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Show tj The Coaltille Times. i DISTRICT COURT. The Vtwh Itait Wlr. The of the Utah Slat fair. director Sham Srukm Maid Thursday Momtni Cider Edward Powell Writes aw Inter Letter from by Judge Mere are that Country. eating making preparations fora largecrowd Items ol Interest Gathtrcl bj Our at tbe opening of the fair tbe last day of Judge C. W . Morse laioe oul (torn Sll Erskioeville, Australia, July SI, 1902. Lake tesirrdw liinrtiinK aiol lit 11 short September and the first four days of OcCorrespondents in Virions Eoitob Tiki session of d iti r ri touit, ibe foliowihg tober Their boiidjng are nearly aDi The Times is received h) each mail Teins of County. bum ess being transuded and everything will be in good completed boat from America aod read with satisIa the uia ter of the estete of George shape (or e great show, and tbe people-wb- b faction, 1 fret quite at hnme .when Tristram, iwessed , and attend the Stale fair ami conference- granted lABlON reading of old associate and places of will bond fixed at 127,000 have plenty ofentertaininentdarinc a well a letters of those M axiom, Utah, Aug 27,1902 through here last Saturday. Another In the mallei of the estate of Patrick I familiarity, the week. One of the great feature (air 1902 female similarly equipped followed dnv-iu- g Husxraa, Utah, Aug. 28, Eorrou Times . engaged in the tame work st myself in of M. ONeil, d ceased , letters ibe fair at th old Exposition and last granted . - I a team. We are looking for the bal- Editob Tixcs : different parti of the world. Hr. Leah Peterson is quite ill et pres, bon J fixed at 8,000 was th high class performance building ance to follow. canyc It is over e year since 1 left home, yet, Lots of excursions tv ut. In the matter of the estate of Michael tnat were given under the direction of it dosnt seem that long to me. I hev Ure Gardner, Mrs. Whitney and com- these days. Crow toto Mitchell deceated halt went Lake and letters J. G. McDonald, chairman of the ainuse-m;-nt , lev, Joseph granted of Salt Lake, who have been on a I been stationed in 8ydney ever since my Tha people are all boay the men L' bond fixed at 3,090. pany hasineae. on day committee, Those amusement were arrival bare. I have had good fslib fishing trip dug' g the summer in Weber vesting and tba ladies hopping an In the matter of th estate of Henry the great feature ot th fair and served Miss Irene Lyneh of Kama Is visiting and enjoyed my work. Many frieoda canyon, returned home last Friday. carrying. Devlin, deceased ; letters granted and to entertain the people many an boar with Mies Olive Lemon. have raised to administer the need of The drouth still continue berestt bond fixed at 2 000. when they were too tired to eelh around J. 0. Smith and wife are making their wASisir the Elders. I fowl a. though th prayers is burning op aod several spring! In the matter ot'he estate and guardrange aod view theexhibita. Mr. McDon aid 1 home at Marion again for a short time. of the Lattei-da- y saints ar answered io Warship, Utah, Aug. 26, 1902 have gone dry. of Chemisch Poolsen Badornp, ianship chairman ot the amusement committee behalf of the mistionariee every day. Mrs. J. 0. Smith, Miss Emma Lemon Eorroa Times The many friends of Jams Fowler deHart greeted wad hoed fixed at thia year and th executive committee 1 know of no other work that advances and Samuel Smith made a trip to Mill Mias May Rigby bst taken a trip will regret to learn that b is much 7,000. bM voted him much larger turn of men along the road of wisdom and Creek the latter part of the week. Balt Lake. In the matter of tbe estate and guard- young worre at this writing. need tbie year than was apmoney to be William Crook bas been on the tick intelligence, and cause him to tense the Miss Viola Larson retnrned home of Hsrnet Cowley, st al., minors; Miss Annie Richins and Mr. E'Ua ianship propriated