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Show s I'KESIDIINT'S NARROWJ IISCAI'I; I ROM DIJATH. 0R0 IN WHII H HE w3 RIDtNG ITHUCK BT AJ ELECTRIC CAR. I r..i.l.,,l l .r.. WllhoMl aln.e Ittjarf-b-al W llertlr Brnuetl - "errel arlr Aa.nl ...I MM-wmaa ' lb I er klllril. The dreg uhlih waa con raying Preal-drnt Preal-drnt HiHMrrlt and parly from I'llU-Hrld I'llU-Hrld to l,enni. Ma., Vedaealay morning morn-ing collided with an electric car near ritUHelU and waa totally drmullahed. I he prraldrnteacaprd wllluiul acrlulia injury, hut waa eerrly bralaed and badly ratclird bIkhiI the face and arma. Hecrel Xerrlce Agent Craig waa kllleil, aa waa Hie motorman of tha electric car. The prealdenl'a coachman, coach-man, l. .1. I'ratt, waa thrown from lha drag end hi akull fractured. II will probably die. Iluth liiirae were klllrd. Tha Injured were taken lo I'lltalleld lo amttillanrea. |