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Show 1- -' coalvillk, OUR METAL PRODUCTION. MURDER MYSTERY IN IDAHO. COALVILLE TIMES. tuui muiiDta ca - - ' I HALF CONSUKfO BODY OF BLAZING UTAH. PILf IN A TIES. Makes (.real Gala la IrodottUia of tb White Melal. E. Roberts, director of tbe George mint, ha issued hie final estimate of be production of gold and silver in etrwtllac Tinker, He Been the United States during the calendar end ea KIT or I Made to year 1901. Mr.- - Roberts statement taaeaal llu t rinse. show that during the year tbe United Steles produced 3.H05.500 ounces of The body of a men, half conaomed by gold, valued at ITM.Mi6.70li; a decrease firth,' found pear Iiowney station, pf l5ttl.3itU.-O- f JLfcKt. per .rentes comThe coroIdaho, Mooday afteroooo. with the yield of 1900. ner and sheriff were at once notified, pared Ten of tbe nioeteen stales and terand Monday night Coroner Beau sod ritories yielding gold showed an inDeputy Sheriff Griffiths, of 1ouatello, creased production California leading left for tbe scene of the gruesome dis- with 11,075,200. an increase due eotire-l- y A covery. telephone message from to tbe normal development of the Coroner Bean gave details of wbat mining jnduktry. seems Co T a ve been a' murder. Coupled Nyvada allowed tbe material gam of with a horrible attempt to cover up tbs ftf57,600, which came largely from the crime.- newiy dinoorarad camp of Toeopab. io The remain were found a mile and Nye county, although nearly every half north of Downey station, and county in the atate increased its pro. hare since been identified as those of duction. South Dakota alao made a man named Bruce, who was known as gam of 301 900; Idaho, 141,000, and printer in Pocatello years ago. Oregon 123,400. Lately he has been through that secTbe greatest decrease, amounting to tion of the country ae a sort of stroll Thia was 1,285,300, waa in Alaska. ing' Link. due to lateness of the season, which Whan found the body was a mass of delayed the opening of tbe placer, and roasting flesh, blackened almost beyond to litigation, which interfered with all recognition. A burning tie lay tbe development of tbe industry. Across the body and the charred reThe silver yield for 1001 amouoted to mains of a burned cloth were over the 53,214,000 ounces, of the commercial face. Burning tiee had been heaped value of 33,128,400, which waa 2,433, aronnd tbe body and a little more tim 000 ounces, or 5 per cent less than it would have consumed It completely. was in 1900. The greatest gain 1,493,. Coroner Bean, in his Investigation 200 ounce waa in Utah, all of which found threu bad cut on the head, ons came from the Park district. No abov the left eye and two on the back v ada. New Mexico City and Washington of the head. From the position of the also made gains The production of body, he le confident that tb man was Colorado, to the decline in the owing murdered and theo placed among the of ore extracted, fell off 2,046,. grade burning ties in order that all evidence 100 fine ounce, while Montana's yield of tbe crime might be obliterated. diminished' 1.063,700 ounce. Idaho's 886,200, and South Dakota's 458,200. TRAIN ROBBERY IN IDAHO. I iSIrvtlou Are That DTAII STATE NEWS ' i UUh - bhodwillCoopath tb 81 1 Laka tbit cad of lb lint. thi work on Ray railroad from Four thousand wert la attendance t the reaoloa of Black Iltwk veteran t Lehi, Hi veterans being in llot tt drill. nreSffit vr.4 - ThiifoiMi'iCliriftltt Temperance Union ot Salt Lake U preparing for crattdtia that city against the drink hsbiL Mitt 8iid Roy It of Lehi, wtt throws from baggy tod sustained dislocation of tbo hip, her otetpo from death being a narrow one. Thomat Spiking, who was mo ovei bp a a tret t car in Salt Lake City and suffered tb loaa of leg, baa aloe succumbed to bl Injuries. Tb Salt Lake street ear ar to hare fenders, tb anpriotSdot of'tb road making tb announcement that all cars will b provldedwith la a abort tlm. fndrt ' Jobs Hanley, aged I, of Eureka, bad both bln band badly injured by. tha osplooloa of a glaat cap which b and noma companions found and with which . they aero playing. 