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Show Ar f 1 I 1 .'..I IIIU. PTAB. ICC1L HKD ttfl. Natives do not glaze coffee with a cheap and impure coating. They ha re too high a regard for health ai well as for the naturally deliciou flavor of their popular berry. The very American roaster who glaze their package coffcea do not dart to touch or glue their high priced Mochas and javaa. Why? U02 OTHER NEWS. Suo&y la fait day. I' J.QUrk mad a ihjft FAMcyftoAsrep trip froui the PxrkWooday. Lion Coffee Th rk j g,pnhcoimiM,e(l Ihla ! Arnold Liwi 'ijjeg:r atld'Mlf fieorge -t- )jra, A. A( Parry came in Proinontor) Tueadaf on a visit 10 her parents. J.Alme Smith came (loan Eroin the Park Sunday fora viatt ait h his family. w Cooaty Assror Martin came Park Tueiday morning on fraio lk dow n day passed off quietly here. All the Svarca were dosed and it teemed like J. If. Lockhart, who haa been acting at eoesty attorney this wrek, was dowu hulinees Tuesday. W. I). Robinson, tit bor river for a week left Tuesday outing. cur tampers have home. These told nights are to pleasant in tbs mountains.' R arly all of n-lor- and her Ilits Margaret Brundsge Park front down City mother csuie Wedueeday to visit a abort time with old frieads. Mist M. A. Mint, also baa beea here months giving lessons ia fur (be past t lor Ogden the fore pert of driving, left AH-tee- i 4 n bdgington be resigned mo r j W.J. Wright, J. II. acd fami ies Hotgm WWs,tWW? W j LOST.8uiall pdfs containing rtrg -an I money. Leave at ibia office and r ceiverraard. ty trlin. - Bun Uy. k, and " Labor none quilt , bun-nea- ' , SSI" engineer on the U. P. urned to Iark City Tuesday. (f nnllono tor a had ustt in the mouth take Cnamlierhiin s and Livt-- Tablet. Fr v e by John Boyden A M'. Amanda Robinson caineoutfrom Druggists " f kail take MonJa for a Short Visit. A frtv of Odd Mrs. Buriah Wilkins and ihildren an,j their wivt met at the hmi e week. wf Mr. end Mrs. Jame Neil WetlneMlay this from Park down CHy niod L evening in honor o( the fjrmershirthdav. Mis .Neeley, mother of our county An e aboruti supper wee spread an I wa , lerk, waa down from Woodland last Sat beantiful floral tn- uiday on avisit. bute was presented to the couple Those Mr- - ad Mrs. James Neil, from J Jl Haluion'a family came in Mrs. Mr. and John Wilson, Mr. and Hear riser the first of the weea, where Clark, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. they have been f d month or so. Mr. and Mra. 0, Sommers. Mr. Arnold, returneJ ami and Mr. Joeeph Jones, Mr. and Mrs family t.eorge Heard home last eveumg from their month j W. Leer an ex- outing on Hear river. They had The week ended Septemb 1st opened lellent time with temperature aloya pormalvhut, the Alex. Walker, William Kees, klia jaiter pait was cooler than usual The Brain fc and several other young people aV8rge temperature for tbs wee! was of this plaie lelt this week for lrovoto ajoU normal. Heavy frost occurred in attend ecnool. the elevated valleys of the sorth central ' the part of the state on the morning tender Slat, killing plants in paces. Thunder showers were general owr the stile from the 20 ih to 2&h. lb the c luutiea just east of the Wasatch snge, the precipiiatioo wae heavy enouh to t to convention be of considerable value to late erip and For the republican State Unionthe ranges, but elsewhere the ftnfall be held in Ogden on the 11th, the Pacific will sell tnkets at the rate of one was too light to be of much device. fare for the round trip. Dates of sale, Thrashing is now well under way .Vheat Sept. 10th and lltb, good returning the and oats from irrigated fields are u4ng a oout the average y ield. Corn cesti we 13th. to do well and roasting ears are pw Prof. Fontana, the hypnotist, gve an plentilul, Po tat aloes made good grofti. exhibition heie last night, will give an- but will not make an average ywl. other tonight and tomorrow night, liis will well and makealll did beets Sugar acts were fairly good. Tonight be w