand. " The lighting of railroad trains with gas or oil is a relic of th past and should not be tolerated longer. Efficient and economical electrical appliances for lighting the errs are betng used on the finest and fastest railway trains. The explosive gas tank and the deadly oil lann hava been relegated to th eerap heap on many of tha up railroads; and In the Interest of the safety of the traveling public electric lighting should become universal. If the railroad companies fail to look after tnelr own best interests and extend the protection, state and national legislation In tne end will compel them to do so. i An Optimistic Vlsw. The Invalid looked out of the winf dow Just as a hearse went by, and h smiled happily. D'ye mind. Biddy, he said, worth th' dyln' to have a ride in thing like that, with th' feathers top an a man with a bug on his ha an you bein gr reater an more niei sary than th marshal iv a St. Pst i nek's day parade. There's wanst ye-e- r llfe'Teie' th whole thing, a t thats whin yere dead. i Tha GRAND ?C Cause For Apprehension f Mrs. Horn beak Ezry, Im your ma is losln her mind. Farmer Horn beak What makeJ yi think so? I aint noticed any pupefc ler signs of it Mrs. Hornbeak Why, shes she dont pear to think everrody tnat comes to the house Is anxips to near all about her 'granchlldtaet Judge. e WOULD HAVE Sympathies. Stranger You still have lynching here, do yon? , . Westerner Only tmthe case of bad characters. When a Airly good clti-se- n gets arrested for anything ws always let the law take its course. Thats encouraging. Yes, you see an average Jury can always he depended upon to hang a good citizen if It gets a chance. New York Weekly. His Private Opinion, "Ah, exclaimed the sentimental maid as she sat on the-- moonlit balcony in blissful proximity to the man after her own heart, how I love the beautiful stars! Yes, of course, rejoined the masculine portion of the company, whose and the thoughts were wandering, chorus girls aint so worse, either. t George A Cronk. Elks of Park City, Utah, was given the first prlxe for the best 'display. Each member was arrayed as s miner, and each had with him a burro laden with al) the supplies .necessary to a Cotton prospector or miner. The with Pickers of Greenville, Mlss black faces and garbed 1 outlandish rugs of a southern plantation negro, cak walking and dancing, and folfloat laden with cotton bales, lowing was awarded second prize. i The grand lodge chose Baltimore as (he place of meeting for the annual Wanton of the grand lodge In 1903. George A. Cronk, Omaha, was elected Grand Exalted Ruler. ALL.-- MEN MARRY Chancellor Andrew GWvWvie to C Me ego OrttvSnanp W Chancellor E. BerJamin Andrews of th University of Nebraska, la a lecture to summer students at the University of Chicago, told bis hearers, most of whom were unmarried school teachers, that the marriage relation was the only one In which tb individual became fully developed. He said that In an Ideal society there was small place for the Individual, and that history had proved that nine tenths of the crime committed In the world had been done by the hands of tlie unmarried. He pointed to Wash lngton, Uncoln and McKinley as examples of men who had accomplished a great deaiand - these three men Parisians Excited Over Nothing. Paris papers of saffron hue are Both Useful and Ornamental. Mother. I donlt.se? that you learned anything either useful" or ornamental at -- that school last year.7,1 . Pretty Daughter Oh, but you dont know. For one thing, I learned how to make my shoelace come untied whenever I wish, New York Weekly. serious comment over a hora sajd Jo.bejnjhe Plantes. This horse is have changed, tola -- color Mugsy t aint a goin ter fight yeri cos ITT d5 mb thudder wlH fid ltout l a'singl night Inquiry at the Jar an lick me. In lies Plantes finally brought forth Mickey Aw! How will she know dat you fought wld me? I official explanation. The author!-- 9 see on de door. Shell crape Mugsy yer explained that this zoological . WWSW ar el is simply s wild horse, which, An Old Form of Insanity. LOOKS BAD FOR WILLIE. te nany other aalmals, loses It hair 1 see that poor Teresa Vaughn, ci rtaia periods." The horse in queswho a few years ago was one of our ts is now changing Its coat which most popular stage favorites, is con- fas present slightly lighter In bus fined In a Massachusetts sslyum. Sbs tto formerly. 8o much for the is insane on tbe subject of dress. qr nelson horse, and now Parisians - Good heavens! Have they begun f L a aea erpent in th Seine. shutting women up for that? Courtship In China. Valuable to Him. b China persons of rank do not se es ....Towe Scribbler picked ep for s fill: future husbands until few pennies at a secondhand book fit narriag ceremony oceuri. Min-t- o store an old book on platitudes which Wn has related la bis inimitable has since proved to be very valuable. pnier how with a little planning asd Browne A rate edition, eh? fit assistance of a few friends he man-to- d Town to obtain at a distance of thirty Oh, no; but hes bees making the platitudes over Into quat- M A glimpse of the young lady who to been choeea to be kis wife. Mrs. rains for the magazines. ft. who Is a sister of Ho Yow, ChiHer Rejoinder. le Consul General at Ban Francisco. How you young women did chatter u unacquainted with English when at your progressive euchre party L to arrived in this country, but sb (S.KT exclaimed the United States senator. to been a diligent student and now our language almost fluently, answered Miss Cayenne; to' Yes, but she cant Willie, pour jnamms want to give you some, cookies, one were have we a typical high-cas- t It Chlaes fit might thought find the key to the pantry." to select a route for an to1 ty sad Is finely educated. -In ean-g- et a trying without I heyJL all right, Thats isthmian canal. Oh! Thats what I wanted to know! Certainty Was Familiar. , who daring htfi