last year, aod Mr, McDonald reality of life more quickly, tbaa being from Park City on the 21st after visiting list the last few days. Biackburu returned to their homes dar- letters granted and bond fixed at 4,00. aye that tbie year, there will be e $2 troly a missionary of JemiCbriet. two weeks with Miss Sadie Jerge nsen. Mr. Margaret Hixeon has been quite In of the relate of John the matter for 25 centa. When be taya this euow Grouse to former ihe the week, ing At present them are abont sixty-fi- ve Miss Louisa Jennings returned to her lick but is able to be around again. Creek and tbe latter to Brigham City, Ekstrom, deceated ; letters granted and member ia this contwrence, besides a we keow he 1 capable ot keepiog hie home in Salt Lake oa the 24th after bond fixed st 2,000. Eldredge Amoee Sargent and Hrnry with the people, so loo oat end few application for baptiem. We rent promise In the metier of the estate of Peter visiting with her aunt, Mrs. E. Soren- E. Parry were missioaarie her Sunday. do not uiis going to th fair every day a ball for public worship and hold SunShatters All Record. son, for six weeks. Miss Hattie Lee came out from Balt Asderaon, deceated : letter granted and week nd take your beet girl school at 10 :80 a. m. every other daring fair day Gulled Twice in hospital, F. A. ge, bend fixed at The Misses Clara Bimister and Mattie Lake last Saturday to visit her parents. 000. time. tlfi, every Sunday ; at 2 :S0 p. m. sacrament meetVerbena, Ala., paid a vast om to doe-to- rs Salmon and Albert and Frank 6tewart Ia the matter of the estate of John D, Oa the opening day, September S0iht Miss Riila Pendleton is home again. to euro a sever case of pile, causing and every Sunday at 7:00p. m. Buck-lea- s eame np from Coalville to attend the She haa been deceated W ; Riley, 24 all th hen failed. tumors. passed. society will give firetolats bores race in Balt Lake for a long ing meeting. Usually Sunday light meet' danee given at Kamas Saturday night time. Amies Salve soon cured him. McKsIlar vs. William Angus J. and also on Tnnreday and Saturday OcQaaley ; t ing are well attended. Every other Subdues Inflammation, conquer Aches, default Intend and and te spend Sunday with friends in tober 2nd 4th. On and 3rd and Ut th judgment granted by John Condie is calling on his many kills Pains. Best salve ia the world, Sunday at 1 .00 p. m. w bold open air ! ,, ? Marion. th court. of October tome other attractions will friends here. He is always a welcome 26c at John Boydea A Bon drag store. eetingi in a large pnblie domain, where i f Minnie Johnson ve. Charles 8. Johnbo provided oe the race track that will t visitors. there are gatherings of nearly all denom4 son ; decree of divorce granted. be very ini resting to visitors. inations holding foarth . Thousand of Hay o far is all in tbe stack aod in An Ksaawlssf lirlatlta Several cue were pasted and eontinued Th admission t th groand, which J' Pboa, Utah, Aug, 28, 1902. people eollect there every Bundty for good oondition. and grain ia nearly read v some There Ar at this : 650,000 Timbb the term. are, time, Eoitob include th exhibit in all department j the perpott of listening toretlgiona ter fer the reaper. acres of irrigable land ia the beautiCourt ad joamed to September 20th, xud the variousenterUinmeDt The pleasure eeekere from the lower provided , or lector oa rociaUiir, Mra. Margaret Hixson's sister have ful Balt Rivar Valley of SoetLera it th calendar win be aetfor th Oe-- most,temperance, pleading lor th pipoor nly be 25 eeatj for adulte end 10-valley are now wending their way bom returned to their homes in East Mill Arison; and what waa ones a arid waste W r term. fV'll'IreU. We 1 tbe Ei,: a. very much pleaeed with their opting. nd am on many more th Creek after a delightful vigil of tan day. la r.owibt loveliest of " garden spot -' r or. Peter Martin, aaseteor of Summit Co., tvmaw. Mra. Rachel