8 parky from a passing train flr to a saloon building In Layton last week, tb volunteer fir department saving tb building after a loaa of IlSO ' H bad bon sustained. Calvin B, Totter, an attorney of Salt Laka City and at on lime prominent la Michigan state politics, committed suicide early on tb 18lb, by taking enough morphine to kilt a dozen men. . Tb Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone company baa announced positively that Its contemplated line from Fylrview ever the mountains to Scofield baa batn abandoned for th present at ' at , Asvss Man Held I p Train Hal ar Ksrlcbad far Ikslr Troabis. Not MAYOR WAS s. in C0L0M8IA REVOLUTION A JOKING CEASES TO BE MATTER, ' A BIGAMIST. of Mlwonrl Towa Carryiux Amiuunlttoa sad Large Haa ar Murray paplared Aftar a abort aa4 I'asqaal fight. BOY CREMATED. la Mormreli, Moat , NEWS TntgvrJy. At Monarch. Moot., fire did damage to property to the amount of 5,000 and caused one death. The fire waa started in tbe upper story of tfie store sod restaurant of John Gonsoir and spread so rapidly that there waa no time to even remove the household effect of tbe family from tbe rear of tbe building, d Valentine, the son of Mr, Gonsoir, waa upstair at tb time 6f the fire and it ia supposed that he Harted it by playing with matches, as tiier ii no fire in the building anywhere. The family, which rushed out In the street and were joined by the entire population of the little village, were horrified to hear the screams of ialeuline upstairs in tbe burning building. Every effort was made to lave tbe little fellow, but the building was so old and burned so rapidly that it wa impossible for any one to get inside the building and live. The parents were fraDtic over the terrible tragedy, but no icscue was possible and in a moment the little voice was stilled forever. Detail of the capture of the Colombian government gunboat Boyaca by thefoxurgent outside of Paeans, have been received. The ltoysca waa captured August 1, by the insurgent gun. boat Padilla, after a abort and unequal fight. She had on board at thetL Dearly 300 aoldiera under the command of Generals Perrero and Eano, who were "to reinforce - General Morales Bertl at Agua Dulce. The Boyaca alao carried several cannons, a supply of ammunition and a large autu of money. Flying the insurgent Hag, the Boyaca is now guarding the eo trance to Panama harbor. Nothing definite is known on the isthmus of the situation of the goveromeut general, Morale Berti, at Agua Dulce, but many believe that the general, after withstanding a siege of severs! days, duriug which hia force were subjected, chiefly at night, to a severe artillery fire from the InONE THOUSAND MEN IDLEsurgent. proved the hopelessness of Result uf Kira In Huttc Which llmrnynl reoelving reinforcement and supplies Ktcluutlou Work. from Panama and was forced to surThe building of the reverbatory to the insurgents. render If the rrported surrender of the gov- Butte Reduction works, owned by ernment forces at Agua Dulce la true, Senator W. A Clark, was totally dethe Insurgent general, Herrera ia con- stroyed by fire Fridsy afternoon. The fronted by a big problem to provide fire originated at furnace No. 1, and waa caused by the roof of the furnace food and shelter for and to control thi in. Ihe flames communicated caving and hostile element. large to the root of the building and spread It ia thongbt the insurgent will at- in au incredible space of tune. I lie tack Colon soon! Many persona quesloss will amount to 8 lO.IMio, oii which tion the ability of the insurgents to I bafj Colon if they attack andcaptnre tber I D iusuraoce of fin.oiK) Tlie that port, owing to the fact that they j loss of the reverbatory will necessitate possess bo gunboats on tbo Atlantic the dosing down of the siuelter anil of aide of the isthmus. The government ia endeavoring to purchase suoiber three mines, which supplied it with About f.