Rev. Mr. C. fie Customer. Bank Puzzled Mannish. Lew. Acting High "d in th of writing' habit was tlon a man Urn a ir little A said few Here, understand presented here, days ago yon boy, Magistrate Did I 1 1 mber of sermons for the winters benevolent cashier H. old William to used check Rogers, your high stop gentlemao, that the parties to to. cam down from the chancel one of the Nassau Bank, demanding pay crying and act like a little man. !ay after service to speak to one out said the little boy, cut Say. Witness Yes, your worship, their ment Tittle vestrymen about some parochial that hot air a about jh and their said high actin' like the I cant But pay that, roices were unusuallylow- I had sat ar, after which he said, man, I a Jes' lickin smokin. fer got cashier; that mans dead. language extremely sermon dea while my preaching 0 But, protested the holder of the Discouraging. jto now thnt It nounded very familiar, Lovely Woman was when alive he he signed check, Is It see I If culd the to only discouraging, to ito I have been rather worried lent say cried. Oh, she to a young man who has been tender' 1 night have preached It already. I see tne. myself as others And In face of all Mr. Rogers' efforts ly nursing a few straggling hairs on trst that you did not have the name It wouldnt do. said he. It- would at conceited. explanation the man left the bank his upper lip for three months, to isprtasion. Did you ever hear It be-ftoo make yon have his girl say, Oh, Charley, why convinced that be bad a grievance. him all upon smiled . Only' last Sunday,' was the And then she dont York Times, let you your mustache answer. evening. grow?" the Itorting of the rest In chameleon ardln de sported to- -- i - it' rt db - Mrs. Corbl U ston, his aid, and GenJ Young, will leave for Europe In a fow nays to be th guests of Emperor William In witnesslrg the German army maneuvers. Mrs. Corbin is one of the most popular hostesses In th rational cap Hal, and her absence wiU be noticed . . In the round of festivities. Powerful Light for London Street A portable street light of great Illuminating power is the device of U Westminster County Council for lessening accidents from London fogs. A cylindrical tank eighteen Inches in diameter and two feet high Is charged with twenty-fivgallons of petroleum,' and compressed air force vapor from the oil Into a standpipe provided with a burner. On igniting the torch flares np eighteen Inches to two feet, with a power of 1,000 candles. e LAST -- OFTHE LlGHT- - ERiGADE Bole Survivor of Famous Chargt Ing at Sharon, Mass. Sharon, Mass., enjoys tbe distinc- tion of having aa a resident Blair Irwin, who. aa far as is known, is tbe sol survivor of the gallant 00 who made the famous chargt at Bsiaklava or-wfv- pP: . Meeting i Eddie (aged ) Bay, Pop, aint the world round? His Pop Yes. Eddie Then how can it ever come to an end? nor was with her husband and through all bis MAKE Tr.rtrah DAcunhi Boasts n sel. kt UNKNOWN, Unique Distinction. The recent death In hi ninety fifth - . year, of Thomiut Watson, the goverof the small inland of Trlstran lHir d'Aoinba, In the South Atlantic ocean, directs attention to a little community whti h Is practically severed from communication wuh the rest of tne world Trlstran d Arunba was discovered by the Portuguese In ISO. and formal possession - was taken of Ihil small spec k in the ocean In 1871 by company of Britii-artillery, the better to Keep a watch on Napoleon, at that time a prisoner In SL Helena. On the death of Napoleon the soldiers were withdrawn, with the exception of Corporal, Class aud, two companions, who, with some whaling men were the founders of the present settlement The colony flourished and souls,' numbered in 1820 twenty-aeveand in 1887 there was a population of ninety seven. Property Is held In common and there is no strong drink, and no crime, while the Inhabitant are healthy and long lived. The oldest inhabitant acts as governor. A ship of war pays the island an annual visit and brings the only mall that ever reaches the inhabitant. The settlement is in a fertile fart of the 1 land, and la called New Edinburgh. The population has. been for some years almottrisrsf tonary,-- and 1 affecttroubles and litigation has stood by ed by migrations to the Capo. Wathim, always ready told him when opson, the deceased governor, went to portunity offered, Trlstran dArunha from the Cape years ago, and never after wards left the Island, . , . LIGHT IN RAILROAO CARS. 1 he of 1$ Chancellor Andrews, were married men. The lecturer pointed out th fact that most desperadoes are bachelors. during th Crimean war, an exploit which was immortalized by Tennyson In his poem The Chari of tb Light. Brigade. Mr Irwin was a soldier In th British army for more than lu years, at a time when It was teeing some of its most arduous service sod achieving som of its mos glorias results. He participated In th four great battle of the Crimean war, lma, Sebastopol, Balaklava and Inkers an, and bis Where the Llama Is Useful, Bolivia, on of the highest Inhabited countries on tb globs La Pas, tbs capital, being 12,000 feet above the sea level much us Is mads of that graceful and Invaluable pack animat, th llama, which will travel farther and with even less food, than tb bnrro but will not carry mors than 160 pounds. The llama la some respects resembles the camel kneeling In camel fashion to receive its load, and it will not arise If mors than 150 pounds ar placed os Its back. la 4 Plan Great Engineering FeaL The Strait of Canso, between Cape Breton and tbe mainland of Nova Scotia, Is to be bridged. Tb task is aa Immense one, Involving great engiBlair Irwin, neering difficulties, and tb outlay of abont five million dollars. Tbe bridge regiment aided in th putting down will be a cantilever, with a span of of th Indian mutiny, being prieat at the relief of Lucknow. 1,800 feet, th longest In the world. , |