ill Tomatoes crop. npeued very slVJjr let one of oar citizens take a shot at him Fall plowing has begun in some locks with a ride and he guarantee to catch ities. v t ibe bullet to bii' twh r Patriarch John Smith cam out frou Balt Lke jMivrday on a eta it. " lasora pecks th ww;. Craa Creek uilue mild pJV wd EUa .William Cumberland, Wyo., JUf C hM b0isiv .3 Wethers Nee Market. Aa stated in a report from the Iowa station. RSJ Idaho lutubs purchased May 1, 1001, were tarried oier on blue grasa pasture during the summer months to I Ufetd for a fall feeling experiment During the period of 152 day the) made an average g.uu of thirty one pounds p r huul 1 1. .itlng 3 cents per week pvr load for pasture, the gams were made at a cost of about 2.12 ceuts per K,und, thus showing the possibility of the economical production of mutton on glass alone during the Butuimr months. Desiring to obtain some UcBn.te iu formation relative to the value of eui mer (commonly known as speitzi, soy beans anil gluten feed for sheep feed lng pcfriKwes, the bunch was divided into seven lots and fed from Oct. 1 to Nov. 25 the following rations Lot No. 1, ten sheep fed on emrner and clover hay. Lot No. 2, teu sheep fed on soy beans and clover bay. Lot No 3, teu sheep fed on corn two parts, gluten feed one part and clover hay Ixt No. 4, teu sheep fed on corn and clover hay. lat No. 5, fifteen sheep fed on grass, rape and corn. IM No. t,, thirty sheep fed on grass and coni Lot No. 7, fifteen sheep fed on grasB alone. The sheep in all of the lota were started on a light grain ration, about of a pound per bead, which was gradually Increased uutil the ern-mlot were eating 2.4 pounds per head per day, and the soy bean lot, the corn and gluten feed lot and the corn lot were each eating two pounds per head per day. Bran was added tq all the rations at the beginning and continued during the first fifteen days, after which It was dropped from the ration. Bran is a good regulator for the system of the animal and may well be used during the first few days in getting any class of stock to take readily to eating a new food. The data obtained from this experiment indicate First. That when corn is worth 40 cents per bushel emrner is worth 2Gba cents per bushel of thirty-fiv- e pounds for sheep feeding purposes. Second. That when corn Is worth 40 cents per bushel soy beans, when they compose the sole grain ration, are worth but 45 cents per bushel for sheep feeding purposes. Third. That corn alone when fed In conjunction with clover hay produced larger and more economical gains than the ration of corn, two parts; gluten feed, one part, and clover hay. Fourth. That sheep can be fattened more economically on grass and corn or bu grass alone than on emrner and clover hay, soy beans and clover hay, torn two parts, gluten feed ond part amrj( lover hay or corn hay. Fifth. That soy beans, on account f their high protein content, should not form the sole grain ration in conjunction with clover hay for sheep feeding purposes. Sixth. That pound for pound corn Is more valuable than emrner for sheep feeding purposes. Seventh. That mutton can be produced economically on grass alone during the summer months. Wsslera yilbklif' Karls Ulster ! one-thir- Ak ' ms. -- CD 0) O o 3 a o X Q CD a - CD 3- 0) - 3 o a 3tr jr cd o 0 C CD 55. 1 a ? CD CD si cd 0p CO 5 CD r4 to O' o "5 CD - 2 3n- $ CD o er nd-cio- Cbe-o- p suits am si? d 8. M. Robinson came in from Canada It it an ill wind that blows nobody gooi StiVS6k yesterday, He will Spend a few, day ft t ,un wUh. . generiU resettling up some business end then Find a mature tree which Assessment No. 3. Jtk-loaJedat were turn. He says the country is all right 4. t from It fellows; ,yf P ernkted.U.ij shipped te tnesaatern and the people from Coalville who have Copper Coin Miningof company, offlr business, O markets. Mist of them belonged to Mr. gone up there are getting along nicely. and principal place -Utah. ville, y Neeley. They were in