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Show LIGHT IN RAILROAD CARS. Contemporary Pointa Out Danger In Use of Oil and Gib. Another accident In the west In which a railroad wreck caught lire with tbe result that aeveral peraona were cremated whose Uvea otherwise might have been saved ralla attention anew to a condition which, aa the New York World baa repi-ntedly pointed nut. has tbs remedy Immediately at hand. The lighting of rnilrnnd tralna with gas or oil Is a relic of tbe past and should not lie tolerated longer. KfTI cient and economical electrical sppll-anres sppll-anres fur lighting the errs are being used on the finest and fastest railway tralna. The eiploslve gas tank and tbe deadly oil lam have been relegated rele-gated to the acrap heap on many of the up lo date railroads; and In the Interest In-terest of the ssfety of the traveling public electric lighting should become be-come universal. If tbe railroad companies com-panies fsll to look after ti.elr own best Interests and extend fie protection, atate and national legislation In tne end will comiiel tbein to do ao. |