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Show boloieh "wittVo; NNEB9 I I Tr.H.p II. v. He.. ((.V"' ' I'Baa I Mub r ba Thr. '""" H llarlng exliansled evVy ""r means I for preaerylng peace aV1 prolectlng the non-union men froiuAJ'rul'nes " I their way to and from the mrf'l la the I rrnn-.yle.ulB coal district, iuVfadlrr I (Jeueral tfoblu, lu eoiniuand V Ike I troop now In Ihe eoal ttelda, has iV't'd I an order that the aoldirra ahall al;oot t any person, detected In lha acl of f throwing .tone, or other mis.ileaaT that If any mot rcsl.t the aulhurlty lha ttuops, lliry ahall freely use their bayonets. The I'anthtr crack ralley haa braiA In almost coutoual lurinoll Ihla week r and the lrooa atatloned there haee v had some dlficully In protecting lha j 1 Urea of the irorkmrn. Tha other aae-L J "" trosiasl region are com pa ra-- "V lively ijtilet; Tk A mob gathered al Ilia Dorraare col- A llrry near Wilkeabarre because It waa Vv ramorrd that lha colliery wa about C lo start work. The crowd aoon scat- g lereil, however, when It waa found A thai the rumor was Incorrect. The general strike .ititallon remain, un- t changi d. home coal ia being .hipped f but the quantity la ao small, compered with the normal shipment, that It haa little or no effect on the markeL The fuel tiuw coming lo inatkut la principally princi-pally n.sher) anil liaise colli. In an encounter between troopa and Inkers at l.ausfuid, IV, Captain W. II. Ileiiu of Couipnuy K. Twelfth regiment, regi-ment, nas .lightly Injured. A half diuen striker, went hayuncttcd by lha aoUllcr. in the fracas. |