fine condition end Notice it hereby given that nt a m The county commissioners were in seswill brink a good price. ing of the duectors, held on the 7th sion Tnesdsy. Bills M the smount of of August, 1902, aaaasessmeotof oneJd Marriage licenses were iseaed laei about tfiOO were allowed ; the Contract to one half mills per share on the cava! Saturday to A lexs&der Streets, Jr., of (nrnieh election supplies wes awarded to stock was levied on all outstaifug lloytsville and Sarah Claik of Upton, Bkeitan Pub. Co. of Provo ; the preclama shares, payable on or before Skpuflber To Kill th C4Uif Worm. nd Joseph War burton and Fannie lion calling an election on the removal UKh, 15)02, et the office of theme Spraying with arsenleals Is the acat Coalville, Utah. cepted means of combating the codling of the county seel wss passed, which will Livsty both of this placi stock epoa whith the aliment worm. Two sprayings are all that is Any be found in another column. may remain unpaid oa the lOctay of necessary in the greater part of the All disesae start it the how ies. Keep const region and in the inland uplands Beptember, 1902, will bs delinqif it and Ts A convention of the republican of the Pacific northwest. In the warm thgin ope a or you will be sick. advertised for sale at public anew, and set Ilk nature. Keep liver inland valleys, however, more spraywill be held here next unless bunsmucoanty is mads before, payment many ings are tequired. Different growers I bowels active without a sickening Tuesday for the purpose of electing dele of the abares represent? byscb cer- apply these later sprayings at somegpTiping feeling Hi x millions people b held tificate of the s'nck o ddinqneBas may what different datea. The third spraytalc sod recommended CABCABKTS, guestothe Bute convention to of be neiesvary will be sold on thjbthday A ing Is commonly given about July 10 to csucu lltltK the on 10c in a box.AU druggUU. JOgdea try m-15, the others at Interva is - of - three of tc to t 1902, 'cloclf. September, the republicans efCoaTville will be held pay the delinquriitaswment together weeks, the last in September. In addiMortenaen, the condemned murderer tion to spraying some growers, espenext Monday night in the brick school with the cost of a Ivertiang ad,(expense of James R. Hay, was on TueeJay senIn the warmer valleys, use the cially deleof bouse for the purpose electing of safe. Fiark fforr, as an additional banding system tenced to be shot to death on October the Scretary. mean of protection. - gates t the county convention. taken be wilt to An likely appeal 17th., Bv order of the Board sf Diectora. the supreme lourt, in whuMi event the Josb Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind , Coalville, Utah, AagustTth, 1902. Wky Alfalfa Hay Iawltea. In all case of spontaneous combussentenced will be stayed. is a KHr wan, but he savs he wouldnt be tion of alfalfa hay, noted In a report on w.thout Chamberlains Paia lhilin if it this subject by the Kansas station, the A very heavy froet stuck here last tt five dollars a bottle, for it saved bad been handled aa little as alfalfa Saturday night and cut 11 leader vege-tati- uo him from bing a cripple. No external possible and turned but little- - .This rew- candy owrsMiavt sulted tn the leaves becoming dry, to the groujd, lc about of an application is equal to tine liniment swollen jmirtsT co htTf ct ed iiiu stiff and wh ne ttle stotkaeontatned considerable Borne damage inch thick was formed. Where weather conditions Genalne c moisture. and rheumat stiff j neck, ivi sprama stimprd CCC. fcvef soli I al. It haa eles, rat done to iscern werefMorable this moisture In the .id maeutxrpain 4kr fries to -sell-It has ft 1st cured i stem was sufficient to promote fersanrfiiiiig just pod.1 continued to freeze lard evert rvjht, numerous cases of partiaT paralysis. It mentation, and In the cases given the and the weather is more bkethat usually is sold by John Bovdn A Bon DrnggiU fermentation- - generated