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Show f -U f 'A'4 llwao,,to, Minlfr'U"'Thla Country -TmiiX tt Condltlene at Home. 8ln lot everything but honor In the late war eupcrnclally considered. Senor OJeda. Yet Henor OJeda, her mlnlatnr to thla country, tella In an Interview that Spain really gained a great deal by loatng the burden of her colonlea. The Spanlah nation, he declare, needed all It itrcngth and roaourcua to develop de-velop Ha own country. There la, he aaya, no aiirvlvlng lll wi.! among hla people Inward oura on account ot the war. Certainly there ia none In thla country toward Spain, and Amorlcaua will note with alncere pleasure Benor OJeda aaaurance that hla country "I today more pro.erou thau at any time during her recent hletory." |