Frasier returned today grant territory fifteen mile wide, lyu. v people and ' wwarwt tovyi AkfittA fistta ml was a pleasant caller here a few day ago. adoiiw. th from Balt Lake City, where she has spent between tbe Verde a ) placing that Of late many com to the Mormons. ,wUt Jumi j?jplhifhet,Mr. Martin will the iwetfwo week si T3r gvwxd " POO ..out t, ! the-prie- . keep cooitt toy iectl eitk ae ::ila aod listen edf hnderithhdby it'w pei iiitf ofcurtosUyi' am) aeeoeed himself ia oW. 7 r. ? , ; 7 i River, the main artery nameroaa canals man or woman that if they can get some what kind of I.c; ir., Mormons" the being to tbe Slat ir of 1802 J We Success s children accompanied her. that bring life to remedy that till etop th tradnal lose of the blood-ves- sel y r hop It will b a hammy. fa as- are. vJav b t , t wa not q much Of a Ae and Mr. H. F. Peterson were the soil. The total flow of the caeale fieeb and strength, their recovery Mr, thoufive ar Time dull here; very and sured. People that are nervous on iIauos, the Aida'1 predominated and Metlce. returning from Oakley last Friday they approximated 1,000,000 gallon per steady, bav dixxy spells, with weakened sand men ar reported being Idle. Many the older one enjoyed lepoee. Unitkd 8tatx Lax Ortict I length memory, and lost f ambition their blood lost their little boy's coat. The person minute. The main lateral hav a family are on the ere of starvation.. BAtt Lake Cn Utah, I The water eomraieutonera passed who will confer a favor by of nearly 400 mile, and tbe integral ii thin and watery. Ik shows in their it np picked hav bera critical condition Those ' Aug, 1902. ) , through Peon like a shot from a gun returning it to the owner. mileage is very extensive. Foremost tallow complex ion and tired manner, A Meat To Whom e droatb. about it Concom; long by brought muy the f rst of the week and one could not Tbe entertainment are the Arizona and the Grand Canals. soon at they commence to gain flesh they by Bernow hee up gotten than it demands look price higher and To Motio it heruby given tbxfr But better sleep better. gain en learn a thing from their trip and the miles long, tha Hixson and Mra. Wilson was well The former is forty-sevfrom on to three lbs, of good solid fieeb done for many years. When I arrived of UtAh hau filed to tbi of! lists of thereof. results rendered and largely attended . The pre beginning Dear ths junction of the Verde per week, tbe blood most bo made rich here mutton wav sold at five cent a land selected by tbe eaid Bn under of 8alt Lake mile and pure. Dr. Gunna Blood and Nerve P. City Hiskey section 12, of th Act of Coups HTtcgie ceeds will materially swell then of the and the Salt River twenty-eigpound, it is now twelve cents. Beef told of Phoenix, skirting the foothills to Tonic pot In tba body th very pith of here for the past dance east . --fra been rusticating July 16, 1884, The f&wing ladies the two tame at eight cents; is now eighteen cent. tracts embraced in aald Beta, e in ' few day. The gentleman in company weeks gotten np by to the north, and rendering fit for borti what makes pore rich blood in the most ago. direct way, and curse disease by making A great deal of meat it being imported township containing mineral e!xi of 7 retnrned to cultural aud agricultural purposes a large with Miss Tens Mcknight t Mies Millie Lee has a very indutrious strength. This Tonic 1 in tablet form, from New Zeeland. Bbeep men in record, via. t area of aemi tropical desert. Other great to be taken att Lake on Tuesday. right f ter meals. Itenricbe Australia owning large station I (ranches) List No. 119, Reservoir, th WkS3 cat. Bhe baa during tbe summer brought canals, inclndiog the Consolidated, ir- th blood, making force where there Borne of oar farmers think of turning to 10.Tp.8N., R.7 K. have spent thousands of poinds for feed her fond mistress lOt squirrel, six List No. 181. Reservoir, the 81 southern