(KKi men will lie tlnown In United war vessel the States for use ore. on tbe Pacific coast. There i at pres- out of employment for about two ent 00 foieigu man of war at Colon. months. four-year-ol- - 1 elgut-year-o- two-yeare- leStei'R ld e rH dnr-Par- 225,-loa- sly - Yoorlber ! se Root-Garde- a er fore-we- , ek inlm-corpne-c- v ,tru "u fifty-aeve- n b Monti-cell- ; e. I I "d all-rou- , yc. - well-to-- do w It ie expected that 10,000 men will be in line in the Labor day parade in Butte. Tbe busines portion of Sylvan, Wash., waa wiped out by fir. Loss, 140,000."' William J. Bryan will stump tbe slate of Nebraska during the month of October. of War Russell Alger will be a candidate for senator from - Michigan.- A tornado which passed over Hem-in- g ford. Neb , destroyed a number of residences ", In Bridgeton, Islaud of Barbadoee, there have been 1876 ease of amallpox since July 13tb, Tamaqua, Pa., mine workers have sent a petition to Governor Stone asking that the troops be recalled. Jamestown, Island of,St. Helena, reports a thousand more Boers, former prisoners, sailed for South Africa. Harry Turner, a colored preacher of Su Louis, shot and killed hi little eon, whom he mistook for a burglar. Jerry Crimmina, charged with assaulting a woman, was tarred and featheied and ran out of Eaton, Colo. It Is said tb district around Kalia-p- . l, Mont., is becoming quite a place for smuggling Cbioamen over tb border. Another eruption of Mont Pele ie reported, the eruption being followed by total darkness for a apace of twenty minutes. Beneficial rains have fallen over the greater part of New South Wales, and there have been light raina in poitiona of Queensland. Tbe fund raised by the national started in The Hague to aid th Boer will be placed at the disposal of the Boer generals James Kernohan of Anaconda, Mont.-wa- a found dead under circemetaocea that lead to the belief that he waa murdered by poisoning. It Is reported that the Lehigh Coal A Navigation company ia preparing to mine coal in Pennsylvania under tb , protection of tbe troops. A party of Moors recently attacked a French military supply column near jAtaDel Kelil, Algeria, and number wera on both- - aides." Tlie laat hors ear disappeared from Berlin's streets last week, owing to the abolition of that means of transportation in favor of more modern conveyed greatly exaggerated It la understood that General Wey-le- r, Spanish minister of war, haa de- crhd l.atie-Amcrica- in Walden, Good rain hava fallen in western India just in time to save tha crop and remove the immediate fear of famine. Central provinces and Bebar hava alao been benefitted. About 300 of tbe atrlkera wbo quit work ia tb silk mill of New Jersey City in eympathy with the Patterson trikera returned to work, and it ia expected that other will follow suit. During the maneuvers near SL Petereburg, Russia, .squadron of cavalry was ordered suddenly to charge. It galloped into a river, and fifty men are reported to have been drowned. The navy department haa received! mall report from Commander McCre of the Machiae, in which be stated that the accounts of th . fighting. In the neigh boi hood of Cap Haillen had been I - Two block of building Colo., were destroyed by fire. ance. os-le- ,d occurred in Pendleton, Ory., Saturday. kitled-oifWound- g ld A 130,000 fi re sub-scripti- a, M SUMMARY. Keaulta la Awfa! Coafowlan The westbound Northern Pacific MayorH fctoh III Laad HlaaMaka la tke Kea. was train hed up at Sand Point, Ida., A special to tbe Kaoaaa City Star siaty-f- i v mile east of Spokane, Wash., from Kraporla, Kan., says: James at 11 oclock Monday night. Tbe robSCALDED TO DEATH. RACE WAR IN INDIANA. of Gentry, Mo., be Pendleton, ber, of whom there were seven, forced confessed tomayor the sheriff of Lyon coun- WhltM of th Jiarth Hava Mol Tot 8olaod Railroad Knflnrvr