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Show ir TIMES. COALVJLLE COALVILLE. FRIDAY, Sept. 8, 1902. C. R. JONES . Editor and Buainess Manager, f X) fM. tmup U Mi hmHIw 7. The fa Kr. w Faraklt in Advance. J xlx MootU ... .... XVtm MmUx...... ..... ucri pti M alll M .. M T .. sarie, IIUt orou for cmu Ural II ... Rix lor Int In tar ft Itaa aack subwsut luf- - ba XrtoUjr albaral to Thi Park Record lay I that the only ! peaches ia Summit cOMtythat will tbil year l. (or there will be great many peacbei toeai aen more than the Record expects at Abie - ; The Salt Lake Tribune At our tor you can bny AO Tia. Tht old way of taking pepsin, bi etc. to care dyspepsia, is all They may be pot np la tablets la the result is Just tbe sase. Tbe is to create artiflcal digestion, b does not maka a cars. Plop taktig tbe pepeio, etc., and you have your d pep-a-te or iodigeatios back again Peode use opinm and eoeaina for nervous tgmblea it does not coca, atop and taking the' drug and tha pain and Jistre a returns. Tltl only Commoo 8rte Method is to drive oat of tbs ) eUrn tba cause of dyapeepeia and sick headache by cleanaing the atoaaeband boaeis, at tbe asms time using a medicine diet will act on tbe li ver;' -- Tbia forces tbraugh the gianda of tbe atomacb the digeajva flui that nature intended In tbia pay you cure dvpespia. The mediefae tha ia called curea dyspepsia by this od UTAHS GREATEST SEWSFAFER. Reflects the news of tbe world, general, Bute, eoonty and city. 1TSMIFIKI) AID MARKET REPORTS Are fait, fair and eonciaire. Republican ia politics, it is joat, and it prints ail the news, both political and commercial, without fear or favor. "THIS IS A CAMPAIGN TEAR And you cannot be without Tbe Balt Lake Tribune. TERM OF SUBSCRIPTION Daily and Sunday Tribune, one week, 26 cents: Daily and Sunday, one month, fit 00; Send, Tribune, our year t- - 00 ; Sunday Tribune, six months, $1 00, DAILY The time. The Juvenile laitructor (or September it to band with the following interesting table of eon tent: "Tbe Mission of tbe Angela," W. A. Hyde : "Tbe Utah PraM Excorrlon to tbe faeifio Slope," ilinatrated t "Tbe Biography of an Indian Boy." W. M, W.: "It doesn't Coat Money, ( poetry) eelected : "Oar , 6W& DT.iA.nrrx Laxative cabtudos w roernox. to romwlr tbat for stump blaatlng because they explode with less suddenness, and tbeir tendency is more to upheave than to shatter. Dynamite Is very dangerous If carelessly bandied; also If placed by School Union Stak inexperienced bands much of it ia likeSunday Tnoogbta to be misapplied. Hence it will be Boards, Opportunltiee for Young Men in ly safer and cheaper to experiUtah, The Blackboard in tbe Sandav enced help In Its use. School j "A Good Way to Preach the Dynamite comes in cylindrical sticks of different siiea and lengths. Tbe Gopel," May ton E. Noyes; "i'aiih in' quantity to use In blowing out a stump Duncan M, Me-- . depends necessarily upon tbe aixe of tbe tbe Laue-tla- y Work, with cap and fuse Alliater; "Boyi and Cblckena. J, stump. The charge, attached, should be placed In a bole Drv den ; "Religion Clara Department," bored for the purpose as nearly as postod "For Oar Little Folka. sible under the stump. Tbe hoJe should then be filled with earth aad gently Then tbe fuse may be lightTha Improvement Era for September tamped. ed and tbo operator retreat beyond the it i very interesting number. The front-iapirange of flying fragments' by those It la generally-conced- ed is a finely executedcut of tbe that the moat with familiar dynamite Bureau of Information building, in tbe effectual destruction ef the stump la Tabernacle square. The History of tbe achieved by boring into it aa low down Prophet Joseph It continued ; so is "The as possible, tbua adding considerably