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Show luviutiuna were iaaued thla uti'k to 1 ; i tli Weddiag recepliou to be given at the s j home ol Ward K. Vack, Kauiaa, next t I Frhlay night, Pept Mb, in hoonr ol the ; ", . marriage ol 0. A. Caili aud (trace E. , feck. ' The week ended Auguat luili waa i' w.rmand without precipitation; the tvuerature waa aliglilly above the normal nor-mal Iruet owimj In the higher alti-" alti-" , tU'Je during the niiiliileol the week, and did conauterabl. damage iu Purnruil 1 county. Kleewhere the week wee favor eh a Inrgrowliig cropeand for lall work. Lute grain field are being cut, and thiaabiiig conl. nura throughout the State. Uraiu It of i fair YieM, aud I he ' qtmlitv la generally good. Corn, polatoel ' 1.1 d augar heeta continue to do well, to- ( tuatoea are ripe and cauniug ba begun. i I i W. H. Wilaon waa a paeeenrer to Calk City Taeailay. Mra. Henry fatto ol Park City en bar Toeeday on huaiaeee. Born.taKlay, In Mr. and Mra, B. .1, Faddier, a bounring girl. All well. T. I. Allen went down to halt Lake yeelarday auornlng on boaineae. An unhappy wile ie one whoea bua-band bua-band alwaya lata her have her own way. Miaa Jane Ann Koblneoa ol Prove ha been viaillng here lor a weak pant with bar parent. Mlee Jalia Uerlla, aianagerollbe Park City telephone eichanga, waa here Toeaday Toea-day on a viait. A flu baby bey waa bora to Mr. and Mra. ;oaeph Allen Wedneeday night. All doing nicely. Hicliard Lambert traveling representative represent-ative ol the eeret New, we her yealerday on hoaiaeae. It iao't whata aoinandoean'tknowao much aa why aba doean'l know that it count with a nan. Dan l.lvingatvn ol Ball Lake apent tba week her in the inlereet ol the New York Lile Inaorance Co. Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy haa a world wide reputa'ion lor It cure. It sever (alia aad It pleaaant and aala to take. For ealc by John Hoyden A Son Druggiata. William Froat lelt yaaterday morning lor Provo, where be weot totakehiaeon, Cuailee, aba will attend th B. Y. Academy Acad-emy thla aeaeo. Mra. Froat errata-panled errata-panled them and waa taken to Bait Lake to receive treatment for br aoe. Henry L. Bbattuck ol dhellaborg, Iowa, waa cured ol a ctomach tronble with wblcb be bad been afflicted lor yean, by four boxea ol Chamherlaia Bioauckaad Uver TahleU. II bad previously tried Biany other remediea ad a number ol pbyalrlan without re-liel. re-liel. For aal by Joho Boyden A bo Druggiela. Tha lollowtng teacher are hen taking eiamiaaiioa : John K, Lemon, Ketu luaaoD, Mary Smith. Mary Walker, lUaaieTbewaa, Aaala Carrotb, Mlltoa Crolt, Lola llobeoa, Hannah Rbeadand Martha Savage. Tha iamlaatlon it being be-ing conducted by Bo pi. W. M. Boydeo, C. A. Ulocber, aud Oacar Crittenden. A marriage that hat been kept a profound pro-found teerat aver ino it occurred, took place at Farmington, Aug. 17, tb contracting partial being Miaa Katie Lee ol Wanablp, Bomaait county and William Mandate, a clerk in tba Boyd Park Jewelry Jewel-ry iter. Their friendt, though much urpriaed, are now eitending hearty eon-graiulatiooc eon-graiulatiooc Wedneeday' Deeeret Newa. Knowledge without th power to apply ap-ply it I ol very Utile uae. There la a vaet difleianc belweaa book learuiog and practical atpatUaco, aad el the two. In latter ic th more Important. It I ueeible lor a eery learned man to bo utterly ut-terly lucomplnt la lb practical werk of hit department el knowledge. How often duet the graduate who take all lb bnnora at the medical aeboal or law echool lail in tba practice el hie probation! proba-tion! During th Brat lew year alter graduation the doctor, the lawyer, tiie (ivll englnaer engaged In th actual day work ol blc profeealun practically learna the whole thing ovur again. It it tha man w bo ran do tbinga, who ran Biake oei of bit knowledge who aue-ceeda aue-ceeda Mutt of Da room on the morrow aa if II lielonga to ua. We quite draplt the pietent which leouraand which weuee an a mere foolatool by which locliiub into in-to the lulcre. And yet the prevent la til only time which ia really oare. It hua Im-u taid that happiueat contitla niainly In eipeclation o' aomethlng to come. Certain it ia that the realiia-tion realiia-tion ol otii ' . bopea la alwaya in a meaaure ! ditappoiuting. The mart who rearhee lor power aad graapa it flmla it truiib -loiut tndtireaome. Tha uiau alio iaaru-bitoua iaaru-bitoua to be wealthy diacoverv, when be i baa gaiurd all hop d for, that ba ia no happier than when he waa pour. Hut eiperieuce doea not Irach him camion, llu hupea thai more power or more uiunev will bring him th happineaa to which he ha not yet attained. He atill cuunia on the futor, aud hr keepa on counting OB it until deatb putt a quietua on hit bopee. Ei. A woman either ailjuatt hertell to btr aurroondinga, ailjutta bar anrroonifinga to aoit herarll, or grta a divorce. John ( roll anil eon Milton were ap Irom I'etereun tbie week. Thelatterwai here to lekclhe teavber' eiaminatlon. Mra. Aaiot Mntber and daughter returned re-turned to I'trk City yeeterday after ependioga wtek herewith ber parent. New flooring in front ol th oountart at the Co-op dry gooda ator waa pat down tbil week and covered with linoleum. lino-leum. Many a married man who knoea enough to come in out ol tha lain pre-fera pre-fera to alay out rather than face th uV meatle norm Iniide. I Aleiander Wright and family and Joe Black and family lelt Wedneeday nort-ing nort-ing lor Honey ville, Boilder county where they will viait for a lew dayt. Attorneyi Uenry Bhleida and J. M. Lockbartel Park City and Edward Ue-Uuriu, Ue-Uuriu, C, B. Stewart aad Bitmark Hny-der Hny-der ol Bait Lake ware her yeeterday attending dlttrict court. . |