Pinned In Wreck nnd the engineer to stop the train, after and a Dumber of newspaper men Meet Horrible Ilentli least. tbo Roe ty I'rohlvm. which they .uncoupled the baggage be had that circulated of his tbe William G. Schwartz, engineer, was A race riot broke out Sunday at story leaalsh Fork is agitating the change car. Then they compelled the engiand burial nt Orlando, Okla., to Hanghville, death HDd Jesse Hammer, fireman, killed, ne210 the between Rio Grande in its main line to neer, nt tbe point of n revolver, to poll Indiana, by taka through that town. It ,ia ar- nptho track abont three miles farther, escape a charge of bigamy, Pendleton groes and whites employed by tbe Na- probably fatally iojtired in the wreck wilted wuen confronted by Mrs. Grac tional Malleable Casting company. of au extra freight train near Sierra gued that the present rlioe can be where they tried to wreck tbe beggsg of hia second has Emporia, There been race bitter all parti car with dynamite. The explosion feeliog be- Blanco, El Paso county, Texas, on the greatly improved upon tod L wlfe. who bad caused bls arreat upon tween them for several greetl) benefited, Heavy rains years and trou- G. U.A S. A. railroad. failed to work for some unknown th charge of bigamy. Peodtelon, who ble has broken out. Two front the mountains had washed away Workte progratrieg-- r frequently eOM, ai after spending fifteen min- had goo uoder dlym'tbe the name of CVS. Mor- - people have beeu kljled. A bait game th track and ia the lolente darkness od Vaclflc ute wltb Urn ear tb robber de'fforUmuUfi Jvar? ria and John haa a wife and five Sunday morning between the two fac- - j .Cox, rosd Lsk.user abortl rail the Sell engine and several cars were camped, fallowing tbe engineer to g y line and it loclaiovd that the road jback to tbe train with bis engine. chilli ran at Gentry. Ue hyl, accord from the track. Aa Schwartz c'P'lale the crowd nelUnent, mm r Ufinl ng trfci as at:; SaltLak j lhfl?)d, hoatllUie broke out. was caught in the gangway and piuned al Lmpbrla Tear June, under I I within two year. downatadxiJ'itfflsffh" baf sHgfiTlF-TtMain, keeping the passenger Inside OWey name of Morris. Ten days ago be i were used. Two b ondred jurad waa alow! scalded to death, revolver were firing by Rail No an the persons j aide. along Byron Reid, at Orlando, Okla,, under tte immediately 'crushed The fireman and engineer lived in Ei in a Lake boy, while plying plreua with I attempt waa made to moleat the pas pearod together name of tiox. Ho started the otory fighting max. Twelve or fifteen shots laao. soma other boys, wm shot in tb leg I Kr. and after the englns cam that his friend Morris had died, bought fired and it is repotted one negro I back tbe other robbers left, and tit a coffin and buried tb ouppoaed deaf were with n toe platof and n dangerooa waa shot, but be was taken from the KILLED ON COLORADO RANGE. e man la 10 a I near PkBBB' Orlaa country cemetery lad'o lift being wound Inflicted, do. Emporia friends, believing that field before tba police arrived. The whites were victorious, driving Charles Slaber Shot by Joseph Hants DarOUR COMMERCE WITH CUBA. Morrl had been murdered, had thy despaired of for ntime, ing Qnarral, tha blacks from the field and wound-lncoffin exhumed, when It waa found ta Tbe daughter of Mr. ammsrp Charles a of llieiu. a Several Sieber, puiotier white Inanlae be wealthy cattleman, iMvtsten PaMth4 by empty, Pendleton waa traced to and Mrs. Wltlla Morgan of Salt Lake, I and arrested. Tbe sheriff al people were badly injured. Ten ar- and one of the most prominent citizens Dapartaaeat. Gentry have been made sod others will of Grand waa drowned lo u Irrigation ditch The Ineniar division of the war de- Brat ref jsed to serve the warrant, be rest Junction, Colo., was shot and be made a rapidly aa the peraoua are cause of Pendleton's position. He Saturday last, the little one falling In partment has hu killed by Joseph Harris of instantly