portion of tbe valley wufaintnese. For women weakness the rigate more of their land into grain and (or their eheep nod cattle and In spit of HWHNEjfi NW) Bra. 34, gophers and several birds. Whose cat Tp. while carrying the waters far a better remedy was never made. Sold it would be more profitable. Tnere can beat AM record T all all for 75cts. or they ar losing thousands every day by Druggist box, per out over tbe plana and lavishly dlatrib List No. 132, Beeervolrs, the NWk isoedoubt but wbst it would ae hay three boxes for 2.80, by mail. Write oe In some instances men bav been known NW W JjJ HOVTRVILLB uling their riches. Notable, indeed, if about your earn. Address, Dr. Goan, to sell their settle as low ae $2 00 ) NWJ BWJ Sot, will be a drug in the market from all per Horiwvuxa, Utah, Ang. 28, 1902. the contrast between th .loxriant. Ir- Philadelphia, Pa., , For aisle, fry John -heiad.' List No. 21, School of Mines, the BW rigated area and tba aagebroah deaert Boydea A Bon Coalville Utah. After two months of haying the crop Editox Tinas: At present we are baring tome eter above. Ex. hat not mack for winter time. A trip it about gathered in, with the exception There will be another wadding here A TRVE A CONPI w'll which of alfalta. eext week. Copie of raid list, to tar as they reof the second crop of two week beck in tbe both country Care ntaa late te sold tracts, hr descriptive subdiscarnot amount to much owing to the without per or iNipt gsv me an Primary coats rence will be bld here have been eonapicaoaaly posted visions, Love of one it kind and i praise has been an oo eovy Itching Pilec produce moisture end city of water. The season insight to suffering canted throuih short- in tbie office, for inspection 8naday eext. by any per-- oo cause well tbia as another. form, Blind, itching, ideal so for hay ing and the crap has been age of water. All fanner depend upon Mrs. and Mies Hsmiltoo of Salt Lake Interested, and by tb public genor Piles eared ar Bleeding Protruding eenred m first class order. Idleness ia th Incubator ol a great rain for their crops which is very un- erally. are here visiting relatives. Pile Remedy, Stops by Dr. Daring tht sixty day next following certain. For culinary jpurpofes water i . Vixn. , R. R. Enoch Brown, Jr. end Mrs. Benjautto icihlngaad bleeding. Absorb tumor. mxny small sint . th date of this notice tinder deparhoasoe of the and or sent by mail. at 50 roofs from jar Druggists, On their ewq merit moat men shoe id caught Brawn weut to Jordan Tuesday. tment! instruction of November' 27, 1 Treaanae free; write about your case. UOCXrOKT preserved ia large Uuiki. Sometime 1898, (23 L. D,, 459), Fred Einnt sad family have gone to Dr. Bosauko, Philada. Pa. For sale by keepqalet ' protest or contest this become very stale, and sometimes against tbe claim ol tbe State to HocsroaT, Utah, Aug.J7 1902. Bait Lake to make their Lome. any of John Boydea A Bon. The choieeet apple it al wave just be" they have noneihen they, have to fray th tract ortobdivisionabereiobefore- Emroa Twee J onn and lieber Gunn and "David yond your reach. it. All this impresses upon a persons described, on tbe ground that the tame bns-ioeft. B. L. Eskelson have gone on a fishing trip oa Mr. aod Mr. Btembndge made a Your life isnt worth living nnleee you mind the real worth of valley homes sur- is more valuable for mineral than for Boar river. agricultural purpose will be received Kensington met with Mrs. J. L. Boy think it it. trip to Park City yosterday. rounded with enowcaped hills (ending and noted for visit-ing repor to tbe General den are of A 20ih. eon very Ogden Wednesday, and Aug. Larkin Crittenden Herbert was made Mr. happy it easier to etart founUine of purewiter. It Land Office, at Washington, D. C. Foil-n- re forth afternoon wa spent in busy Mr. aod Mrt. Biddoway. Wednesday by the arrival at hia home pleasant so to protest or content within the VV