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Show ! It Wouldn't Intsrfertv Congressman Klngbam. ehsttlrut with some friends regarding the as-feetlvenesa as-feetlvenesa nt Ihe oivll service- xnm-Inatlon, xnm-Inatlon, eonnwised' that some, abaard) things often crept Into th quefltkma asked applicants. One joubk Bias who wanted a clerkship In tha treaaury treaa-ury department waa asked, among other things: "What la the. distance of: Saturn from the enrtli?" tn reply, he aald that, aa tlt pnsl-tlnn pnsl-tlnn he s.iu-ht pertained to. Ilia earth and ant to the entire solar sy.Mem, he hnd rn'Rlei'ter! tn st hlmaelf on UHtnvnoniy. and that, whllo hn was iinnhlo to tell the exact number uf billiions of nillre, he felt sure thn Bald plnnet wns sulllclentl)' fill" away not to Interfere with Ills duties aa a clerk, or tn Involve him In any of Its rings, should he get the poelllon. And, lien. Itlnglinm says, lie gut It. |