Its found. earn published just been held to th October term for trial "While trying to cross on a narrow wary of tbe commerce of tbe Westwater at a round-u- p on the Little (aland of HANNA GIVES IT UP. tb canal, Dolores river. The two men became headgat over Coba. Th summary shows that the GOPHERS SPREAD DISEASE. . involved in a dispute ae to the ownerTb body f Frier Andereoa, . the total vain of import Into Cuba k la RllUr Rost Talley, M a Ipottsd of some fmbrtpded cattle, and ship City Nrwit, was foned la hie fog tb military occupation wa . la Trace u, Tkeee Aalmsla. being thu general 437,135, waa interviewed at Harris fired three shot at Sieber, all llanna ,h export were 45,000, Synftor The marine hospital service, in it I Buffalo, N. Y.. Sunday, regarding the of which took effect. Harris did not pinion t! t bo bad starved to death, 000 less than the importation, a fact health report, pnbliahe an Interesting strike situation in the coal districts. attempt to ran away and the sheriff character and waa j attributed to tbs da.iruction of Ha was a prop, report from Surgeon J. O, Cobb, on a with a I ., For the first time Senator llanos him. poase, has gone out to arrest said to worth 10,000, arty and damage to agriculture caused investigation made him Into tb by Stated hia abandon men t finally of all Salt J by the war, Bid' Chalker, a 'spotted fever" of tbe Rocky efforts to end the coal strike. He be- Kir Thoa as Llpton In Jared ta an Asia- I with a Uolted revolver 'The bJfi playing furnished 43 States Lake per mountains, a new disease in th Bitter mobile Acrid ent. lieves that tlie operator should meet whea M w policeman approaohleg. J ent of the Imports nod look 73 per Root Sir Thomas of Montana and several valley Lip ton was in an autoeedeavored to secrete I cent of the exports, tba taitners ill arbitration. mobile accident while coming to LonDr. Cobb attribute this other place. I I hkva et haunted my efforts, said oploded and he re-Practically ail Hi auger went to thu disease to tb bit of tick that infest Senator liaona. "1 hav dons all in don, Friday from his country house. ' the wPBt wound IE the thigh. -- - United State- .- Thw balance- - of trade the locality': These carry a parasite tny power knd rao do no more. I will Ill twelve-horpower car, which he I decidedly in favor of Cuba, tbongb which .rycliat King of Salt Lake waa bad make no farther attempts, for it would waa driving himself, skidded on tb the germ of the fever. eonveye jj Kjnred In aa accident at tht Na- -I I Bot great as in former years, and it It was found that the gopher of this beHenaeles.'1 lfr" BB1 said there wee no cliauce of arid- remarked that the trade of th section is t A I Circuit bieyel races at Asbnry he infested lnt iron with and ticks, it is a so railing bordering only one side, tlie long rrkvN. J., lat week, when he waa I dotted States haa not kept pact la any well known that this animal wilt not traliou ne the road. The car waa wrecked and miners, wa willing to arbitral. be 'countries with cross water badly hurt abont the bead and hia I it a hi opinion that the miner th railing was smashed for a considexcept under extraordi- gave It stride fo other parts of will uot give in 0 long aa they are able erable distance, bat Sir Thoms esright ear nearly ecvered from lie the wonderful circumstances. This world. nary beiug true, Mad. caped with a shock and a few bruises. it would give the necessary explana- to figtht. 