to tbe force of tke explosion (see the eciEd'' part of 'Castle TJuildcr";'Th raefclwdr bowvr,,..dd. to, fa the time aad Aibor and hence to the tba "Reply to Roberta ft Ielv, more com- another Feture, Tbe fourth chapter it jeost per stump, while tha down maflod of by digging pbon iK thtTlTsof the late Bishop .5 V tiT stunjp and hollowing out a $ W bore t lie cliar XVl? lfUntef.firTr WytyrTf. a. kieud ..m H! FBttfOD The Los Angela, California, Sunday School, illust"Editorial rated, E, M. Pogmire: ram f y rata to oaf 1 Wav er I- -- V-- ... New Idea or do any plastering you should use the very best Lime in the q rw: fAsriMint Otti twwrk t Styfitlia RalUkK Siapla, Ecoanmlcftl and Abaolutalr Paper Paueroa. MS CALL a BAZAR, i Patterns Ini 1 aStwaS aai Parfaraf ha llww tha Baitfcf aa Saolaa Lkwa. aack now Only ia an f, Aik for thorn Sola la oao.tj ovary tkf 0.4 taora, or hy moil tool mu fofo THE MeCALL CO.. IIMIS-I- I eacfi' To-da- MAGAZINE. colorW tettat , nep 4ramaktn( , conoaum . bMMkcld hi(g Actiaa, etc for ItitM cap lAdsy, r, m4 uit4 Sfid tar itrms . wAutyfa! Perleci-Fiuta- f Magazine now fore the American public. Itahrws New Ideas In Fashions, in Millinry. In Embroidery, In Cooking in Woman's Work and In Reatfing; beautifully Illustrated in colors and tn black and white. Above all, tt shows the vary fashionable New I oka Styles, made from New loe Kt-terms, which cost only IOc. Send Five Cents to vry 90V (jour ova Mlactioa) Mcriber. Oil; SU ctiM a yoar A LADIES ta the cheapest and n If you are going to white wash your house A FREE PATTERN A Magazine t UTAH COALVILLE, MAGAZINE Paraev Womans vti CASH BARGAIN ST0R6 MSCALL'STi. Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAE THIS or tiiei ai any other Store in t e Bromo-Quiain- Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Suits , of Clothes, .Tinwiare, Flour, Groceries, etc., in Farmer and Ranchman . Mission Sunday Schoola ii Inter-Mounta- there U nitroglycerin there .J.irerent organa can do their a,k in a Published by The Tribune Publishing U danger. Tbe lower grades of dyna- Dmggi.u eel these pills at will contain such information ' company, mtte. those conUlning we or will 23 eta per box, wad them respecting tbe farm and ranch ot f uii, cent of nitroglycerin, are Parable j on pt 0f 26 ctn. i. .tamp, Sample Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and Colorado !;. free. It take, one pill fer a dose. as will maae invaluable stock raising, Address, Dr. Gunn, Philadelphia Pa. aa well as agricultuie, fruit and flower Pr sale oy John Boy den 4 ho Coalville culture, and tbe truck garden and henUUb. nery being especial attention. It is 91.00 a year in advance; ia published every Tuesdar, and will be mailed one with THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE j Send os your orders for all year for 91 60 ia advance. . kinds of Job Work. 8ALT LAKE TRIBUNE alone, $1.00 per veer. ADDRESS SALT LAKE TRIBUNE PUBL1SHINGCOMPANY, Salt Lake Citv. PERRY (J. HEATH, Publisher and General Manager. Tbia airnatar I a awry boa to (anata- - will itart op canning factory rd aaA Ila CeeC BiTI BTirSMIA, .Kr.TVffi ba thotw wbo will vote to keep the county aeat W would suggest that the where it worth esnnin .1 hraaaltr te rtaee the CartrMaa la tbe removal of Urge stumps dynamite ia aervlceable and economical While it will seldom blow tbe stump at of tbe ground. It will usually split it In several part and Uy bare the roots, tbua enabling tba grubber to take out tbe stamp piece by piece. The cost of this explosive will not Justify Its Use on stump under xlx or exeight Inches la diameter. It U too use lo clearing for general pensive land. The cost will approximately from 10 to SO cents pr stump. DyMmTte conalata "of nitroglycerin XSubMrlptivfi ' T