sufficient beat DO TO TBE bad in IXiober instead of September. to start a fire. Say, but it watatiHfimt to see Frank ' Where Straw I aa Advantage. Mr. Ellen Rand and three children R piHiu parading around town Timmlm Globe Barber. Shop - One of the authorities finds that mixw arrived here Monday and ill msse miming He wonKl go from place to ing straw In the feed with alfalfa, new eu-- , Lvme here this winter. Mis. kind wil place murmuring to himaeU: widening the ration, gives betthereby For a Stylish Cut find ter results in feeding steers than feedI fw w N of Weft ho., enter An town. the etc. in the be principal investigation ' ing exclusively on alfalfa as roughage. wss mtde, tor it was thought that some Clean Slate. Ve understand that she will have nil . . Oaw Tklas aai Another. gUtaist, and that a minister wilt be bt re, iu tn ha com to town and taken full 1. 8. BIETia, flip.-- ' n Small in numbers and tielow medium of his shop, tools, eq ., and it er'10 will look after eongreiatlonsl ehun h In size, the little Devon is a bovine wasfonr that Mia, Ripponhal given v rk in thiseed ol Ihecountv. exemplification of the adage tbat artibirth to a fins boy Mon lav evening, cles of mneb value are often found in What cme near being a serious acri w lueh accounted mall packages. actum KEStDEXT6 lorktsqneer Shorthorn blood was the first to be ' flvnt hr ppt ned last Katnrdsy evening ; on tbe native cattle of the plains, used a wes out i'h Some apo'es were Irmght heie from riding C Jlty Clerk Neeley and It exercise a very great InJuence one Mhs best guls snd while going Morgan this week bv a pi 11111 cut of Coalrjle, Utah on the rang cattle of the present time. e bnUh. r Vlllll 1S11 pOifltS Tbe resort to cover crops as a fff gf COD north on Main street at a high rate of that ci'y and sold loth Co-o- p If clean cultivation Is coming for a f the Th team with were some fru't in Cou'.rsct cme Shop. vei IDflllClDg MOQdflJ, apeed, into greater prominence In irrigated teemed ran into that has ever been on (he murkc going eouth, which it districts. Mr. Neele) rig. The front w heele and her. They were free from .,rm and O. W. FRENCH Tankage to being experimented with M D were tn b uisea were firm and place of bran and middlings for badly anl bemt Ini buggy aaft of the Utter ,, krnunaa young bogs. , aafi feeding m-I d tlT The frail that is raised in Morgan is (. ot lier rig a as not fcrgca damaged. bot of sheep on alfalfa The pasturing EAT RElDENCE much excellent quality, an ivrhat ran lie raisi in, the least. They never eema to the Michigan station to be attended with some dangers and to reCa!vi)l rti back to aee who it was that they here is also good. Oor people should to peeMrttoo 0 F"nr from 2 114 A in is quire tnM be but it was on No fir encourage a Injured raising fruit, run into. god -- The cement flume to advancing In quality ean be grown. as zety narrow escape. near al0enllfinldlDrTtl',0jr' popularity in the older irrigation re poesib).. a Coalville 8HEEP FEEDING. Java In COALVILLE TIMES. '"y CO 0) i ; I These Suits Cannot be equaled- - far the Price. r OAlsVIlsLE A Neat and Nobby Lot of Up-to-Da- 60-O- P. te S'tT'eO't HsLlfcgJ kS I Also a fine line of , rI STREET SKIRTS. t M. . Ji ; Salmon. GRASS - fC- CREEK COAL. AT JIJIJ CA8-CABK- siii 7 WELL rixEd. $175- - SCR,BE2STBX). Special Chute for Loading Teams. No ShovelinB. No Waiting. Grass Creek Coal Co. fr and-whe- ta r 1 I fw,i Ctotr tac Ccnk, X, Stonin-mmo- PoiKtt m arik. , Com tbt -- lur V to 1' 1 Dr. W VISICK,: -- Dentist. sub-atitut- U v i i 1 i t Nt j Iona. Do You Use Paint? Most of the world does World uses The Shehwih. Ifs md most of the 0 Wiuim Pasr-- th 'f . " ' - " For sale at BOYDENS drug f - made to paint buildings pnth, inside and outside. Jls wadi ready for the brush. It' s made for hpmeuse and for practical painters too. Its Pure lead , pure zinc and pure linseed ou, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. Its madefor you. X , STORE. |