8trlkra Jeer at Man wImv Kiras lata frown tion J Barry IV. liyoda, who refereed tb WON BLOODLESS VICTORYtbe disease waa why coofiued with ptaaatrawa Baaalt. HARBOWING HOLtDAYTRACEDY to : recent fight in Salt Lake, such a small locality. Port ef Cars pa ao Orrnplrd by Vsaeaaahia Five waa aeriousiy Injured Friday of last I' eerE 'Iheatley, au outside Chlldroa Drowsed Hofnre Tbeii The gopher of this particular section Garoramaat Korea Wllbeet OppaslOoe, th Brookoid colliery of the while hunting near Cheyenne, I m Mothers Kolleed Danger. has in some way become infected with United State Minister Bowen at Iron hie bora falling on him, hia chest bo- - Ibttadelphirdr Reading Coat A harrowing fever holiday tragedy occurand haa acquired or in- Caracaa, Venezuela, has notified the organism log ereahed and hi head ent in several J wpny at Pottaville. Pa la under herited immnnity. red at Filey, a watering place near An ' I 1.000 ball, charged otalo department that on Friday last with - shooting places Scarborough, England. Five children 1,M been found in the ChTrl Carnjpano waa occupied without oppoBotha tUr k otTw n "a I Beorg Sererj ged lv AtbeVley blood orITnI,n who war. playing 00 jibe asnda.were of some of the ld h O,owed though tbs locality, while the gopher fromlhat sition by th goverument iroop which ent off Dntch Cbtrlio, charged with th mnr by tbe inflowing tide and has organism not bZ crowd etrlkereaod aym been observed in the blood of those recently evacuated Cuniaoa. Carnpano drowned before their dor of William Tibbltu of th La Sal mothers, who ia town who animats mile a obtained elsewhere, or even pathixera, seaport jeered and booted him. ranch, just over tb Colorade-Utawere sitting on the beech, had noticed lorthwM of Cumaoo. The blockade the Becoming enraged, he fired Into the from those just across a small river. line in Utah, waa, lest week at which threatened them. at that placa baa been raised in conse- The danger convicted of murder la tbe first crowd, .tb ballet elriking Bearer. mothers of the children and other Cetera Ktad Meets Jew tleeerla. of tbe port made heroic quence of tba Wheatley was formerly a min hoes. attempts at rescue, but Tom Jones, th negro charged with degree.' th government force. failed. by Solomon Peterson, of 8aaUqetn, was Triad ta Haa (be Matavmsa. criminally assaulting Mrs. Willim Three FatlaaU Oat at Kvary Fsar Die Praaa Cable Car Ran Away, drowned In Spring Lake, while bath-in- g Because on of a party of fifteen ifinilh near Seven ' Cbalara la Springs, N. C. Inrblllpplasa. A cable ear crowded with paeeeogers with a nnmber of friends, la la Italian was run over at Jerome avenue flicting Injuries from which Mrs 8Uh Cholera official statistics of the Phil- got away from the tb man gripman at tba top wattakea with nnd Potter place. New York, by a died, waa lynched near the scene of thought young a total to date of 24,266 of the steep Ninth street Incline at tbe hia crime by ten men. The negro wna ippines abow cramps, as he sank before any of his trolly ear, tha men in tha party Tb actual union station t Kaoaaa after being positively caeca aad 10,040 death and dashCity, companions could go to hie assist-anethe moiormia, John O'Neil, identified as Mrs. Smiths esseilaaL number uf eases and death ia greatly ing to tb bottom at a terrific speed, pnllei) him off th oar nnd beat him, " brB 10 in axeees ot tbe official la craabed into a train that bad become Haws comes of tba death of Martin and attempted to drag him to a tree sheriff s arrival. Ten meo wH the Manila there were bnt reports reeases disgnised eight tailed there. Tba on tbe Kallaon of Provo. Martin enlisted a with the Intention of hanging him. negroes surrounded the barn and last Saturday, la some of the rnnaway ear waa killedgripman demanded Jones' ported b surrender. beUpon ae of th Roegh Rider ia th Soaeieh instantly, and Interfered end fighting Peogra refused the men battered down province of Luzon th cholera situation twenty peraona were six of war. After earring ia th United but police reserves appeared, fog injured, the doors, nod. placing Jones on a la bad. Fonr bandied and fourteen them aeriousiy. The passengers were be crowd of 2.000 away. haodcar, carried him State cavalry he enlisted aeon of the I B1 into tbe woods, eases and 317 dealbt were reported burled In every direction and tha grip South African horse guard sod died I wbieh took nearly an hour, and ree- bound him to a tree, and fired Norte of " last