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Show AN OLD MURDER MYSTERY. It la Cleared I hv n,h.i, , Vletle. Allie and llr.n,. M.v.tery surrounding a aiip,,. n.nrder, heliered lo have been com. milled nenr here lltlrly-thrce year, ago. ha. been clenr.-,! np.ai.y. ,'.r. ,N'"V Vur ispmcli, by i,e covery of the "vl, ll, " ,lc ,,, ,,,., In Minncpuli., Mm,,. . ,, 0im OD ,,,,,vy It 'bal illy lojoln ihe re- lli.luing mrmbera of his family. Thuiua. Frclerl-I, , , , thlrty-lhree yeais ago, when he u employed on th, farm of 1 harlea Flck-ell, Flck-ell, near Hedcs-I. After a dispute over milking. I'lckcll ktUK-kcil the boy down. Frederick diaappeHrcd. There were no wllcs-. t ,,, occurrence and nu arrest. ,,, pieii grieved over Ih. .u.plcion directed against him and died a few yrsra laler-'J laler-'J he hoy. parent. ,, i( brother, and aiatera only recently learned of hla whereabout, through a letter, which he addressed lo the poat-uiasler poat-uiasler at lledwooil. |