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Show MUKDLK MVSTLRY IN IDAHO. HALF CONSU-XFO BODY FOUND IN A PILE OF BLAZING TIES. InfUrNllnnt An That Mi Han. ho Hi Hlrollln Tlnhrr Hod Mii Mur-.If-rftl anil f ttnt Mailt lu 1 on.-I tha t rim. The M.1jrof a mn. ftlf Mrtnmil ; flr-, nm fnunl netr Uowney nlatinn, i Idaho, Moodaj flat-noon. Th coro- j nrr mn hltrrlfT vmrm al once notirt-ti., , ml MomUy nlfflit nroner I Iran huc) IVputy KhrllT lirinnhn. of I'lH-atrllo. Irft fnr tlia acrno of tlta ifrurmnn l.-vovtrj. l.-vovtrj. A tiilrptioim rncttftiitra from (oronvr I If no iav ilftalla of whal Mema Ui ha lr en tntirdrr, couple,1 Willi a horrible attampt to cover up Ibt crime. The rem a I on wtre fouod a mile ami a half north of iNmne nation, and have aince bern lilrntlflr-il aa thoet of a man named Ifruce, who waa known ai a primer In I'o-ratello yeara ugu, Lately hi haa Urn through that aeo-tlon aeo-tlon of the country aa a aort of troll-Injf troll-Injf tlnU-qf. When found tha bmly waa a miu of roaallng flrab.hlacUeoeil alinoat Itejoud all recuffnltlon. A burning tie )aj Acroaa tha body and tha 'barred re-maina re-maina of a burned cloth wera over the face. Ilurnlnjr tiea had been heaped around tha body and a Utile mora timi would have conauined It completely. Coniner llean, tn hla Inveatiatton, found three bad cota on the head, out above the left eye and two on the back of the bead, r'rom the poaltloa of thv body, he la confident that the man wai murdered and then placed auiontf tha burning Ilea In order that all evidence of the crime inlffht tw obliterated. |