Itua. t BLASTING OUT STUMPS. (mWW. VM, M TOO Waft lilt U NfW TOSX. y . , fortilntfo core of lb nnrtaaawvdiunt' ralua Mwuim, and M what :: foe I ha monar 9 caa gtva s tral f, Tf WIW IDEA rwitisstte CO. tiad iBodei, lUutfuii or Aj Jectol "Our Father Adam will " found an easy matter. F. Williams, Jr, Vir- of general Interest. Elder AljonO. Tayginia. lor eontribntea a paper on ,"How H ia SMALL SEPARATORS. Dol In Jaja.As n talmentof El! g B. II. Roberts flnediaertation on "Jeans Tim Ae Grewlaw Very Pspslar. I The rraah htaatollk. Christ ;The Revelation of Ood, follows. There are great objections to having Dr. J. II. Tanner treats on "Leading to care for on tbe farm and haul to Events In Current History," The Editor's the factory n large bulk of milk when tbe cream la needed, and any sysTable has pertinent and ti ruely com men ts only tem which does away with the seemby Frost. Joseph F. 8mith on "Super-atUio- ui ingly useless labor of handling eight or for the delivery of one wUI Praeticea, and there are other ten pounds be most welcome.- - Beside tbe adattractioni la poetry and prose that help vantage of having to haul only a small to make up a moat valuable number of amount Instead of a largeamount it ia aa advantage to have cream removed ' thil excellent magaxine. on tbe farm, fo that skimmilk may 1 fedjirben freeh. The gathered cream tjuilaabltler fight was waged last week system with deep tipt tutlic gtvea there between ihe Deaeret News and tbe Park results only partially. Scientifically Disj Small separators on the farms of Record over tbe county seat proposition. patrons are becoming numerous and Naturally Age "Th News made s number of statements are regarded aa very advantageous by imta made skimmilk thus Tbe Absolutely Pt la their iasua of August 23th, concerning many. available for feeding, and methods that were reported as being mediately But and taft$i for dt at tbe cream atone needs to be cooled, used by tbe Park people in their efforts cared for and hauled. Tbia system apFor Salt in Cot In' It by to wen re tbe county seat tbit fall. pears to be excellent in certain cases. J. II. It is a natural development of tbe Tba main ones were that tbe big cream gathering plan and if ultimately kir of tbe camp bad combined and "were ncceeaful will be, widely adopted. It farm to tbe return with tbe does away doing all in their power te help the of tbe apoiled contents of filthy skim-milmovement ; that some of them had gone tank, aa well aa the sometimes . solar sa to post notices urging tbeir men heated discussions aa to how much ' to skimmilk belongs to the different loppwt The contemplated ehangeraad the most Importout ad van.--, SHVICfc-ftaraEHthat if they didnt do it the act would tag la the uae on each farm of Its e own skimmilk while fresh and sweet cost them their jobs," sod that one IRACL- man had been discharged because Besides tbia it protects the young stock from taking a disease which may be be would not support tbe movement. on a distant farm, whence the germs Tbe Record decied all these charges, may be delivered to tho creamery and skimmilk to other The Same reporta werw circulated in carried away in the farms. Coalville, but an investigation waa made If the milk ia to be set for cream. It and found that they were not true. We should be aerated and aet when warm. ThtrxbbuTd be done as soon as the believe that "conservative element of milk ts strained. If a machine la used, e the county-aropposed to the proposed aeration lakes place while it la passing la dehlCT0flV chauge, because it is to their interest through tbe separator. Unless It sired to ripen the cream Immediately it vu to keep the county wat where it is, and muat be promptly cooled. R. A. PearTiie the majority of those who will