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Show KKWS SHUIAIIY. fire of Incendiary 0rgn , ,,,,, ton. Tex., de.troyed ,,nly liniiKe. Tl.fr. will be no ,t,. , ,monr th miner of Kanaa. th, d u general expectation.. Sanlos-tmniont, 1 lie aeronaut, will attempt the conitruotioa of an ,i0 kihI lo carry eight per.on. Th beneficial rami of the ,i ,,,, at Simla, India, hav, cli.ngci drap.ir Into hup for million, of ludia cultiva-tora. cultiva-tora. Tha extraordinary weather u,!, T,r In Japan tnakrs the pnnpene f , .j rlca crop Ilia main food of the pruple very gloomy. In order to aave Dm birthplace f Jnlin llrown from dc. traction hv van-dala van-dala It haa been nfTrrril, rent free, to a respectable caretaker. A magnificent crop of barley, which liaa already leeo bui rrnleil, together with full rice Held, will ,t Korcau In an enviable pualtino. At a meeting: of the council of the South Walea Minera' federation It we decided to forward .,,iinu to the unking unk-ing miner of the United State. Tha greater part of the town of Kara l!naar, in Aia Minor, haa been destroyed de-stroyed by Are. Kara llauar haa a (opulatlou of about I "J.ihxj people. Timely aod abundant rain, the lirl for threa year. tV Jaeeil the aoulhea Iend of the terrllnr r-f Lower Callfor-uia Callfor-uia from hecomiii, .1 barren waate. The Rio .faneii ciirrr.Mn.lenl of the Pclli Journal r i'rl tlia uianaacra by Indian of Itall u aettler in a village vil-lage in II. e atata of nta Catherine. The body of f.ug, f t'areniha, aired S'-'. spectator, mild at liny City, Mich., under the fall wall of Wood - upma. uour-wlilcll a ile.tcoyc.1 by tiro. In Oklahoma Cltv.fokl.. Willie Hargrove Har-grove anil (HI Aloitgom-try, each 13 year old, wera km iked from the top of a freight cur In I ha yard and run over and killed. ,' A great aenaatle a liae been cauel In 1.1. bon by the aj cut of several high ulllciaU charut-V defrauding the tata lo theexJ ntof Itou.uoo, and with ocepling br'(.ea. I At llloei'ronteln, Orange Itlver ool- 1. "y, hv''uuting angina craahed Into a I train cur.uvryiug refugee to lohauuee- I burg. I -j ha front car. wera wrecked I aud f4 number of women and children I WJ k.lleil. 'imperative quleltie haa come Intw ' '' ,rou trade. The coke aupply liaa i' "V proved allghtly in aoiue kjU, but jjlth other contuuiere the liability to juddrn stoppage la aa great aa at any jMltne laat week. Americana who have been traveling fyn Kurope auil are now In tandon exit ex-it w perleuoa considerable dlfliciilly In ob- If f talking a vaaaage noma, a. w ' ' . J auamer are fully boukea. until tin g 7 Ural week In October r A man aald to renemble Wllllan ''air llartholln waa arretted at Indian M Harbor, a iuall town two mllea south- fl eaat of Whiting, lud. Tha auapect, II 1 la eair, wore a badge iuued by a lodge of which llartholln waa a ineinber, Vienna Neue frle I'reaae lleclarei I that the terrible treatment of riltierian pnlllienl exile at the Aleiaudrowakl ht'ttleuient liaa led to a lrlke of tha convlcln, who are refunlng all uourlnll- lit until they are more huinauely truatcd. Keglevltch Matlaak'h, tlie friend of I'riuceaa I,oule of tohiirg, who waa M lllenced to aix year' Imprltoniuenl tor the alleged forgery of a bill for iri,(i(K) in Hie oaiueuf the Archduche ritoplianlc, haa been pardoued by Km. eror Krancla Joaeph. lo a dlapalch from I'arla the correa-pondent correa-pondent of Uondoo Time explain at great length that lo aome quartera of f aria I'realdeul Rooevell'apeeell bear-lug bear-lug on the Monroe doctrine I regarded aa a warning lo Spain not to enter a Latin alllauce. Uabelo le I-o Iteyea, head of the 1'lliplno Worklnginen'e union, who waa arreated Auguat Itilh char(ed with threatening lo aalnata ceruln atrlk-lug atrlk-lug woikuien If they returned to work, baa beeo aeulenced at Manila to four inoiilha' iinprlaoument. I'reildeul HooMvell'a recent apeecli no Monroelam haa caused wideapread atteutlon In Vienna. The Neue frele lfvue think It waa directed chiefly agaiuat (ireat lirltaln and that it aouudallkeao auawer to the conference confer-ence of the Colonial Premiere. Word liaa been received from Kverett Morgan and hie wife, furmerly real-denUof real-denUof I'lalulleld, lud., now roinaiou-aric. roinaiou-aric. atCotovcl, Mux., that ul've.of thut place have wurued them H't un-le un-le they leave the city by September 17th they will be put lo death. A heavy public automobile fell Into the rapid Iranelt ubway In llro.dway, between l ortythiril and forty-fourth atreeta. New York, falling thirty feel and Hinging th chauffeur, lidward Morrla, Into the trench. Mnrrie waa Internally IpJmi.M ! ... Ji Thr "i . . 'rt-'lvM ".cb-lll(f ".cb-lll(f V I ""I'W"' r 'Villain . t. .i". wt'"' ' ""U-J .ui h ,.J n ..i.;eil..n wlih ihekup. fi , uu i-1 . o. Mli'uie Mitchell- It li '4 6 ...r I.-01; mat 1I.0 1 u 11 lercd, but I with llartliollu. |