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Show OROVTH IN AVSTRALIA. Elder Edw&rd Powell Wtllaa e,n Inter eallne Latter from the.t Country. Krekineville, Auetralia, July SI, 1IH2. EniTua Tihib : The Timio it received b) each mail boat from America and read with ratit-fartlon, ratit-fartlon, 1 frel quite at home whea reading ol old aoeocialea and placet ol familiarity, ae well ae letlere ol thnte engaged In the tame work at mytell in I different parte ol ttie world. It It over a year tine I Ir ft home, yet, it dotn't eeem that lung to me. I have been ttaiioned in R)dney ever tlnce my arrival here. 1 have had good Itealth and enjoyed my work. Mnny trlende have raited lo admlniater the neelt ol the Eldert, I leel a- though the piayere ol the Lattei-day aainta are antoered in behalf ol the mivaionariee every day. 1 know of no other work that advancee young men along the road of wlnlomand intelligence, and ranee him to teuee the reality of lile more quickly, than being truly a mlaioi.ay of JeiutChriat, At preeent I here are about tixty-flve inrmhera in thit conference, beridee a lew application! lor liaptlim. We rent a hall lor public wonliip and hold Bun-day Bun-day echnol at 10:80 a. m. every other Sunday 1 at 2 SO p. m. lacrament meeting meet-ing and every Sunday at 7:00 p. 0). meeting. Vtually Sunday sight meet-luge meet-luge are well a'.tended. Every other Sunday at 8:00 p. m. we hold open air meeting! Id a large public domain, where there are gatbcrlnge ol nearly all denomination! denom-ination! holding loorth. Tbouaaada ol people collect there every Bunday lor the pa'poee ol lltleuing torallglout eer monv, or lector I on loclellint, pi r-olgy, r-olgy, temperanoe, pleading! lor the poor and among many more tbe "light oaleotaAor." People paaatag trora tx.e tact-re to au;ber lu n Hop aed lilleb lo tbe Mormona." Ol late many come and luten to oi out ol eurloeily, and eee what kind ol beluga the "Mormont" are. Timet are very dull here; Ave thou-aand thou-aand men art reported being idle. Many a family ere on the eve of etarvallon. There critical condition! have been brought about liy a long drouth. Meat demand! higher pricee now than it baa done for many year. When I arrived bere mutton wit laid at five evnt a pound, it ie now twelve oente. Beef told at eight cenlt ; it now eighteen eentt. A great deal of meat it being Imported Irom New Zealand. Sheep men in Auttralla owning large itelloni tranche) have ipent thouaande ol poanda lor feed for their iheep and cattle and In iplteof all they are loalng thoueanda every day. In eome imtancet mea bave been known to eell their cattle a low ae 2 00 per head. At preeent we are having tome item but not much lor winter lime. A trip ol two weeki beck in the buth country without '-puree or t:npt" gave ma an inaight toiulferingcauaed through ihort-age ihort-age ol water. All farmer depend up in rain for their cropa which it very uncertain. un-certain. For culinary purpotet water It caught from rooft of the bnuet aod preserved lu large Uukt. Bomelimee thit become very Hale, and aometlmel they have none, then they have to buy it. All thit itnprettei upon a prraon'a mind the real worth ol valley homeeaur-rounded homeeaur-rounded wilb euowcaned hilla tending forth fountain! of pure water. We are not meeting much opposition at preienl from the different churchea. The'joeepulteeare our woral enemiet. They have a gruel deal to tiy about ut, but 1 olten believe it it a meant the Lord baa of Bounding ua to tett our faith. Home In thit uil-tlou have been eoiinded and inott all ran, out like the pureat -Uel when ion ruled by the) imltb. A few were touuded who lucked that auund-nett, auund-nett, they cant their lot with the K -org-anixed church. Praying the Lord to bleu all, la the prayer of your tervani in lh (ioiel of Chritt, EllWAHD I'UWBIL, Jh. 8 Too-good St., Enkioevllle, Syduev, Auttralla N. B. Walei. |