vote to son. gemove tbe eoonty aeat are those who Barter wad Pew Per Pall fob 4LL .have but little interest in tbecounty and Barley and pesa furnish a satisfacwbo pay scarcely any taxes. tory green crop during the first three weeks of October. They are not InTHRirTSaliltT jured by frosts Ia Massachusetts one Fortune Favor A Texan. THROUGH and a half bushels each to the acre CHS (9 Cblcig, "Having distressing pains in bead, are sown together tbe Brat of August turn City, n hai, Ilnnt- harrowed In with a wheel Back and stomach, and being without and deeply . I polls wDl not aa be ; harrow. The yield large appetite, I began to use Dr, Kings New aa In the case of tbe oata and peas, six Jjiio Pills.- writes W. V. Whitehead, of tons to the acre being about an averDirtct Connectltkbr Kennedies, Tex., and soon felt like a age crop. The land from which the tbe lut man.In Infallible atoniech and oata and peas were taken earlier In the new tod SoatbeisL t Ji yer troubles. Only-y- oat Boyden V season can be utilised, thus producing infonnatij cheerfully two crops in one year, equivalent to t.I.)et.ai!e,i drugstore, on applies tjo four tons of hay to the acre. Should C. I. WHZA5Q5, month of Agent, prove unusually ft is bard to teach an old dog new Dicks. the this crop Augustprove a failure. foalville, Utah might dry zi uut ui ihttm For ft ru book, imtnubuity. CTRADE-rflRK- S liUViopjiSWH ' t Always On Hapd at 5 unit1 to IT o 'T' l T T k i Hi) mmi Weber Coal Co HiTkeT XcLTcTri WASjMNfi'ANY-VA- YOl T- - Eastern points. Y yNffieRSITYlOOTm wwAw4esrAA'w USE I T; BUT THE BE.VT RESULTS. CAN. BE OBTAINED HY ALLOWING. THE CIXJTHES'TO SOAK OYFSt'MC.HT . . Coal-vriti- Pr. e PATRONIZE HOME INDOSTRV BEST Union Pacifio 1.50 11 SAjiu k $2.25 Lumpt Stove, I - The University of Utah includes the School of Arts and Sciences, the School the State Normal School, of Mines and School of Arf and Science. i ,The School of Arts and Sciences CeaipktekatilocuE 4o6a verilOO ptnnm Out-- ' way bt lccwrd by swing IlM wnppcrt, furnished iipai'Mqunt UMH fnt s yoMl wd Nuto UKad Slate Xoraial School. Cl State School of nine. Tbe School of Mines offers courses in : conrses in: 1. General Science. 2. Liberal Arts. Send jog cald ad i of-te- rs ' 1. I 2. Mining Engineering. Electrical Engineering. Preparatory School. A Preparatory School ia maintained The Normal School offers . which gives preparation for the courses 1. A Four Years Normal Coarse, iu General Science, Liberal Arts, Min2. Advanced Normal Courses. ing and Electrical EogineeringrLaw, S. Courses in Kindergarten Training. Medicine and Business The proximity of great mines, redaction works of various kinds and power bouses for the generation of electricity j afford advantages for thorough and prac-tic- al work in mining and electrical engineering, uot enjoyed bv' any other school of mines in tbe United States. I j I PrBftilum Dept., TteCsixbj PsUs CcirpssTe South Omaha,.NfiD fLw.TiC) N Grmrr SUy fir SHOP kVORK IX WOOD AAD METALS. Students in engineering courses are given two years work in wood acd metals in shops ana under the direction of thoroughly competent machinists. by TRAINING AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE are features of tbe Normal conrses. No tuition is charged, but a small annual fee ia required. Registration of students, September 12th and 13th. registration Arrangements have been made wherebv students from outside the citv can obtain board and rooms at the Giand Pacific Hotel, O. S. L. R. R. depot. Salt Late City, at 5 cents a dav until they areopposite located. The University permanently Annual, which gives full information concerning courses, requirements for be will free sent on etc., application to tbe ONIYERSIIT OF DfAH, Salt Lake City, Dtah. |