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Show An Exempt at ImgekMaei. Tbeie are, at thie time, eome 660,000 aret of irrigable land la the beautiful beauti-ful Salt River Valley ol Southern Aritona ; and w hat wae once an arid waetc ie I ow the lovelieet of garden tpote a ret territory Blteen mllee wide, lying between the.Verde and the (Ilia V-nrw, and extending Ally mllee along dalt River, the main artery numerout eanalt the blood-vetiele that bring life lo the toil. The total Bow ol the canali approximated 1.0QAOX1 gallona per minute. The main lateralt have a length ol uearly 400 mllee, and tbe Integral mileage ie very extenaive. Foremott are the Ariiouaaud the Uraud Canalt. The former le forty-aeren mi lee long, beginning near the Junction of iba Verde and the Salt River twenty-eight mllm eaat of Phoenix, eklrting tbe loolbillt to to tho north, and rendering fit for horticultural horti-cultural and agricultural puipoerealarge area of eeml tropical deeert. Olber great canalt, including the Contolldated, irrigate ir-rigate tbe toulbcrn portion of the valley while carrying the life-giving waterefar out over tbe plana and lavlahly dlttrib-uling dlttrib-uling their riehee. Notable, Indeed, it tbe contraet between tbe luxriant Irrigated Ir-rigated arrae aod the tagebrutb deeert above. Ex. |