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Show PA(.ti WAR IN INDIANA. tVtiliea oC ilia North llava Not Vet Nolve.1 lite Kca I'roltlaiu. A rce riot broke out Hunday at llnuafhvillc, Indiana, between 2uu ne-gme. ne-gme. and nhtte employed by the National Na-tional Mnlieahlo anting compauy. There ha Weu bitter race feeling between be-tween them for hereral yeiira aud trouble trou-ble ha fietucntty broken out. Two people have been kl)led. A ball game 8tuiiUy morning liftwevn the two fac-u fac-u u,cd rxuttemeiit, Aa the croud y. the .Tfld, lHM.ttHi.ra broke out. 'Stone, brick h, cluha and other mlkailtis were Ukcd. Two hundred ernoiik were Immediately urunhed together In a fighting mafa. Twelve or tlfiren ahota were ttrctl and It In repotted one negro waa ahnl, but he wa taken from the Held Iwfure th polite arrived. The whitea neia vietortoun, driving the black from the held aud wounding wound-ing a nuiulter of them, he vera I whita people wera Jiadly injured. Ten arreat. ar-reat. have ben hi id e and othera will be ina aa rapidly a the pciauua are fouutl. |