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Show f " I FORTY THOUSAND MEN 9TRIKB fjmhnr Tmwhtea In rt,rener. Ilsly, Whir. May Sprmd le Alarming -r.rlle-It la estimated that 4t.'HKI men In Florence, Italy, are Idle. 1 heemployrt of forty different calling hare Joined tha strike that began laal Friday, and lha town appeara lo be In a atsle ol lege. Troops hare been recalled from tha maneurera ami from the camp, and erery square in the city Is occupied by a company of soldiers. Hix thousand troop. In addition lo a niimtier of car-blneera car-blneera and policemen, hare been concentrate,! con-centrate,! in the city. 1 he gorcrnmenl, M blcli, according to ita democratic programme, has allowed th atriker complete lilerly aa luug a order waa maintained, has assumed a must energrlle attitude since tha trlkera trlk-era forced willing workmen to remain Idle and committed acta of randallam. All mcrtinga of pereona bare lieen forbidden, for-bidden, and huiulreila of aiisprcled per-aon per-aon hare lieen arrested. These men-Hire men-Hire here aee'ted disorder and har frustrated tb efforta of the anarchist aad aocialist element to prolll by the atrlke lo fouirni tiouble. Owing Ui Ihe culling of ga pipe certain porliuna uf Florence are now lighted with torches The populace condemn the atrikc an out o f all pr porlton lo the aiuall quostinu Inrolred. The miinicipsl newspnpera hnrecessed to appear as a result of the strike. Whst is moat fenred In rlorence la that the strike cuolagiiin may spread Ui Milan, Oeuua and other iudustrial centera. |