car and coaches war reduced to n tbe from Ilocqe province inlo hia volleys coed O'Neil: body. ls Africa. mass of splinter. Saturday. I Lncky Joe, aa Indian, who la early HmiM Hiwur u sTna Will b I parked if ! Baa Date Twa Taeaaeete Btaemet. Caaght. was a terror to day the Overland Stag. BtervoA Ratbor Thai Rg. The body or a man known a Cap- A special to the St. Uni. Republic According to Venezuelan advices reeempany, wee murdered at tba India tain" Bayne waa found In tht woods Mrs. Sarah Schumacher, aged 70 from Honliagton, Tenu.. raneh fifteen, 8?ile from Jbapah by j at South say,; jM ceived nt Willemstad, the government year, was found dead in her room fo Portland, Ora., Monday Maud Thompson, a prominent young of that country haa replied to tb pro- Baltimore bla aoa, I ha pah, aa bad morqing tlangPng from a fence rail. and her daughter Martha woman, wa. killed by Jim,, tests lodged by Germany, France and' waa I 0wr. cud of which retted on tha limb of Hi months In a wandering ago she refused to Great Britain against tb blockade of 11 abont the lower floor of their J u tree aqd the other on a. stump. bios. Bomet the girt with her morry Venezuelon port aa not being effective borne.. Coroner Jones said that Mrs. mother Willlem William of Ilyrum, on Frl-- bad made careful preparation for hia j Monday and asked to speak (o bar by declaring that tha protest ia quesSchumacher bad died from atarvation. day of last week, fell from the top of I own execution, as tba rope wacaecnro alon. Ho then put his arm aroond tion will not receive consideration. Martha Schumacher said ah and a hayetack and waa instantly killed. I ed to th rail and about hia neck. her neck her and, drawing a revolver, shot Two Dntch schooners, which entered He was 78 year old and wa on of th J Baynes wa la the police court last mother were too protid to tell anyone and killed her. Greer then In Venezuelan blockaded ignoports Of their impoverished condition and escaped. pioneer residents of Cache conoty, hav-- rjceek for drnnktnneaa, but Ilia said be A posse is now in pursuit, 0d, f rance of the existing blockade, have that neither had eaten for several capfor nearly tertv I WM Ing lived at liyrnm a well sea koowa cap- tured, h will N been captured by government probably be ly ached. 7 tala. days It ia said tba Scbnmachera hav relatives at Philadelphia. Obley-Morri- I Five She Mae. Who Wes Mar-Oere- al ' LITTLE REBELS CAPTURE GUNBOAT. t tab ., POUND -- ' cided to resign bis post, in consequence of certain court officials having overridden hie order permitting journalist to attend court functions. The report that the managers 'of tho World's fair at SL Louis propose to buy tbe Washington aocestral home, sear Banbury, and transplant it to the grounds of tbe exposition is received with feeling or'dlemay in London. Rumors that an Australian missionary named Brace and an English missionary named Lewis have been murdered at Chen Chon, in Ha Nan province, continue peraietently to bh heard from. "They eomo from native sources. Aa imperial order haa been loaned commanding that all tha demands made by the United State npon Turkey be conceded and the relations between thu port and th United 8iteu legntioa hav rasa mod their normal condition. f Hugh Marshall, tha man wbo waa accused of having murdered Mloa Zada Vick aoar Ruoaollvtlla, Ky.t Wednesday, waa found Imaging in n barn one mil from tho scene of the crime. Bo had evidently been banging for a day or so. Chief Chariot, th famona Iadlan aoont of tbe Rocky Mountain district, la dead on tb Flathead reservation. It to neaerted that Chariot' death removes tba only barrier that baa prevented the opening of tba Flathead feaervatioa for oettlcmenL Considerable excitement prevails at Montego Bay, Jamaica, over tb arrest of certain persona wbo posses influential connection on charges of comThe plicity in th riots of last April. police Allege that the apprehended ' persona instigated the order. w V I I I ! |