ere not meeting much opposition than it i to stop ber. work and have conversation, after which e of a baby girl. aod t me eon daughter specified will be considered churches. Hortio, different Mrs. at present from the it said to be delicioo lunch wa served by the evidence of the non-.relatives. to viU Bobbin Mra. from worst nra) enemies. tbe east is here Tbe'josepbitesar our cure for gone to Croyden of tbe laid tracts, and the character of much those to tbe enjoyment of Bpring-vil- le visiting with her cousin, Mr. Martha hostess, to about deal nu, e have great Mrs. Banting and daughter ty A boys headache it always worse juat They thereof, being otberwiae free pre en t. Th rooms were beautifully Wiiktneou. but I often believe it itameaoa th Lord from objection, will be recommended accompanied Mrs. bortia te Croyabont school time. d worsted. A number of our has of sounding us to ten our faith, for approval. young people will den. . The average man deaevee himself Wednesday, September Ird, at tbe Fbahx IX Hobbs, Register, Btemhave been sounded Alfred on for leave Borne in this Monday Provo, where they home of Mra. L. E. Mr. Vernon and eon, Gnomon A. Smith, Receiver. than be does olbert. 8-Eldredge, the regular like tbi the out will attend school tbi winter. and most all ran Be,no,,, purest & will of club tbe iridge and weekly meeting begin The wsy of the transgressor is often A laftotawt. teal when sounded by tbe smith. A on Bearer creek." Miss Alice Sargent and Mr. and Mrs. for the season. Th work for tbe year roogh on the other fellow. place are baying Mrs. Curtiu Baber, Mxy," says lucked sound who that souuded were to lew Heber Freeman Malin bare retained home haa not been outlined but with increased io William Suker bas gone Book waiter, Ohio, "an infant child of If a man say what be thiake be it nets, they cast tbeir lot with tbe sold from tbe ' frowi their trip with tk water commie- been ha that ia aafe to predict xnober it foor a membership inu neigh her was suffering from cbo-l- . get not likely to ho a groat toiker. ' to Henry Beam- - sionera. era infantum. Th doctor had belonging ueoeeafol year lor the 8. B. L. A. E. pound given np I eetrej A man is always on time when he bae Praying tbe Lord to tdej a , is the hopes of recovery. I took of ChamMia Ada Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph us. of in the berlains Colic. Cholera sad Diarrhoee Gospel so appointment with a pretty girl. prayer of your eervant Btembndge, who baegargeat, Wm. Sargent, Jr., and wife, Slope the rough Mist Mamie Remedy to the Loose, toning them I is Christ, nod There ,or ,oro Charles Bsrgent, Andrew Hobson and works off Ihe Cold. something wrong with a pi to frk felt sure it would do good If use accor- oworking be Edwakd Powxll, Jx. Tablets ear a if a smell hoy refusal a second piece. home on Monday to visit George Holmes have gone on the grade, Laxative Braino-Quinin- e returned time sold in one day. No Core, no Pay. Prk-Any man can learn to make mistake TO CVU A COLD IN ONN DAT 25 seats. her parent. Australia N. B. Wale. now (nearly a year tince) a wiihopt serving an apprenticeship. vigoron, Take Laxative firomo Quinine Tablets. healthy girl. I bate recommended tbie to want n If woman everAll druggists refund the money if it ails Your return' card printed on yoe gain Remedy frequently and heave never Send us your orders for all known it to knife in her belt, to core. E. W. Groves eigoatnr 1 on ioo envelopes for ark at friendship her advice cents end eod fail in any single inetsoee. lasting re, with a pistol For sal byJohnBoyden A Son Druggist of Job Work. kinds office. THE psssaed each box 25c. it. TIMES i ivlle hotse, epir.i ndiPl COUNTY NEWS. DROUTH IN AUSTRALIA. et tH riot. A lgy, a 't P--- V T-- j ru . u 1 T-- - 1 ut ht ap-oro- be-Im- vw life-givin- g ht - tan r u ee euf-firi- ent ion self-estee- of-le- ner mi-ei- 15 CwrW-rChaUr- e tad .V a . a 10-1- 8 A |